Toxic Messages Vs Messages of Praise

So I've been wondering as we head into 2020, throughout DBD's life, what's been your experiences of praise Vs toxic or abusive messages that have stuck with you, and what's the ratio of these messages?

To give some context of my experiences:

Platform: PS4

Time played: Devotion 3 LV 50 (as it's on PS4 no idea how many hours this equates to)

Killer/Survivor Ratio: 50/50

Ranks: Purples/Reds

In my experience the messages I've received have almost always been toxic/negative and only today have I received my first ever compliment/praise after the game, which caused me to ponder if this was the norm or the exception.

On PS4 it's a real pain to message as there's no chat box, only the PSN menu which ain't the best to use. As a survivor, I've never received a message from a killer, but as a solo player who doesn't hang around to troll the killer, I guess there's not much to say. As a killer on the other hand, I'd say one out of every 10-15 games I'd receive some form of hate mail. If SWF are involved the likely hood of this tends to be much higher, as I think they need something to do while they wait for their friends still alive to die/escape. While I don't often camp/tunnel etc, if a certain survivor/survivor team decide to teabag etc, I will do whatever is needed for me to enjoy that game. From time to time, I will use Mori's/let the last survivor go, but I don't make a habit of either. I consider this a fairly normal attitude to the killer role. The amount of messages has always felt fairly high to me, but then I remember the days of CoD and all the on mic trash talking and it all seems a wee bit more normal.

A negative experience that has stuck with me, was a particularly sweaty game of Hillbilly Vs SWF, quite a while back. I felt both sides played well, and in the end despite all the gens being completed, none of the survivors made it out. My inbox was flooded with 10 plus messages of misspelt, angry, insulting mails and the fact I reported and ignored them seem to infuriating them more, as they spammed me over the next hour. Blocked and ignored but it stuck with me, how entitled some people felt that they should be allowed to escape because of XYZ. This is something I see often, but unless I as the killer feel like being merciful or wish to reward a good player with a bad team and allow them the hatch, then I don't feel they're entitled to anything.

Now on the other side of this, the positive mail I received today complimented me on my Devour Hope usage. Playing Piggy on Lampkin, things are pretty fairly matched, Devour hits 5 stacks and that's the end of that match for them. Received a nice message complimenting the surprise use of the perk. Was a lovely change in the sea of hate mail, as I was fully expecting it to be hate.

It got me wondering, what ratio of positive to negative hate mail do players receive and does platform make a difference when the chatbox is right there after a game, making the prospect of saying GG much easier? Thanks for your replies below.


  • tetsuo
    tetsuo Member Posts: 151

    Lucky you, i’ve only got negative messages for playing killer

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,906

    I've gotten some complimentary messages from doing scratched mirror Myers. People telling me how I scared the hell out of them and how much fun it was.

  • LordCyphre
    LordCyphre Member Posts: 195

    I play on both PS4 and PC. I've gotten a fair share of messages complimenting me for playing well or "fair" though the amount of salty hatemail is significantly higher, especially on console.

    It isn't too uncommon for everyone to just type "GG" and move on after a match on PC though.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    I honestly love the messages lol they are usually from a upset survivor/killer for losing. They are always just hilarious to troll. I don't play toxic as survivor unless the killer does also. As killer I don't camp and try to play as fair as possible but still people complain over nothing.

  • cipherbay_
    cipherbay_ Member Posts: 379

    Hopefully less of this petty bs

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342
    edited December 2019

    As a PC player, I don't often get a lot of hate in the post-game chat as killer. More often, I find survivors who are neutral (just "gg" and move on) or downright complimentary even when I expect them to be salty and rude.

    Occasionally there's a group or two that you can tell were planning to be mean, but a compliment or a "gg :)" just completely takes the wind out of their sails and they end up going "oh, uh... yeah, gg I guess" or something to that effect.

    Not that rudeness and insults don't happen, of course, just that they happen a lot less often than I tend to expect.

  • pemberley
    pemberley Member Posts: 1,510

    If I’m able to, as I’m on ps4 and people (like me) have random messages turned off PRECISELY because of toxic jerks, I always try to send nice messages to killers that treated me mercifully or were noteworthy or other survivors who helped me. Too many childish toadstools send nasty messages directly or via “friend” request.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,312

    Most of the time I just say gg and someone else does too, sometimes everyone that's still there does.

