A question for the console players



  • Tr0g
    Tr0g Member Posts: 241
    edited December 2019

    On PC, you can hit players with your hatchets reliably at a further distance than on console, due to artificial sensitivity and pixel skipping. This is a fact, I can't help that you know nothing about how a mouse or a controller actually works.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    I have never ever played a game on PC so I have no idea how that would work. But killer on console is fine. Can't think it would be better using mouse and keyboard, that's for working not gaming 😄

    Looking at rank it's easy to get in red ranks as survivor. I'm at rank 2 and have played this game for three months. But killer I'm at rank 7 it's much harder overall.

  • Hag.is.Dtier
    Hag.is.Dtier Member Posts: 1,398
    edited December 2019

    I know how it works and I've sniped plenty of survivors on PS4. I don't care about mouse and keyboard because I don't play on PC.

  • ppo8820
    ppo8820 Member Posts: 763

    Yes survivor wait times are very long. The killers are usually pretty toxic, especially around ranks 9-12 for some reason.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    I don't get this. I set my sensitivity to 100 and I have no problem spinning my camera to hit 360's. The only time I whiff is when there is a frame drop just as you swing, which happens a lot with bloodlust.

    Also playing Nurse is difficult but not impossible. I'm a pretty decent Nurse. I know several players that are Nurse mains and they can dominate almost any team. She takes more practice on console but is still definitely the strongest killer if in the right hands.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Huntress and Nurse are definitely playable and strong killers. But they are hard to learn and not many people care to put in the time. Both get bullied really hard if you don't know what you are doing which discourages most people from trying.

    On Xbox most games are Freddy, GF, Myers, Bubba, Wraith, Trapper. I play Freddy myself, he is probably the most dominate killer right now. Everyone is doing TrueTalents GF build, it's honestly kind of annoying that's ALL you ever get. Trapper is popular at high ranks especially because of the Rift. Lots of Legions too, but after playing Legion I see why (EZ to get pips and BP). Don't see many Spirits now after the update because she was bugged for a while.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    You know you're supposed to aim with both sticks right? Move your crosshair and position yourself for a shot. I feel like m/kb users always overlook this.

    Huntress can snipe on console.

  • Hag.is.Dtier
    Hag.is.Dtier Member Posts: 1,398
    edited December 2019

    That's the problem, instead of taking the time to get good at specific characters, they parrot the "muh x is unplayable because console" and then new players on console won't try either and they too will parrot the lie. It's hard but far from impossible.

  • Iron_Mike
    Iron_Mike Member Posts: 23

    On regular PS4 I've lagged/droppes frames when:

    • I (or when I'm killer, a survivor) activates dead hard

    • Bloodlust activates

    • a survivor completes a gen when I'm simultaneously completing another action.

    • randomly while attacking a survivor, causing me to miss

    • survivor is downed with a killer power and I'm on a gen (skill check activated)

    • Etc., Etc.

    I don't remember it being this bad. I first played it when they were having a free weekend on PSN. It seems that the bigger the game file has gotten (something like 30gb on PS4) the worse the performance. Is that a possible explanation?

  • 2LuvRias
    2LuvRias Member Posts: 352
    edited December 2019

    There are afew other issues like frame rates.

    For me personally, it's 10 seconds for survivor and 10 minutes for killer

  • Tr0g
    Tr0g Member Posts: 241
    edited December 2019

    Lol.. is this real? You can "aim" with WASD too.

    Your right stick has gimped aiming. That's the truth. A high-DPI mouse user will throw hatchets better than you.

  • ermsy
    ermsy Member Posts: 580

    This discussion has gone Soo off topic, I genuinely forgot what the actual question was.

  • Dr_doom_j2
    Dr_doom_j2 Member Posts: 869

    No I know hag is fine, I actually used to main her myself. I was talking about nurse and huntress being harder to play, but I've seen great players of both onconsole as well.

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    Meanwhile as solo survivor:

    1) 5 minutes queue time - finally a lobby

    2) match starts - so far so good

    3) you immediately go on a gen - bad decision as all your random teammates hide at the start of the game

    4) the killer finds you before anyone else because you're the only one working on gens

    5) you loop and juke the killer for minutes - you feel like you're just playing like a skillful survivor

    6) after 2+ minutes the killer catches you and smacks you on the hook for playing skillful.

    7) you realize the team has repaired only 1 gen in the meantime, Ruin is still up and everyone's crouching

    8) the killer circles around your hook till you die

    9) killer messages you "rekt"

    10) repeat

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647

    It is an awful experience... especially for certain killers like nurse, doc, demogorgon... the frame rate is terrible.. there has been improvement but not much....... the sensitivity is still terrible.... and yes when I play survivor I have to wait like 10 mins, when I play killer its insta lobbies.

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    No worries I play mostly killer anyways so it's not that much of a deal. Also getting treated like trash by fellow killers whenever I go solo survivor helps me show some empathy for solo survivors at times knowing that they just try their best and often get punished for it.

