Several modes for game.

Primalux135 Member Posts: 1,045
edited December 2019 in General Discussions

Greetings I would like to proposetto devs they add:

  • Casual matches: SWF is allowed its casual. You get bloodpoints.
  • Ranked matches:SWF not allowed (Ranked are made to test your skill as player, killer go solo so survivors too), you get bloodpoints, it opens each 4h for 2h (for example)
  • 8 survivors vs 2 killers mode: You can play with another friends (max 2 friends) or solo (to avoid 8 survivors SWF abuse). Killers can kill with his friends too (2 killers). Mode open each 4h for 2h (Not really same time as ranked)
  • Random mode: Killers and survivors start game with aleatory perks and add ons and items. Would be funny and maybe you would find a new build you would like.
  • The traitor:A new mode were a survivor act as servant of the entity and gives points for several actions that delay game or hinders survivors. Last 5 mins then all survivors have to vote who was the traitor. If they guess traitor get x1, 5 blood points and exp if they don't traitor get 1,5 bloodpoints and exp.Actions that hinder survivors could be like go to a survivor while he is in chase, fail a skill check, pallet drop crazily. Gens needed to repair 4.

This are only a sketch for new modes no need to be like this exactly just giving ideas. Specially the 8 vs 2 that much people asked for


  • GH0ST3D
    GH0ST3D Member Posts: 93

    Everyone is against SWF for some reason it's funny. But I want a 50s V 25k bloodbath mode

  • Primalux135
    Primalux135 Member Posts: 1,045

    Not without reason I guess game was not made for playing comms. but if you allow a mode were survivors cant comms (cuz they are unknown pep) it would help also a mode where you can comms with another killer.

  • GH0ST3D
    GH0ST3D Member Posts: 93

    You do realize that I could just invite whoever is in lobby with me to a party chat. It's not playing with friends it's the communication that killers hate. But it doesn't bother me at all. Killers hate coordination but that's part of the challenge. What fun would it be if it was an easy match because of the lack of coordination.

  • Primalux135
    Primalux135 Member Posts: 1,045

    I didn't do the post for discuss comms I will just say game was not made for comms that the ultimate reason and no survivor can't deny it.

    Please post about the topic not others

  • 28_stabs
    28_stabs Member Posts: 1,470

    I dont think that we have enough players for many modes. The queue time would increase.

  • FriendlyGuy
    FriendlyGuy Member Posts: 2,768

    The chaos is real! Let's do this in an arena with a moderator.

  • darktrix
    darktrix Member Posts: 1,790

    Casual matches - That's already KYF, this mode is just a plot to get rid of swf and would never get played as killers would just avoid it and solos would just avoid it.

    Ranked - they would have to rebalance again for solo and the mode would probably die out because many people who even play this game like to do so socially with friends,

    8 vs 2 - If it did become popular, which I doubt, maps would need to change (I can just see one killer blocking the basement while the other collects survivors) and it would split the player base. Something this game really should not do.

    Random mode - again probably never played as there is enough RNG in the game already.

    Traitor - that's like half my matches as solo now. I don't need a mode for this and it is just going to end up being annoying and hated.

  • Primalux135
    Primalux135 Member Posts: 1,045
  • Primalux135
    Primalux135 Member Posts: 1,045

    1-About traitor mode it's supposed you don't fvck your teammates such stupid or they will know you are the traitor lol

    2-About ranked and casual as I said casual would be opened always but ranked maybe 6h per day.

    3 Rebalance ranked for solos? it's not supposed ranked matches are for testing ur skill not your team? Also I would like to remember that game wasn't made for comms.

    4-About camping basement in that case would be 1 killer pursuing 7 players so at least 6 would be repairing.No need to say there are plenty of meat to rescue and bodyblock camper killers while rescuing.

  • AThiccOni
    AThiccOni Member Posts: 61

    The real challenge for you would be to play solo lmao

  • GH0ST3D
    GH0ST3D Member Posts: 93

    I play solo more than I do with friends. My friends that do play DBD, don't play every day they might play only a couple times a week. I survive more by myself than I do with friends, mainly because I don't feel obligated to die to save anyone. When I play solo I get rank 1, but with friends I can't get past rank 6. I play both killer and survivor almost evenly, although lately I have been playing killer a bit more. Average week of games: SWF= around 20 matches, Solo= over 75, and Killer= around 125+. (now these are guess estimations, not always consistent. Just what I have played in the past few weeks each.)

  • hysteria
    hysteria Member Posts: 62

    how ab a mode where survivors try to fix a vehicle & escape? i know it was the first concept of DBD and a little similar to F13 but that game is dead now and i think this would be a somewhat okay addition. i'd be totally up for a 2v8 mode tho <3