    I don't really get any really bad (as in borderline or straight up rule-breaking) garbage talk in postgame chat. Sure I've had some ascended exchanges like someone telling me they "knew powerful people" and I should "say byebye to my account" for using NOED as Leatherface, but other than that it's just the usual "waaah I disagree with how I died/you escaped because I'm a big scrub" stuff that's not worth remembering.

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    I contacted PSN a few days ago we should have a email regarding our yearly play history. Like we did last year. I was curious since I'm also Devotion 5 lvl 25.

  • Pirscher
    Pirscher Member Posts: 604

    PS4 European player here since launch, 50% killer 50% survivor - most messages are negative and 90% of the time survivor players have been sending these negative ones. I cannot even remember the last time a killer wrote me something actually.

    Positive messages of course do come in and they definitely outweigh the silly negative ones as friendships often come from these ones ;)

    It is how it is ;)

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,615

    From personal experience, i can't relate at all to the pure negative experience some say they're having.

  • arslaN
    arslaN Member Posts: 1,936
    edited December 2019

    I play on PC and I very rarely get any hate messages. Everyone usually says gg and moves on. I guess it's a lot more common on consoles.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,362

    Most of the time its just a swap of GGs, but I've gotten plenty of hate messages as well.

    Heres an example of each. I have a folder titled "Salty endgame messages", but the actual compliment about my Bubba play was rare enough to make me wanna save it.

  • rha
    rha Member Posts: 417

    My experience (PS4 EU): killers almost never send messages, only messages I get from them is „Farm?“ while in lobby.

    As survivor from other survivors, it's even more uncommon to receive messages. And those few are usually negative because they judged a situation differently or have a different playstyle.

    Getting messages from survivors as killer is the most common case for me (though it's sadly not that common). With one exception, the messages have been very positive so far. I try to play fair and make the match fun for everyone, and I am happy to see that people appreciate it. Last message I got was a compliment on my console Nurse play.

  • Kagari_Leha
    Kagari_Leha Member Posts: 555

    i should have screened them but i had both the extremes as a killer and a survivor where i got extremely friendly with the other side // got insulted as hell.

    Like this facecamping NOED Wraith who swore on his honor (lol) he would kill me, my family, ######### our corpses and every insult you can throw just because i escaped his bad facecamping, lol it was the funniest thing ever i cant believe people can be that stupid and frustrated in life.

    And as the contrary, a lot of killers were pretty nice and all, will never forget the first time i got destroyed by a nurse and she gave me my first hatch, a new world opened its doors to me lmao.

    Also as a killer i got insulted of every terms even tho i never facecamp or those stupid ""tactics"" etc but my latest time i was really happy with the survivors is when i finally did my 6 Under Feet challenge after being denied so many times by salty survivors and that Feng finds the hatch but she doesnt go, she lets me close it, she lets me down her, doesnt wiggle and let me put her in the basement. Love cha Feng, the postgame chat was also very nice.

  • OldManGloom
    OldManGloom Member Posts: 51

    On PS4 as well and I've gotten a fair share of salt from survivors (mostly as survivor, rarely as killer). I've only ever had one salty message from a killer and that was because they mistook me for a pretty toxic player in the trial. It actually turned into a pretty nice venting session and the kid felt a lot better after that.

    Flip side, I've only ever complimented a killer once to tell them how much I liked their build and they responded by just being an arrogant and dismissive turd, so you never know what you're going to get.

  • chase131119
    chase131119 Member Posts: 839

    I play on PS4 but I actually get more complimentary messages more than toxic/hate. Probably because I try and message every killer I play against "gg" and they'll say something nice from time to time. Very rarely do I get really toxic messages.

  • Awakey
    Awakey Member Posts: 3,145

    I can confirm for all these people saying the salt's worse on console. I RARELY get a complement, and when I do, it's more of sympathy rather than a complement. Something like "Going for adept, huh? Yeah, I feel you", but not a comment on my actual gameplay.

    Especially Xbox. It's bad here. People saying we can't use our powers (yes, that actually happened), fueling conversations for FORTY-FIVE MINUTES and so on.

  • Milamber25
    Milamber25 Member Posts: 3

    I play Xbox and always GG message those I went against, survivor and killer. Even the annoying flash light blinder survivors, the camping and tunneling killers as I understand it's all part of the game. I usually only get a gg back but occasionally it sparks a conversation or a friendship. I get the occasional salty message or insult but find them rare and easy to laugh off because it's obvious they are just taking the game a bit too seriously.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    Close to devotion level 7, red rank player but I played before devotion was a thing and I’m a PS4 player.

