The Switch is superior to all other platforms for this one reason...

No toxic post game chat!
Since Nintendo is stuck 10 years ago in terms of online we don't have any way of messaging other people on the console. I used to play on Xbox and you would get loads of hate messages, but with the Switch that's a thing of the past. Salty survivors and killers alike just have to suck it up when they get upset.
Thanks Nintendo!
Not like it is impossible to disable it on other platforms.
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I can just turn off messages on my PS4.
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Liar! Switch is the grandmaster of all platforms!
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I had to turn off messaging on ps4. Most players have done the same I think.
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OP didn't even mention what side they play.
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What? People insult each other no matter what if they have that kind of attitude. If you completely destroy a team you're still insulted lmao
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I play on Xbox also and laugh when people message me. I’m here to play a game, I don’t give a ######### what you think.
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I play both sides. I play Claudette cause she has the most perks and for killers I play different killers but I probably play Wraith and Ghostface the most.
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Post game chat isn't toxic if the match is fair and balanced. I guess that's why post game chat is so toxic in this game.
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I can achieve the same on PC, but good for you regardless! 👍️
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Yes. Playing at 300% reduced scaling of an already low resolution with textures and shading from 1999 at a migraine inducing framerate, as well as having no mouse or keyboard support is definitely a worthy trade off of not having chat.
I'm scared because after reading that I'm not sure if it was sarcastic or not, and more worryingly, I can't remember if I wanted it to be sarcastic or not. help.
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Yes it was sort of sarcastic because Nintendo refusal to move forward with online has resulted in the unintended side effect of making the game a little bit less toxic.
Also, saying that Switch makes games look ugly is untrue. There are plenty of games that look wonderful on Switch like BOTW. Plus the console is portable which is great for a college student like me. There can be some FPS issues on Switch but that's on BHVRs part not on the Switch.
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Also Xbox player and I have disabled incoming messages, so if I get a message I'm happily unaware of it. Did not even know about this "toxic" thing until I read about it here. I just play and never hear anything from anyone 😃
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It was just a joke bud, I wasn't saying anything bad about the switch.
I was simply saying that compared to PC, it's complete and total garbage. But who in their right mind would compare a beta mobile version of a game to a nearly beta version of a PC game. That's just crazy.
(PS - The only serious part of this post, is this: Actions in game are far, far more toxic than any words, to all but children under 12)
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you shut your mouth...we all know BHVR think communication is the work of Satan...GET BEHIND THEE FOUL BEAST! I SHALL BANISH THEE TO HELL.
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That is a negative to it but I'm not the type of person to start talking to random people on voice chat or whatever. But still it sucks for people who enjoy meeting new people online.
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Nah words are much more toxic than in-game actions. I'd rather be face-camped then have multiple people wish death on me thank you very much.
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You just proved alot about this community
OP didn't mention anything about camping, and you always get alot of post game insults even if you are not camping....why did you assume this?
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That's like the worst part about the switch. Makes online seem lonely and when you meet someone amazing, you will never be able to communicate, ever.
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And then you look in the distance and notice smoke signals spelling out "GGEZ Camper"
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Give it time :)
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I know this isn't the reality but I also find it endearing that when I play on Switch it feels like everyone else is bad at the game but me. Rank 1 for either role is totally effortless on Switch. The playerbase is full of new players I think, or maybe it's just that a lot of people are playing in handheld mode.
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But messages aren't always negative, and can be fun. I had a chain that I started by pointing out I'd been caught entirely by surprise by Ghost Face. He asked for a clip, I uploaded it to Twitter, and we both had a good laugh.