Killer Perk Tier List (Updated March 2020)

I am well aware that this is a very subjective and a bit complicated topic since on some killers a certain perk might be really good while it is on other killers bad or almost useless. It also depends a bit on each ones playstyle, so feel free to disagree and let us know what you think. I am pretty sure, there is some room for debate ;)
These list is especially useful for people who start playing killer or want to play flex and dont know what kind of perks to go first.
I was judging the perks by its own, but also kept in mind the potential when combined together.
Also: S Tier are the best Perks, E are the worst. Left side best perk of a certain Tier, right side worst perk of a certain tier.
Killer Perk tier list (Updated, March 2020)
Note: BBQ was judged by its effect, not Bloodpoints. If i would have taken farming into consideration, it would be an S Tier perk for sure.
Kind regards
Darn tinkerer is D tier it can be super helpful
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Also side question what's the website for these tier lists
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Rancor is S for me. Its my fun insurance.
Also: NOED only B tier? Its my 2nd fun insurance perk. :D
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In order to agree with this, I would change the following:
- STBFL: S to A.
- If Spirit Fury didnt exist, Enduring would be C.
- PWYF: A to C.
- Thanathophobia: A to C.
- Blood Warden: A to B.
- Whispers: A to S.
- Surveillance: B to A.
- Devour Hope: C to A.
- Nemesis: C to D.
- SFTS: D to B.
- Zanshin Tactics: D to E.
- Knock Out: D to C.
- Furtive Chase: D to E.
- Hangman's Trick: E to C.
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I'd put discordance and stbfl at a
Blood warden at b
And surge and dying light at d
Also iron maiden at e
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Iron maiden at e blood warden at b. Discordance a at least. Pwyf b.
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Hangman's trick? Thana is at least as high as SB imo. STBFL is S tier all the way. Nemesis is C tier at least. The rest I can get behind.
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STBFL is the best in my opinion, at least on most killers. No way its just A tier
Enduring: Thats almost true, but i would have put it in B and not C then
PWYF is very strong and totally underrated, it deserve at least B
Thana.. well tricky one, strong on some killers, only decent on others. Maybe your are right with this one a bit, but not C, then B tier.
Bloodwarden deserves to be A tier, since EGC its definitly a top tier perk.
Whispers is good on some killers like nurse, but other then that, its only "good"
Surveillance: B is okay for that, A is a bit overrated in my opinion.
Devour is way to inconsistent to be A tier.
Nemesis: Maybe you are right
SFTS: no way B Tier especially not since the change 1 year ago. Also, there are some maps where there are no crows, so also not very consistent. You rate tracking perks very high.
Zanshin Tactics: Not sure tho, i must admit i have not played it enough.
Knock Out: A perk that has to be comebined with 2 other perks so it become a "okay" build is not worth to be put on C imho
Furtive Chase: Hard to say, maybe i gave it to much credit since there are some interesting builds around it, but standing alone it is really not that great.
Hangman's Trick: 2 years ago maybe. Sabometa is over.
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Nemesis C? lmfao
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Have you used it against OoO?
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Blood Warden is still bad because of gate 99ing
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Some call it broken, some call it bad, i call it "the best perk in DBD to turn around a game"
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It's just bad. I can deal with it being b tier because of its potential though.
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STBFL is good, but not really S tier on characters that lack an M2 attack. Not to mention relying on being lucky on not finding the Obsession or ignoring them completely if you do doesnt make it consistently good.
Enduring is kinda overrated outside of SF. I would have agreed on B tier if it affected stun perks. But reducing pallet stuns only isnt worth a B tier.
Thanathophobia is a meme, and it has been one for a long time. Turning progress bars red isnt worth it a B tier.
PWYF is overrated. The time you spend trying to find the Obsession and/or collecting stacks, you could have probably downed them by that time or at least get some pallets down. It does probably seem strong with combos, but by itself its pretty bad.
My choice for Hangman's Trick has nothing to do with Sabo Squads actually. Not having to worry about running out of hooks in a part of the map is really convenient. Its not amazing of course, however, its definitely not bottom tier.