    My messages are pretty evenly split.

  • Swiftblade131
    Swiftblade131 Member Posts: 2,050
    edited December 2019

    Just negative messages

    Guess that's what happens when your better

    I take them as compliments of my skill, the fearful players are the ones that make the most noise, gotta hide behind anything that isn't their apparent lack of skill :)

  • Mew
    Mew Member Posts: 1,832

    been playing a while, think im devotion 5 level 50? either way ive gotten more toxic messages than good ones, but i have gotten good messages before

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    I play on Xbox

    I'd say mostly negative messages are what I get

    Or GG EZ

    I do get some positive messages, compliments on cosmetics

  • FogLurker
    FogLurker Member Posts: 337

    I mostly see "gg" and the such. However, gotta love the pieces of garbage that wanna talk crap that win against me when I use a 1 perk level 1 killer that I never use and I'm only using for a ritual daily.

  • parkrrt
    parkrrt Member Posts: 11

    I try to send as many nice messages as possible, I hate how toxic the community is sometimes.

  • mmorrow8
    mmorrow8 Member Posts: 59

    I've never gotten any messages while playing killer but tons as survivor. The ratio was about 50/50 and I'll list some of the the experiences I've had. (PS4 player btw)

    A killer was camping hatch (pre end game) and it turned into a showdown. when he backed away just out of reach I tried to get in but he grabbed me. Afterwards he messaged me calling me an idiot, but i reminded him that this was just a game and he didn't have to be a jerk.

    Another time I spawned with everyone and there was a 3-man gen and i let a Dwight have it. He later had to get saved by me and he gets tunneled before being downed again. I tried to save him again but a Nea came along and ruined my plan. Dwight died and proceeded to call me a ######### and said I did nothing, though I saved him once, let him have the first gen, and died trying to save him.

    I also have gotten wholesome comments from those I've saved last minute, like a whole ton. They are all extremely similar though and I'm pretty sure you can guess how that went.

    Killers have also complimented me on how hard to get I am

  • BushetteLyfe
    BushetteLyfe Member Posts: 27

    Mostly negative, it's not fun. I try to be nice and positive so ya know we need to try not to be toxic.

  • 3 days ago a guy camped the hell out of me and in the post game chat I was super salty (I have actual anger issues). I told him to duck off and also that he should never play Dbd again. He then decided to comment under my steam profile that I was an *ez kill* and such toxic stuff. I told him to shut up and since than he keeps writing toxic stuff under my profile. Every 2 to 8 hours he comments something new. And every time I read something he wrote I get super mad for like half an hour or more. (I wanna mention that English isn't my first language but I think you all get it)

  • Mr_Squiggles
    Mr_Squiggles Member Posts: 20

    as a fellow console player the nicest message I have ever gotten was from a survivor I played against that said gg after the game, all of the rest have been salt and hate from people who like to blame the game or killer for their own lack of skill

  • 2LuvRias
    2LuvRias Member Posts: 352
    edited December 2019

    99% toxic. For the past month I've started running up the ante and bond for two reasons. 1. Knowing where the Killer is by survivors animations (like a rushed vault) 2. OH boy.... Reason two is so when I see a survivor mess up if they message me I can use they're mistakes against them. I never ever initiate a fight in DM's by sending the first message. I see it as pointless and just lowers people's morale to play. But other survivors won't do the same and will message me trying to ridicule they're teammates for there own mistakes.

    1% Someone thanked me for a late save once. It was awesome to see:)

    Don't be like me guys. Play the game and enjoy yourselfs

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    I get 60% praise 40% toxicity. I never run moris or ruin. Toxic swf groups always message hate when they lose no matter how you play.

  • KaceSpireh
    KaceSpireh Member Posts: 112

    I'm a 50 50 killer survivor and whichever role I play I always send ggwp <3 to the killer or the best survivors some react with the same response some flip out on me... Like y ;~; I don't Tbag or clickity click like cmon man :<

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,913
    edited December 2019

    I play on PS4. I just got to Devotion 8 a few days ago, but I’ve been playing since March of 2018.

    When I get a message I normally expect salt but I’ve been surprised. Of the last 12 messages I’ve gotten, 5 of them have been “not nice”. Nobody was extremely rude though. I rarely get very rude messages.

    It also depends on the killer I play. If I play Huntress or Nurse I get nicer messages because people know they are harder to play (especially on console).

    If I play Spirit I’m getting hate and salt. I don’t think I’ve ever gotten praise with Spirit. People tend to hate Plague as well.

