Self Care is not overrated.

Satsui Member Posts: 142
edited December 2019 in General Discussions

So there is a trend lately that Self Care is overrated, and that you better off not use it, pro players / over 9000 IQ entitled survivors don't use it blah blah blah.

Let me tell you something.

Self care is NOT overrated. It is very useful, and very good perk to have. It is NOT a waste of time.

People saying things like - "Self-care is a waste of time you could have worked on a gen! You could use bond instead! Boo-hoo I lost cause 3 Blendettes were self caring while I died!" Are looking at things in a narrow-minded way.

As someone who plays a lot of killer AND a survivor, I can tell you that survivors running around injured are GREAT for me when I play a killer. Not only it's easier to track them while they are injured, especially when they don't run iron will, it also cuts chases IMMENSELY.

Running around injured makes stealth game THAT much better for the killer. On normal circumstances, when you are not injured, if you try stealth (which is basically a high risk high reward tactic, since you let the killer get close instead of keeping distance), you might get hit and then you get a chase in which you can stall the killer depends where you are, how good at looping you are, mind games, available pallets, etc.

If you are already injured - and your stealth game fails, you get hit and thats that!

Chasing an injured survivor, assuming you didn't try stealth, is also easier against injured survivors, as its harder for the survivor to lose you due to blood and sounds.

I would wager that "wasting" 32 seconds to get healed can prove very beneficial for the team. That healing state, could save your team 30-60 seconds FOR EACH SURVIVOR TEAMMATE the killer is chasing you, netting in a great advantage for your team, thanks to that "wasted" 32 seconds you gained another health state.

Now for bond - it is a pretty silly argument. Bond is a nice perk, I agree. But you waste time finding another survivor, and then 2 survivors get occupied for 16 seconds to heal you up. Instead, you could have had self care, and healed up in 32 seconds, while in those 32 seconds that other survivor would have been doing a gen. There is literally no advantage, healing wise and efficiently-wise, running bond over self care. Nevermind the time wasted finding a survivor and running around vulnerable.

Bottom Line & TL;DR:

People arguing Self Care is overrated are clueless and are total nabs & need to git gud at brains. Also they are sheeple ๐Ÿ‘.

And I'm saying that jokingly but also in all seriousness. ๐Ÿ˜ค

Also makes me wonder why there is the eggplant smiley on the forums lol. ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ†



  • LemeTheMeme
    LemeTheMeme Member Posts: 403

    I feel like this is a personal attack to my thread ๐Ÿ˜ฅ

  • Danielgdp3
    Danielgdp3 Member Posts: 452

    The self care issue most people should have is that players who run it use it at the the wrong time. It is a good perk but alot of people don't use it optimally and that's the problem.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,693

    Self Care/Botany/DS/DH is a pretty fun build.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Could someone roll up and counter my argument I don't want OP to go down without a fight ;)

  • MarsAttacks
    MarsAttacks Member Posts: 179
    edited December 2019

    Strong survivors can loop long enough to it make so self care is worth while to use.

    Team mates have to be by you to heal if you're self caring that's one less survivor healing you, that's less time spent LOOKING for a team mate if you're even looking for them. If you bring a medkit you're not bringing a toolbox, map, flashlight, or key. Which I'd argue all are more valuable than a medkit.

    Adrenaline is one time use at the end of the match, you gotta get to that point. Inner strength is a good option but you got a cleanse a totem first and once you use it you need to cleanse another one. Most totem spawns are terrible and there are only 5 so you might be good to get two inner strength price but probably not going to they more than 2 very often

    I still say self care is a top tier perk not having to rely on other survivors makes efficiency go up you can get near a gen heal yourself then repair the gen with your tool box

    The people saying it's not too tier don't realize the over arching picture of how useful it actually is.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Survivors can do a lot in 32 seconds and sitting there healing won't buy you enough time against many killers. I can see Self Care seeing niche use early game but during mid game a health state will not buy you the extra 16 seconds or perk slot. Late game Self Care is actually very good so I'll give you that much. Self care isn't worthless but it also isn't even A tier.

  • MarsAttacks
    MarsAttacks Member Posts: 179

    Guess we'll have to disagree on this.