Nemesis. I dont get the C tier potential outside of combos. Like, get stunned/blinded and not hear TR at all? So what? I can still see you chasing me and your red stain. I have been hit by it before, and it has never had any effect.
Whispers is good on all Killers (except maybe Doc), in almost every single map and at any point during the match. Saves up time checking corners if you know how to use it, find slugged Survivors if needed, cant be blocked in any way, and carries hard during endgame. I cant think of a single downside.
Surveillance is the best gen defence perk. Especially currently (not sure if its a bug or intended) that generators dont lose the white aura unless a Survivor touches it. Saves up HUGE amounts of time and really pays off with map awareness. Good on all Killers, godlike on Freddy in particular. Counters the nastiest Survivor strategy of working on a generator after you leave. Off topic, but I really want to use it with Surge.
Devour Hope is amazing, and I feel it fits A or B really well. Sure, it can be broken, but the effect is just too good when it triggers. It starts out hidden, so only Survivors stumbling upon it can screw you over. Even if you only get 3 stacks, the pressure it applies at that point is outstanding.
Knockout doesnt need any other perks, unless you mean a combo I dont know. It gets ######### by friendly aura reading (and that should be changed), but its at least okay if they arent present (or SWF, but so are a bunch of other perks).
SFTS: The 5 sec cd and the map variations prevent it from being higher, but even with those downsides, its still pretty good. Crows are hard to spot (for me at least), and if they fly off, you already gave out your location to the Killer. Its also underused a lot, so Survivors never care about not disrupting them.
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You think Thana is that many tiers away from Ruin even though all Ruin does is remove great skill check bonuses on gens? Hangman's trick is not more useful than insidious. STBFL potential to snowball overrides the slight RNG factor. Knock out doesn't need a buff.
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But Ruin does more than that. Against good Survivors, Ruin removes extra progress and may occasionally halt generator progress. On decent and below players, it prevents them from doing generators at all. Thanathophobia does absolutely nothing because the effect is miniscule, while Ruin's effect (while inconsistent) does more. I do agree with Ruin maybe dropping to A.
And why does Knockout not need a slight buff so its not utterly useless against certain perks?
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I'd rather nerf knockout than nerf perks that help solo Q. Thana is always one tier below ruin because the difference in their slowdown is about that much.
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A killer perk tier list is kinda weird to do because some perks are far better on different killers, and some perks only truly work in combination with other perks. I think you'd need a complex tier list accounting for these things to really get a solid list. Either that or you take all perks at face value with no thought to synergy with killers & other perks in which case this list changes a lot.
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Agreed, killer perk tier list really depend on your killer.
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Enduring has a massive effect if someone tries to pallet tech you should be able to hit them get stunned and hit them again and in theory with plague you can quick charge corrupt and hit them with it before the finish dropping the pallet you may be able to do this with huntress (quick charge)
SFTS why is it even a perk whispers is so much better (if you know how to use it)
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I would replace pwyf with corrupt intervention
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Ruin is B tier at best. People rely on it too much. It's easily avoided at purple ranks and is beat out by Corrupt Intervention.
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Stopping great skill checks is pretty helpful imo.
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Iron Maiden is really good on Billy, especially with bbq. Also good on huntress. But i use iron maiden on my billy, and it works great vs head on, hiding from bbq in a locker, and dodging a chainsaw in a locker. I've gotten alot of free downs from iron maiden.
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Good for you but I'm running PGTW instead.
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No for plauge, she loses corrupt when stunned.
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I also run pop?
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You're not running SF and Enduring?
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I would put BBQ&C up one tier simply because more than likely someone's running it, especially Freddy mains or LF
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nemesis by its own is useless you need pwyf to make some use of it.