    Myers and Pig are such memes that I get cute messages when I play them.

  • Leo
    Leo Member Posts: 105

    Been playing on PC since 2016. I usually get nice comments when I play as killer. I used to play in purple/red ranks but started drifting more towards survivor because it's less stressful, so rank reset took me all the way back to 17. I don't kill unless a survivor stops struggling in second phase (or Archive challenges) because I don't want to make any of the new players hate the game. Only people who seem to get upset at me are the people who de-ranked for easy matches and found themselves nearly defeated by a guy using one perk.

    Survivor, on the other hand, gets me almost exclusively yelled at by my teammates. They get tilted by the weirdest things. Just two weeks ago I had this one match where some Kate and I were the last two in the trial. Killer hooked me and was staying very close to the hook, so I stopped struggling to give Kate a chance to find hatch. Kate somehow got downed before I could even hit spectate even though she was healthy when I died, and then she yells at me in the post-game chat for letting go. Overall I get more stuff like this since I play survivor more. Probably an 80/20 ratio.

  • FriendlyGuy
    FriendlyGuy Member Posts: 2,768

    I opened my steam profile for some time to see who's commenting and what.

    Most messages were extremely salty. Yup, deleted all the comments and closed it again.

  • PraiseTheBreadI
    PraiseTheBreadI Member Posts: 10

    I got this from a player after I hit/downed him once and he rage quit, the message was "you camping little pu**y"

    To which I thought was amazing as he was the first one dead and he quit and I weren't camping, I don't mind hate mail, let's me know I'm doing a good job playing as Killer 😈

  • TrashBoi99
    TrashBoi99 Member Posts: 5

    Xbox player, I main killer, normally between ranks 6 to 11. I don't play toxic 90% of the time, I'll only tunnel if I'm playing a toxic SWF group just to mess with them. I would say out of 10 games I'm going to get hate messages for 4-5 of them, with most of them just being some variation of "You killed me therefore you're tunneling me." If I'm not playing a SWF group I'll let the last survivor go through hatch, so I get a fair balance between positive and negative messages. Rarely get messages from survivors who escaped through gates, but when I do it's either "GG," "You're trash," or "Uninstall the game."

    I play on an extended router so my internet goes out every once in a while, think I've DC'd maybe 5 or 6 times because of it in total. Those messages are fun, think I've been called "The absolute scum of the earth" a couple times because of it, but I cant really blame them for getting mad over a DC.

  • Johnble
    Johnble Member Posts: 175
    edited December 2019

    I'm on Xbox. The only time I message anyone is to say "GG" to people in a match that made it fun and leave it at that. I don't ever look at messages because I'm usually playing solo and I'm better than your average casual player so I don't potato as much as most. The salt is pretty easy to ignore when you play casually. The Facebook group I'm apart of though...

  • ZupBear
    ZupBear Member Posts: 15

    I am a survivor main who mostly plays killer to knock off dailies/get rift challenges, and I have found most people to be rather kind? This could be because I'm relatively new to the game and lower-ranked, I am a rank 16 survivor and rank 19 killer.

    I actually sometimes get survivors going "wow were you even playing" when I am killer, and then upon seeing my rank apologise and offer tips and suggestions. I actually find this really wholesome and am grateful for the rank 9 survivors I accidentally get matched up against who offer me condolences over the matching, say that the matchmaking wasn't fair to me, and offer suggestions.

    I actually find I get more toxic killers, who will camp and/or tunnel, (I had one Huntress who was going for the "Kill the Obsession 4 times by any means" rift challenge, tunnelled me instantly as I was the obsession, and then kept picking up everyone else hoping they had decisive and would become the obsession :/) but usually I just leave the chat and don't say anything.

    If a killer plays well and I had fun regardless of whether I lived or not I will "gg" or "gg wp" or even give specific compliments and a lot seem really surprised, which makes me kind of sad. I was in a three man SWF team once and a huntess was sniping all of us from across the map. Within maybe 5 minutes she had slugged all of us and then hooked us. In the chat all of us were complimenting her aim and saying how evne though we lost, she deserved the win and it was incredible to watch her make those shots. The Huntress was really surprised but very grateful for our attitude.

  • Elk
    Elk Member Posts: 2,267


    I say negative out weights the positives for me, but the messages come to me rarely. However, when i do it is usually negative.

  • SolAkira
    SolAkira Member Posts: 71

    I've I deserved to be ket go I would have escaped not have been sacrificed.