Forever waiting

Been a constant the last 30 minutes. Waiting forever for matchmaking, gets us in a lobby, after 5 minutes or so, and then ready up just so the killer can DC and we are back to square one. I wouldn't mind having to start all over to find a match, if the wait times didn't out weigh the play times.
That's what you get for being a whiny survivor. Nerf killers into oblivion, no more games. Oops, people didn't think that one through.
I'm not really sure what your point is with this thread. Devs love survivors too much so there aren't enough people that bother to play killer with you, hence the long queue times.
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What does anything you just said make any sense towards what I said? Am I not the only one to complain of wait times or is that not a thing?
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The wait times are long because there are too many survivors and not enough killers. Why? Because killer is stressful and not fun, compared to the casual survivor gameplay. Why? BHVR.
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That’s not the cause. It’s low survivor players. Most people are playing killer as stats have shown. Why not do a simple google search before you insult someone? That way you won’t look so stupid.
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Then why are killer wait times longer if there’s so many survivor lobbies? Lol. By your logic killer players should get instantly put in lobbies but that’s opposite of what’s actually happening.
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What stats?
Killers have no queue times. I can play at 4 AM in the morning and get a match in 20 seconds. As a survivor, especially with friends, I have to wait 5-15 mins and pray there aren't any network issues that kill the lobby, meaning the wait starts all oer again. Like OP said it really can take 30 minutes to actually get a match.
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That is what's actually happening though. You know. You press play as killer. Then you get into a lobby before you even have time to put on add-ons.
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Not on ps4. My killer wait times are much longer than survivor. Here’s some stats for
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Ah yes, I do imagine there's a big difference between platforms. I would definitely rather be playing as killer on a console edition.
Edit: The stats say nothing about matchmaking times btw.
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On PC that's true. I'm a masochist, because i like playing killer tho.
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No but they show there’s more killer players. Devs have said this on Twitter as well, which I’m trying to locate.
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Not sure how up to date those numbers are. It may be different from region and platform, but I can get instant games on killer. Using that as my only gauge it stands to reason there are more survivors than needed and less killers.
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No... They don't. They show pick rate as a percentage. There could be 5 killer players total and you wouldn't be able to tell from that statistic because its not what's graphed.
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There are two options here:
- You're lying
- Your NAT settings are incorrect and prevent you from hosting games with most players
I play on PS4 and like the other guy said, I get lobbies before I can even put on addons. 24/7.
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Why would I lie about something so stupid? Seriously do better.
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Then you should check your NAT settings. As a killer you host the game and this can really mess things up (survivors will see a NAT Type Error when trying to connect to you). It can't be that every killer gets instant lobbies and you don't for no reason, if you're speaking the truth.
Where are you from? Although even that doesn't matter, I get matched with people from other continents quite often.
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Minnesota. My survivor times are mad long, especially if I’m playing with my two buddies.
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Shouldn't be a problem, really.
What NAT type does the PS4 say you have when you do a network test?
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Okay I ran test. It’s type 2.
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Speed is 89.
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Then there should be nothing wrong. Ranks 1-16 have no waiting times for killers. It's actually a bit annoying to press ready and have my add-on choosing interrupted because a new lobby appears.
You are the only person experiencing this.
Idk man.
You ran the NAT test within 2 minutes of me posting about it here? Ehhh.
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Never happens for me. I’ve tried different times of day too. Oddly it was very fast a day I stayed home sick from work. It was like 10am on a Tuesday and I got instant lobbies.