  • TatsuiChiyo
    TatsuiChiyo Member Posts: 700

    PS4 Player here, a few hundred hours. I ran into framework issues on my old PS4, but since upgrading to a pro they are now much less frequent.

    Wait times can vary, somedays I load straight in, others it can take a few minutes. Generally no longer than five, I think ten was the longest. Same when I play Survivor.

    As for SWF, i don't see to many personally, but the ones I do see I tend to dodge because of to many negative experiences with more toxic groups, and I dont see the point in playing against voice comms in a game not built around them.

  • TatsuiChiyo
    TatsuiChiyo Member Posts: 700

    PS4 Player here, a few hundred hours. I ran into framework issues on my old PS4, but since upgrading to a pro they are now much less frequent.

    Wait times can vary, somedays I load straight in, others it can take a few minutes. Generally no longer than five, I think ten was the longest. Same when I play Survivor.

    As for SWF, i don't see to many personally, but the ones I do see I tend to dodge because of to many negative experiences with more toxic groups, and I dont see the point in playing against voice comms in a game not built around them.

    ELECTRIK_VISION Member Posts: 42

    Generally the killer queue isn’t that bad and is for survivor probably because there are less high rank killers in general (being a killer is stressful tbh) and yeah most likely you will play against swf because it’s that sort of game, it’s just been released on game pass for Xbox too about a month ago so I know a lot of people that got their friends to join them on the game, so survivors 99% of the time have at least 1 other person with them barely anyone plays solo, for me at least if no one is online I’ll play killer unless I need a challenge for the rift.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    Wait times for survivors are horrendous, but killer on the other hand, is almost an instant queue.

    Since console doesn't have the FPS luxury as PC, Ruin is almost twice as strong on console because skill checks are really choppy.

    That's the only noticable differences I seen on console. 🤗😁

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104
    edited December 2019

    yup I get games insanely fast as killer in high ranks but it takes 3+ minutes as a survivor

    also EVERYONE is basically a swf group due to how easy it is to just invite the random to your party.

  • Reyla
    Reyla Member Posts: 41

    Most of the issues stated here are real, and people who are trying to pretend they don't exist or are a result of player incompetence are being a little disingenuous.

    Any killer which has high requirements of the game (meaning requiring more cpu etc. ) is likely to be worse on console, so nurse and hag are worse simply because the frames can drop when they come out of their power. Are they unplayable? No. Are they harder than playing on PC and objectively worse? Yes.

    Huntress is way worse on console in my experience, due to a bunch of issues combining and I'm fairly sure that on the last available console specific stats, she was alongside nurse, having the lowest kill rate.

    Most of the m1 killers are basically the same, with Billy, Spirit, and Freddy being the best of the killers imo. 360s are an issue due to sensitivity, but I've found a combo of body blocking, patience, and rotating as fast as possible reliably counters it. However, it is more difficult than simply having your sensitivity higher like on Pc, so 360s are more likely to work.

    Survivors biggest issue is input delay of all types, if you are playing console survivor it is best to assume that loops which should be safe, are made unsafe because it will take longer than it should to drop a pallet or vault a window.

    Overall killer is more frustrating on console than PC, but due to the issues that survivors have with playing on console, getting kills is probably slightly easier. Queue times have also always been miniscule for killer and long for survivor, at least in red ranks, which probably reflects how frustrating it is for the killer side.

  • valiticsonline
    valiticsonline Member Posts: 2

    i’m new to killer so this is only my personal experience. i think my killer sensitivity is at 85% and i mostly only play the defaults (hag, doctor, trapper, etc.) and the issues i run into is what everyone else is saying. Frame rate drops, the auto aim really screws with me (i understand that’s why people 360 it’s just something you have to get used to or just wait out the 360) and queue times are pretty sweet. i’ll play survivor (currently a rank 2 and it takes probably 5 mins to find a game when i’m solo, double when i’m with my friend) and when i’m killer it takes 30 seconds to put me in a lobby with 4 survivors. and yeah when i play killer i’m almost always out against a 2/3/4 SWF stack every other game but that doesn’t really bother me that much? but that’s just me :) i’m only like a rank 8 killer so i’m by no means good but just from a newer killer this is just my experience.

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,873

    I've played both console and PC. Yes, the frame rates aren't as good on console. But it isn't anywhere near as drastic as some of the PC elitist make it out to be. The biggest difference for me is actually the sound quality. I was amazed when I played on PC how easy it was to track injured survivors from their groans of pain. It is much more difficult to "echo-locate" survivors on console imho. For me it is an easy choice to play on the comfort of my sofa with big screen TV. The lower lobby wait times are an added bonus.

  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061

    Matchmaking times just vary. PS4 is supposed to be way worse than Xbox but Xbox can be pretty bad sometimes.

    Loading times are horrendously long on Console. Pc can take 30 seconds to load into a match or less however Xbox would take around 2 minutes minimum.