    It's strong at any point in the game , doubles the use of any medkit you're using, if survivors get pushed off healing you cause the killer comes by you can finish it on your own. (Of course that is dependant on if he comes after you or not) very strong for end game saves/survival

    I already know most are going to disagree but that's fine for me SC is easily A tier and that's even in red ranks.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    It barely increases medkit efficiency. The point is that while a survivor is self caring they are being pressured. Imagine 2 survivors are injured and self caring. No problem that's only 64 lost generator charges. But combine this with one dead mate and one hooked mate on top of regressing gens and you'll wish you brought Iron Will or Resilience instead.

  • MarsAttacks
    MarsAttacks Member Posts: 179

    Time and place man time a place, just because we bring self care doesn't mean we immediately heal iron will is great but you're still in ohd state so better not get caught

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,897
    edited December 2019

    I have been a constant self care user since 2017. I don't want to be running around being a one shot target, and I don't want to waste time finding a team mate who then has to stop what they are doing to heal me. I like to be able to see to my own healing needs and not pull my team off their objectives if I can help it.

    I also don't use self care at the expense of my team. For example if someone is hooked, and I know that nobody else can go for the save then I will go in injured rather than waste time healing before going in.

  • MarsAttacks
    MarsAttacks Member Posts: 179

    Considering end game is where killer is most likely to camp it actually is am argument.

    Yeah, I'm constantly at rank2 survivor and I can safely say there has never been a killer that was so good that I thought SC was useless.

    Again you assume that just because we bring sc were IMMEDIATELY healing. And yes you can sit at a gen and HOPE a survivor comes to your gen and HOPE that it's not your gen the killer comes to

    Sorry but you just sound like a content creator follower cause I've seen all these same arguments and I've countered them all .

  • EldritchElise87
    EldritchElise87 Member Posts: 626

    With botany its fine, and its good if you want to play agressivley and get saves to have a way to heal and take a hit when you need to.

    But in all other cases, if you can get healed by others, Inner Strength or a medkit, its preferable.

    If Im injured and the killer is chasing someone on the other side of the map, I can comfotably work on a gen and be injured without too much of an issue, and if im sticking to a strong structure or a lot of pallets then im not putting myself at that much risk.

    Its basicly the same argument as cleansing vs plague.

  • ZoneDymo
    ZoneDymo Member Posts: 1,946

    Solo survivors care if someone else thinks a perk is overrated? why?

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    None of your arguments are actually "countering" anything. Maybe by your own logic, but many people would disagree.

    I am not assuming anything, beside that you try to use it optimally. It is still just a waste of a perk slot on higher levels and i told you why. Stick with your SC, makes live more easy for me as a Killer ;)

    Lets agree we disagree.

    Kind regards

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    They need to know what perks work best I guess. I haven't played solo in a while but they definitely care.

  • ZoneDymo
    ZoneDymo Member Posts: 1,946

    Sooo Solo survivors have no mind of their own? they can't...oh idk...try things themselves to see what they want/like to use?

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Solo survivors have a mind of their own? I don't think so bud.

  • MarsAttacks
    MarsAttacks Member Posts: 179

    Yeah but you're wrong and I already told you why and you're arguments are quite lacking.

    Adrenaline is never guaranteed because you don't know if you will be found again or not, survivors are not guaranteed to come to your generator, strong survivor looping long enough for you to to do a gen and heal yourself means you can immediately make a play if you need to.

    And if you get booty team mates and 2 get hooked or god forbid 3 get hooked now you have no team mate to heal your and unless you're already on last gen and it's almost completed you're definitely not getting adrenaline, and better hope you haven't already ran out of your medkit ASSUMING your brought one instead of a toolbox lol. Granted if it gets to that point probably going to lose the match anyway but you can still heal yourself and at least attempt to save the game haha

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    I think he's right mate. You're countering your own arguments in this post.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    Yea, seams to be your opinion and your great experience is outdoing mine.. If you dont want to understand my argument and you think they are lacking, thats fine. Stick with your opinion. Still, i will try to enter into your arguemtents, even tho i think it should be obvious by now.

    Your goal as a survivor is to escape the trial, right? By that, you have to do gens. All gens can be done within 3 minutes of the game if the team is optimal. There are different things you can do as a survivor to help to reach this goal.

