We need to talk...

Tjiani Member Posts: 78
edited December 2019 in General Discussions

I have been playing DBD for quite some time now, and I have always loved this game, until now.. I'm a main survivor (solo, red ranks) and I have to say it's a freaking nightmare..

First I have to wait 5-10 minutes to even get into a match, just to be camped, tunneled, slugged and moried, even before I get to earn enough points not to depip.. An average match takes about 3-5 minutes before all survivors are slugged or killed.. It's just not fun anymore. I am sad having to leave the game, because it's always been one of my favorites, but at this point it's just not worth it anymore. I can't see how this game is supposed to be balanced? In every single match, the killer gets 30-40 k points, while my co-players and I have to praise ourselves lucky just to keep our ranks?

I gave up escaping long time ago, usually I am just trying to keep my head above water, and earn the points needed to keep my rank or pip, but could We at least increase blood-points for doing gens, totems, healing ect. to at least make it worthwhile for survivors? Most of the time I find myself thinking "I might as well DC, because I haven't gotten to do anything" when I am getting tunneled, slugged and moried for God knows which time.. I am not a fan of people dcing, but I can't say I don't understand why they do it.

Something needs to be done, we are not all SWF teams and though they might be OP, we struggle on the solo surv side -.-

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520
    edited December 2019

    I hope, I will not hear the words "we need to talk" for a long time in my real life... but what dbd matters, you are right :).

    Totems destroying could really give more ep. So would maybe also some survivors learn, that there is a way against all the hex perks.

  • PrissyCoyote
    PrissyCoyote Member Posts: 10

    I feel you so much. I've given up along time ago on escape but when I needed to do the escape 5 times it was such a hard time. The first match I played with it I was so close to escape but no one was going for the last person so I didn't make it out. At this point I'm just there to protect my teammates and die.

  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703

    I'm on level 69 on the Rift, all challenges 1-4 done. Once I reach 70 I am having a break.

    Well, I will stick around for the double blood but having a vacation after that.

  • Scytere
    Scytere Member Posts: 123

    But like to de-pip people. Now I'm sad as a killer.😜😆

  • luka2211
    luka2211 Member Posts: 1,433

    you should try civ 5 maybe?Jokes aside,its like that for killer against swf groups.You just watch as they tear you apart and do gens,and as solo when i play i have 3 minute chases and people do 1 gen.They should just buff solo survivors to swf levels in terms of communication and that would be enough probably

  • MAV
    MAV Member Posts: 52

    If your average match is 3-5 minutes as a red rank then you are doing something terribly terribly wrong... If that's a dramatic exaggeration, then what else is an exaggeration?

    I also main survivor... Sometimes I'm unluckily... Very rarely am mori'd... And most matches last over 10 mins if not more...

  • KingMyers
    KingMyers Member Posts: 57

    Ok calm down keyboard warrior it doesn't have to mean they do anything wrong, I've personally spawned into quite a few different matches with the killer literally only needing to take 4 steps to apply terror radius/see me and at that point your fate is at the killers hand, if they wanna camp you it's game over if they have a mori and your team is stupid it's game over either way matches CAN end in 3-5 minutes

  • VLight
    VLight Member Posts: 126

    Solo Survivor gets very annoying. The Devs definitely need to buff Solo Survivors, because exactly this happens to a lot of solos. I personally dont have these experiences, even at red ranks, every game, but maybe it has to do with the platform/region maybe? I play on PS4, NA servers.

  • PotatoGod
    PotatoGod Member Posts: 5

    Imagine actually caring about ranks. Ranks doesnt mean anything. Killers mainly do that because high rank for killers is literally annoying. Everyone gens rush, flashlight and septics. So to have the edge you just do those. I personally dont cause i like people to have fun, also the reason i dont care about ranks and also why sometimes i dont kill unless toxic behaviour. So just dont care about ranks, depip and enjoy like medium ranks. You meet better killer who well are better than most. rank 1 killers and are fun. Also most killers arent like that. Some are just toxic and like people to be salty. Best thing is just depip and have fun but try nor to be too toxic

  • SlimyTaco
    SlimyTaco Member Posts: 133

    Maybe ranks dont, but getting about 10k points for running the killer around for 5 gens is absolutely abhorrent.

  • Tr0g
    Tr0g Member Posts: 241

    Survivors are OP, that's why few people play killer, that's why your queue times are long. You losing so often is just you being bad. Killers need a buff so people want to play them more.

  • dkyguy1995
    dkyguy1995 Member Posts: 45

    I think the devs seriously need to consider the amount of BPs survivors get. On PS4 it takes like 10 minutes to find a survivor game and they get half as many points as the killer. Killers find games nearly instantly. I think the problem is Killer needs a huge incentive to play just because it takes much longer and is much harder to get good at compared to playing survivor. I'm not sure there is an easy solution

  • dkyguy1995
    dkyguy1995 Member Posts: 45

    Yeah being hyperbolic doesn't convince people you're right it just makes it sound whiny

  • Diam
    Diam Member Posts: 50

    Yes they can end in 3-5 minutes. Yet how often does that happen? Rarely for me when I play survivor. And if they do I say ggwp, go to the next game, and not even consider complaining on the forums because I lost a match.