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I'm surprised Huntress's Lullaby is F tier. I'd say it's at least D tier because if it gets charged up it's harder to hit than ruin sometimes if survivors can't find the totem or the killer defends it hard enough
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Discordance should definitely be A tier in my opinion, you force survivors to work alone and don't need to bring perks like pop or overcharge
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Forcing survivors to work alone is a bad thing
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Only things I disagree with is bloodecho being in the same tier as Zanshin Tactics, Light born needs to go down a tier or two, Haunted Grounds is questionable where it's at but on some killers it's amazing so I understand it's placement.
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Not to me bud
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Of course I'm not running spirit fury enduring. Getting hit by 5 or 6 pallets per game doesn't mean i need to run 2 whole perks for it. I just force the pallet down quick, and don't tank the stun. Spirit fury enduring is like the crutch combo that helps people getting better at the game, or weak killers that can't do much with loops and lose alot of time at pallets. I run ruin, pop, bbq, and iron maiden on billy. Even if ruin only buys me 1 hook, it did it's job. Then bbq and iron maiden jump start the next chase, end it quick, then pop, and back to more chasing.
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It's not going to force them to work alone necessarily, at least not at the very beginning of the game. Hell, even when I know a killer has it people still work on gens together if someone's being chased etc. When I play killer I find it most helpful right at the very start to find someone since survivors often spawn in clusters near gens.
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Updated Tier list 2020
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Tier lists are disingenuous. Doesn't take into account every variable.
Spies from the Shadows is S-tier on Lery's for example.
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Not so keen on these overall killer tier lists. Generalises too much even though a perks effectiveness varies from Killer to Killer.
A better way to approach this would be separate tier lists for each Killer.
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I am well aware that this is a very subjective and a bit complicated topic since on some killers a certain perk might be really good while it is on other killers bad or almost useless. It also depends a bit on each ones playstyle, so feel free to disagree and let us know what you think. I am pretty sure, there is some room for debate ;)
I was judging the perks by its own, but also kept in mind the potential when combined together.
I disagree that spies is S tier on Lerys. Maybe A tier before the nerf, now B tier. But there are also some maps where it is totally useless why i did not rate it that high.
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These lists a especially useful for people who start playing killer or want to play flex and dont know what kind of perks to go first. Like i mentioned in the OP.
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Mentioned where in OP?
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In my first posting
"I am well aware that this is a very subjective and a bit complicated topic since on some killers a certain perk might be really good while it is on other killers bad or almost useless"
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No no, I mean I cant find the following in OP: "These lists a especially useful for people who start playing killer or want to play flex and dont know what kind of perks to go first."
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I add it for you
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Discordance and Corrupt Intervention are once again overrated, I would give them a B at best.
Ruin in A tier and Surveillance in B tier ? Ruin is useless without Surveillance.
STBFL is not consistently good to give it a S, I would personally put it in A.
Surge, Thanatophobia and Bitter Murmur should be in C tier.
Play With Your Food should be B tier. It's pretty bad on its own and needs Nemesis in order to really shine.
I would put Mindbreaker in D tier.
I could see Retribution and Third Seal in B tier, they can be amazing in some games. But they also can be useless on others, so C tier maybe isn't that bad for them.
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Oh no, Discordance and especially Corrupt are definitly among the best perks. Which perk should beat those? And B Tier? Just absolutly no on that one.
Ruin is still a good standalone perk, even without Surviallance. It might have on some killers more value then on others tho.
STBFL is by many good killers considered one if not the best perk in the game. I think it is the best killer perk, ofc not on killers like nurse, but defniitly on any M1 killer.
Surge is underrated by you.
Thanatophobia... well i can give you that, i was not sure either if i may overrate it here or not. Its working on some very well, but on other killers its really not that amazing.
I always thought Bittter is a very weak version of BBQ, but during my last games with it, i changed my mind quiet a bit. The big plus is especially the last 10 seconds when you can see those auras.
Hm Mindbreaker, maybe you are right with that one. I never find it super uesful, but i think there are still worse then this perk. As a killer i find it trash, but as survivor i see it has some inpact.
May i ask what your S Tier killer perks are?
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How dare you do that to Dank devotion