Is afking as the killer to depip bannable?


I don't like to play in red ranks and i just want to have fun but the new rank reset sucks on that.

Is it bannable to afk as killer and let survivors do what they want?


  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,652
  • NullSp3c
    NullSp3c Member Posts: 765

    Thanks for the answer. Well, guess i will play normally but not with winning in mind :/

  • NullSp3c
    NullSp3c Member Posts: 765

    Now im playing clown for fun and it is actually fun if i dont try hard. But im a competitive person so it is hard.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 7,989

    Started trying the tomestone piece addon on Mikey lately. Those things really piled up and I never use em... Figured out even if you tomestone 3 ppl and kill the last on hook (theres not enough stalk to tomestone all 4), you end up depiping... Only way to avoid that is to NOT tomestone someone so quickly and maybe hook/chase ppl more, otherwise your looking at not getting any emblem points at all in 2 of the catagories, with a silver at best in chaser + whatever you get in gatekeeper. Did this afew times before rank reset and even if I got an Iri gatekeeper, its not enough to avoid a depip at red ranks. Landed on rank 5 before reset, which put me at rank 9 after reset...

    Depending on how well you do, you still might get some hate for it but... at least your actually PLAYING the game instead of just throwing matches.

  • [Deleted User]

    Thing is the matches are so stacked no matter what rank you are, de-ranking doesn't even serve much of a purpose as if you are a red rank killer and de-ranked all the way back to like 8 even, you are STILL only going to get red rank SWF groups so why bother?

    Just play like normal and don't take the game seriously no matter what. It's a very unfair game, and once you understand that it becomes a lot less stressful and you can just enjoy it for what it is.

  • ThisLadyRightHere
    ThisLadyRightHere Member Posts: 195
    edited December 2019

    Best way to DeRank is with a stealth killer OR With Insidious if youโ€™re playing a non stealth killers NOED BloodWarden And DeerStalker. Just sit at the exit gate. Wait for them to pop all gens and let the fall from there c:

    EZ depip

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105
    edited December 2019

    While i definitly understand you, but here is my point. Dont derank. If you are good enough for red rank you should stay there. If you rank down on purpose just to have easy games vs lower survivors, it can be very frustration for you opponents.

    Also you say you are completetive... why you derank then? Thats the opposite of competetive.

  • Tr0g
    Tr0g Member Posts: 241

    You can mori 4 people and just barely avoid a depip, lol. Ranking system needs to get its priorities straight.

  • NullSp3c
    NullSp3c Member Posts: 765

    I don't have many add-ons on myers but ill try it sometime. I completely forgot about that.

    Im now playing clown so im deppiping without worries. Im rly bad at clown and got his map agains swf, i managed to put 2 on 2nd hook so i think it isnt that bad.

  • snozer
    snozer Member Posts: 776
    edited December 2019

    you need to make it obvious that you have no intention of winning, if you don't, you inflate the easy sides ego even more and they think they are actually good -.-

    EDIT* it is pointless deranking tho.. the devs have "relaxed" the rank system so as a green killer you will still get red swf.

    Survivor is to easy to pip and everyone is clumped up at red ranks because of the new rank reset.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 7,989

    Myers is one of the killers that I managed to unlock every perk on, so I have quite afew addons. Heres my loadout for THAT.

    Nemesis not only lets you get PWYF stacks easily, but also pairs well with Judith's tomestone to let you tier up quickly off each person. Since your not hooking ppl, slowdown perks like Pop are completely pointless, which is why I have ruin here. You can also use Corrupt intervention if you want. Surveillance is pretty handy for keeping tabs of the field. Had a game last night where I was able to get a 4k with 4 gens remaining and surveillance keeping tabs of ALL the remaining gens. As soon as they touched a gen...that was my next victim. PWYF helps quite abit not only in chase, but also just simple mobility since you'll be keeping all your stacks all game (tomestone doesnt use a stack).

  • Mew
    Mew Member Posts: 1,828

    while you technically can get banned for it, i doubt people really report afk killers

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 7,989

    I can understand both sides of deranking. Cant stand when ppl do it by throwing a game or DCing over and over, cuz those games are just ruined for everyone, but it can be nice being at a calmer rank when trying out characters or builds your not familiar with. I know after rank reset BEFORE when I'd go from rank 1 to rank 11, alot of times id just kinda chill there for awhile and screw around with killers I dont have much experience with (Played Plague afew times last week, which makes it a grand total of like 5 times ever). The key is to sort of guage the rank your at with how hard your going. If I'm playing at green ranks, I'll pick something appropriate for that. If I start heading back towards red, THEN I'll start swapping to my comfort zone.

    I'm not about to just slaughter a team of newbies with my best stuff though, cuz like you said... that's just gonna piss off the people I'm going against with a harder game than they rightfully should be having. Playing like THIS is sorta similar to how Overwatch does its ranking. I might be a Diamond rank healer, but if I swap over to tank...I'm gold AT BEST, lol. I might be a red rank Freddy, but I MIGHT be around rank 10ish with Huntress. Unfortunately DBD doesnt let me swap ranks based off killer as easy as Overwatch does by role, so I just have to take it upon myself to bench Freddy while I'm at that rank 10.

  • NullSp3c
    NullSp3c Member Posts: 765

    The only killer i have all perks is legion. I don't have on more because i have over 10 million bps on them. But i have some of the other killers with a lot of them.

