Was the game intending to be survivor sided?

Based on the lore information we have, both the journals and the perk quotes, the entity and the mist favors the killers. They are the ones that satisfy their urges to kill, so it is logical that they are the favoring team. But in the latest situation the lore and the gameplay are opposite; the survivors in the lore are quoted to be scared, in pain and looking for a way out of the hell they are in. From gameplay perspective the survivors are more favored because of their ability to loop and because of certain key aspects of the game that make killers feel bullied (swf,flashlights,keys).

I'm not here to complain,but I ask both the devs and the readers; was the game intended to be survivor sided? Or the idea was more or less hide and seek, with one side having an advantage (killers). Let me know down below.