  • lamekiller
    lamekiller Member Posts: 23

    As a killer main swf stomps my ass every time. I have noticed that although killers do get alot of bp not alot of pips.

  • MAV
    MAV Member Posts: 52

    Read his post and it states the AVERAGE match is 3-5 minutes... Never said a 3-5 min match is impossible, but to average 3-5 mins at red ranks (or any rank) is highly improbable... So perhaps before going all "keyboard warrior" yourself... You should read both posts

  • hammertime
    hammertime Member Posts: 51

    I feel the exact same say. I lose matches on purpose so i don't have to play annoying survivors and i dont care for rank i play for fun.

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246

    How do you buff solo survivors without buffing SWF as well?

  • danielbird11
    danielbird11 Member Posts: 150

    I am sick of entitled killer mains always saying this sh*t it's not true. Survivors lose so often because there is nothing we can do to counter what killers do. Killers have been buffed to the point where survivor is near impossible to play right now. Unless you play swf which good killers can still demolish if they play right not to mention most bugs in this game favour killers over survivors. Killers just need to stop corrupting this game by complaining and just git gud and accept that wins are not just handed to them on a silver platter.

  • Ancille
    Ancille Member Posts: 37

    As someone who's red rank on pc and ps4, I feel you. The higher the rank you are the longer the queues (red rank is almost 10min, green is almost instant on pc), and the sweatier the games. The game is being adjusted as "killers vs. SWFs" whereas solo survivors just get screwed. The kindred buff is the first time I've seen solo survivors buffed in a long long time.

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    Why is it fair for a survivor to have equal BP to a Killer? You understand the reason people play Killer is mostly because of the BP difference. Would you like lobbies to be 40 plus mintues while everyone fights for the few Killer mains after the difference between Survivor and Killer blood points is exactly evened out?

    A Killer has to deal with multiple people while juggling them has to deal with keeping Gens undone while keep pressure on the map. A Killer is by themselves so they don't have to fight for points except against the survivors.

    Survivors have to loop a killer, be a little altruistic, and sit at gens to put pressure on a Killer. With 4 people doing this you fight for the points. You have a limited amount of gens, healing, totems, chest, unhooks, pallets, and doors throughout the entire trial. With 4 people actively engaging in these to obtain points.

    Also if you deal with mass amounts of slugging you put Unbreakable on. Seriously change your build for what's happening. Like I tell everyone a build should cover your weaknesses. If Slugging is prevalent at your rank and games it's time to adjust for that. Meta builds are Meta for a reason, but not learning is a mistake many players commonly make on both sides.

    DCing is a issue. If your DCing or debating it then your also part of the problem or becoming close to it. Chances are if your not gonna Pip or safety then you haven't figured out what you need to do for Pipping up and getting a Safety.

    Also the Cap for BP on both sides is 32k unless a event makes it possible to go above it. So if a Killer or Survivor is using a perk slot for BBQ or WGLF they are attempting to get BP quickly. While BBQ has a aura effect as well that helps most people are using it for BP. It does help, but it's not as game changing at high ranks that people act or think like it is.

    Mori it might feel bad, but did you ready up? Bring a Key? TTV streamer in your lobby? Many factors go into why a killer could of brought one. Remember that the killer is another player as well. What happened to make them want to bring one?

  • EntityDrudge
    EntityDrudge Member Posts: 184

    I feel like if the game was that bad you'd just stop. Instead of whining here. It sounds like you're justnot good enough for the high ranks. Which is not an insult. Im not either as a survivor. Which is why i stop playing survivor once i hit about rank 7. SWF is a lot more common than you think. So high rank killers have to be efficient. That's just the way it is.

  • brocktree
    brocktree Member Posts: 37

    Honestly the best buff for solos would just be to make an in game audio chat

  • Krystress
    Krystress Member Posts: 52

    I have no clue what happened. I see red rank killers camp and tunnel now, which is new to me. My guess is matchmaking is #########?

  • RandomHyperBeast
    RandomHyperBeast Member Posts: 35

    I kinda agree with you. If your red ranks ad doing this bad. Drop down some ranks and see how you do. There is no reward to being higher rank:). Because no point playing with killers that are so much better than you that you die without having fun. But I do think survivors need more blood points. Not the same as killers because they divide there tasks to four people rather than one killer but just a little so you can get more than 4 items on the bloodweb.

  • Ashlich
    Ashlich Member Posts: 119
    edited December 2019

    As a killer, I've been getting matched with red ranks ever since entering green ranks, and those people are the sweatiest tryhards you'll ever meet. Endless looping, running around pallets just to try and stun you and then sit at it taunting you until you start breaking it before they sprint away again only to repeat. So to deal with those kinds of people, I bring a green mori, just so I can remove the annoyance from the game.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    You are not struggling because solo survivor is hard, you are struggling because there a lot of survivors at red ranks who don't belong there. Pipping is way too easy nowadays.