    But ill try that build when im finished lvling up myers.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 7,989

    Im slowly building up other killers... I have Freddy, Bubba and Myers with all perks currently.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    Uhm, no it isnโ€™t... please donโ€™t spread misinformation

    unless you consider it holding a game hostage which is most versus not is not! holding a game hostage is blocking someone in a corner somehow, never attack them and forcing them to DC

  • ABannedCat
    ABannedCat Member Posts: 2,529
    edited December 2019

    Honestly, if you wanna depip, without getting banned, just don't hook anyone, unless you managed to slug all 4 at the same time (so you are not being a dick by letting them bleed out)

    That way you will get no devout emblem because no hooks, pretty much nothing in malicious emblem (because all injuries you deal get healed). So only chaser, and gatekeeper. If you above green ranks, you are physically unable to pip. If you are doing mediocre, you will depip most of the time, thanks to busted gatekeeper emblem.

  • NullSp3c
    NullSp3c Member Posts: 765
  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,613
    edited December 2019
  • ABannedCat
    ABannedCat Member Posts: 2,529
    edited December 2019

    Gives you atleast bronze in devout. Also more in malicious, because survivors automatically heal a health state upon being unhooked. Do at your own risk.

  • The_Second_Coming
    The_Second_Coming Member Posts: 1,110

    OOF. Imagine being shut down that hard.

    Legit though, I don't advocate deranking for any reason, but just go out there, hook everyone, down them repeatedly, then let them escape if you must. At least you walk away with a healthy amount of bloodpoints.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    Not shut down at all, itโ€™s reportable on that ticket but according to the page... on... this... site it is not a bannable offense

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,613
    edited December 2019

    Yeah, that's always bothered me too, but I didn't misinform at all.

    My point was that the game tells you it's a legitimate reason to report.

    I would like confirmation now though.

    @Rizzo90 Sorry to bother you, but perhaps you could shed some light on whether it truly is or not?

    And also why it says so in-game but not here.

    Post edited by Boss on
  • Tr0g
    Tr0g Member Posts: 241

    But what if the killer isn't AFK, he's just not moving. Like a predator, lying in wait, for curious survivors to come near him so he can scare the ######### out of them with his chainsaw.

    Gotten 4Ks this way, totally legit strategy yo

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    Lol too funny. You could definitely make An argument, โ€œIโ€™m not good enough to chase and catch survivors so I pretend to be asleep until they get close enough to chainsaw or even NOED.โ€

    Not saying this is you, but it would be a funny argument if they did try to ban you.

  • Tr0g
    Tr0g Member Posts: 241
    edited December 2019

    It is me, when I'm farming BP while watching Netflix. NOED BBQ Bubba ftw.

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,478

    You are free to report AFK killers/survivors - it's not something that I would immediately think is bannable but it certainly isn't playing the game as intended, and yes it would fall under Unsportsmanlike Conduct.

    I'm going to say though, you certainly won't be banned for 1 match when you are AFK (it's actually happened to me, got distracted whilst waiting for a lobby and missed the match!) but if it's something that someone is doing consistently, then yes that can be looked at.

  • ZoneDymo
    ZoneDymo Member Posts: 1,946

    You cant possible check for people being AFK or just really bad tbh, I cant see how anyone could be banned for that.

    I mean, at some point the games tells you so much how to play, we lose are own input, might as well just program some bots to play the game for us while we move to something else....

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,613

    I've read a dev saying that that's a legit tactic, since you will do something Killer-like, but if you do it from the beginning to the end and no one falls for it, you could still get legit reports since you didn't do anything, which is a reason why AFKing is reportable.

    I don't have a source of that dev's comment though, that was probably over a year ago.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,652

    Pick Wraith, go afk, come back, pick Wraith, go afk.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    You start invisible ad wraith so they wonโ€™t see or hear you, do their five gens and maybe totems then leave. You get exp and rift based on game length

  • tetsuo
    tetsuo Member Posts: 151

    Just play corner map cloaked Wraith or protect ruin or a chest and bing bong survivors when they bump on you, it's fun (sometimes)

  • paint1210
    paint1210 Member Posts: 95
    edited December 2019

    That is why I love old freddy, because not one can report you or even record the clip because survivor can't see you aura ๐Ÿ™‚

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    I would think Wraith works the same? If youโ€™re not moving you are completely invisible with no terror

  • Knots
    Knots Member Posts: 49
  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793
  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 7,989

    I did a game as Wraith once where I just stood infront of the basement chest while stealthed to see what would happen. By the end of the game, all 4 survivors were down there trying to nudge by character model over because they NEEDED that chest, lol. Moments like this, I just wish I had brought NOED and blood warden.

  • EnderloganYT
    EnderloganYT Member Posts: 621

    bannable for sure

    I'd recommend farming instead

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    Good answer, no basis for it or supporting argument, but good answer anyways.

  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,063
    edited December 2019

    Killers actually have tools to de-rank/de-pip with in the red and purple ranks: Inta downs and Moris. With Insta downs your Chases don't last long enough to give you a decent Malicious or Chaser score, And if you Mori survivors after their first hook you won't get enough points in the Devout category. Don't bring in any Gen slowing perks and there goes your Gatekeeper Score too. Iri Hatchet Huntress, Infinite EW3 Shape, Plague, Insta Saw Billy, etc, all can pull this off and end games quickly, get decent-ish BP but Entity Displeased almost every time. This makes them the quintessential funnest way to play the game while dropping rank on purpose, and I'm not even counting how many times survivors just outright DC on you as soon as they see the first teammate go down in 1 hit or get Mori'd.