    Playing solo surv at red ranks was fine last year, when pipping wasn't as easy and you got normal-good teammates.

    Now, it's really down to luck what kind of mates you get. If playing solo surv is too frustrating, play SWF or play killer.

  • VLight
    VLight Member Posts: 126
    edited December 2019

    Saying Survivor is unplayable is just simply not true at all, judging that there are still many Survivors playing the game, winning, and as for me, who plays both sides, can win on both sides. You're really overreacting on how powerful Killers are, especially when there are still very strong maps for Survivor, like Blood Lodge, Ormond, Thompson House, and still weak Killers in the game like Legion, Clown, or Bubba.

    Survivor is not unplayable. That's just wrong. I play both sides, and have fun with both. Rank 3 Survivor , Rank 1 Killer.

  • Undeadbear13
    Undeadbear13 Member Posts: 33
    edited December 2019

    Honestly I would say they need to loosen the reigns on actually getting pips / keeping pips, but it would just make red ranks that much worse if it was easier to get into. I think the best fix is to make a casual mode that doesn't have the ranking system and also have ranked and just overhaul the ranking system. As it stands players are forced into a massive competitive stance and it's really not good for the games health.

  • DanteMorello
    DanteMorello Member Posts: 142

    The devs should just stop with the game and remove it from Steam. Was a nice idea didn't work.

    Stopped playing it. Can recommend that. 10/10

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    Maybe you're not supposed to be in red ranks against good killers if you lose so much then. Blame the ranking system for allowing bad/dumb survivors into red ranks and enforcing farming the points to rank up as the skillful way to play.

    Maybe if ranking was harder and more skill focused then solos in red ranks wouldn't be such potatoes most of the time.

  • Tr0g
    Tr0g Member Posts: 241

    When has a killer ever been buffed lol? BHVR throws out killer nerfs like Oprah.

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    We all have been. While some people remain unaffected due to experince it significantly hurts less experienced players. Use this time with matchmaking to learn new tactics and don't take it seriously man. I also heard some people depiped to yellow to get paired with people who have more or less the same experience level in the game.

  • Mikebrix
    Mikebrix Member Posts: 14

    Ranks don't matter, LoL. A red rank survivor has the luxury of playing with other good survivors. I've taken a break from the game before and rank reset puts you with shoddy survivors who like to DC. They're are plenty of seasoned killers who have rank reset to level 20. Friday and Saturday nights is a bad night to play if you don't wanna get camped and tunneled.

  • ppo8820
    ppo8820 Member Posts: 763

    This 100% sums up my experience as well. Killer mains will rush to this post like flies to a turd in July to say git gud, but fact is there’s too many toxic killer builds being exploited. The games become so unfun it’s a bummer.

  • ppo8820
    ppo8820 Member Posts: 763

    This is a great idea. The points and pipping drives me nuts. I hate to say I care about pipping as much as I do.

  • SilentSlayer
    SilentSlayer Member Posts: 20

    Do you play killer at all? The game favors survivors.

  • Zamblot
    Zamblot Member Posts: 270

    This game can suck alot of the time but I don't get posts like this. One of the main reasons it happens so commonly is that so many people that play ######### get rewarded for it and get to red ranks. Red ranks don't really require much skill, just effort and time... I don't see the reason for putting in so much effort into pipping/keeping your pip if you hate going against those sorts of killers. The way I do it is: Go to rank 1 to prove to yourself that you can do it. Play chill and for the team for the rest of the time but not too tryhardy. Drop out of red ranks and have fun in high green/low purple

  • Artemis_LH
    Artemis_LH Member Posts: 113

    Sometimes, I find that taking an extended break (a week or so) does wonders for helping me to enjoy the game again after a while.

    "Absence makes the heart grow fonder"

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    I know man I'm saying everyone is having that issue as well who plays killer.

    Let me ask you something what rank and color in your honest opinion do you believe you belong in? I'm not trying to shame you or anything I just want your own honest opinion of what your skill level would match.

  • Ashlich
    Ashlich Member Posts: 119

    I feel I'm between Green and Yellow. I just don't deal with loops well at all and I've been taking killers that can shut those down instead of being a survivor chew toy all match.

  • meatisadelicacy
    meatisadelicacy Member Posts: 1,920

    Also a red rank survivor here, and I definitely see the most ebony moris during the double blood point events, which is either an odd coincidence or just really toxic behavior from a lot of killers. I do have nights though outside the double bp events that there will be 5-6 games in a row with Ebony moris. Honestly, I'm playing less and less. The matchmaking makes it impossible to play with friends unless they're all the same rank, so every person I've tried to introduce to this game has quit. Wait times for games can take up to 20 minutes with all the dodging and random disconnect errors. The rift or tome or archive has made survivor games much worse - they've basically added secondary objectives for survivors and games are just freaking miserable to play. I don't see anything changing so for me, eventually I just won't be playing anymore. It's a shame but it's just not enjoyable anymore.