    • Do the Generator (Top Priority)
    • Distract the Killer (Top Priority)
    • Cleanse Ruin (Some Priority)

    Everything else does not help you to get Gens done. Still, preparing for the endgame can be considered at some point to be very important. And that is mainly healing up and maybe cleansing totems.

    Healing up is done best by Adrenaline or by different Teammate(s). And if it has to be something else, Inner is still better. Also dont forget we still might get have a Medkit, way better then SC.

    SC can be useful in super rare situations ( e.g. You called it, somehow 3ppl are on the hook... but then i have to ask, how it came to that scenario... were you selfcare somewhere instead of picking up your slugged teammates? :P ) but other then that, all other options are better.

    You dont agree with my logic? Good.

  • MarsAttacks
    MarsAttacks Member Posts: 179

    By your logic why heal ever? I've already addressed both the adrenaline and inner strength arguments. Not that I don't think they are good perks, but I have stated exactly why SC can trump both

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    The issue is so often the people using it. They don't last that '30-60 seconds' in a chase to make it worthwhile most of the time. So often I see people who play risky and want to take protection hits and stuff, and then they'll just stand there self-caring.

    They don't buy more time than they waste, then they run straight back in to do similar stuff again. They use self-care as an excuse to make riskier plays where a batter player could do the same thing safely then not have a 30 second time-out for it.

    Not to mention, there's so many better alternatives like just running a med kit, or Inner Strength which takes 22 seconds, 15 of which is prepared earlier, and more importantly it does something productive for the team in that time too.

  • silverwolf4455
    silverwolf4455 Member Posts: 496

    Cant agree with your argument. Your time would be better suited to doing almost half a gen in the time it takes to selfcare... if the killer isn't running sloppy or thana.

    I love it as killer when the survivors waste time self caring, gives me plenty of time to make sure my pressure is kept up.

    There is always a time and place to heal, and if you want to heal so badly a medkit is always the better option. A lot of time especially at red rank it's just more efficient to push gens so that you proc your adrenaline. With perks like dead hard and iron will, it's not always the end of the world staying injured while pumping out gens.

  • FriendlyGuy
    FriendlyGuy Member Posts: 2,768

    Just use a medkit. It's way more effective.

  • aurum_exe
    aurum_exe Member Posts: 182

    Self-Care, Botany and Resilience... there your Sloppy a waste of a perk slot.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    If a survivor has to run 3 perks to counter one of mine then i call that a win in my book

  • xEcoLog1cDuk3Xx
    xEcoLog1cDuk3Xx Member Posts: 441
    edited December 2019

    Self-care already fell out of the meta for survivors

    Post edited by xEcoLog1cDuk3Xx on
  • Tokkern
    Tokkern Member Posts: 74

    And i don't think that you have a single brain cell.

    What does queuing solo or with someone else has to do with a person's intellectual capacity?

  • kcwolf1975
    kcwolf1975 Member Posts: 651

    I agree completely. It isn't the best perk, but still very good. I only play solo so it is comes in very handy.

    Great point about the time factor, 2 people at 16 seconds is the same as a solo at 32 seconds.

    During end game it comes in handy as well. I am not trying any rescues while injured if the killer is camping, which he should be doing at that point.

  • Scorp721
    Scorp721 Member Posts: 47

    I quit using self care when they nerfed it and I got a lot better at running the killer because of it. Up until the Stranger Things dlc and Inner Strength I just used Iron Will or brought in a med kit. Now I usually run Inner Strength, Head On, Quick and Quiet, and Dance with Me. But I don't really care what perks someone uses as long as they actually play the game instead of hiding all match.

    I'm also surprised that the anti self care crowd hasn't mentioned killers with insta down powers like Billy, LF, Myers, GF, Oni,(Plague kind of) or insta down add ons like Huntress, Clown, or Trapper or pretty much anyone with a 3 stack Devour Hope or even just mangled status.

    But the real reason I suspect people hate self care is more in how people that use it play. Either they get found in the middle of self caring by a stealth killer with nurses or they run to the corner of the map to heal. Not everyone does this but a lot of people do and those are the people that get remembered.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    Self care will always be one of the strongest perks due to giving unlimited health states. It's technically faster and she a more time overall. The main issue though is when to use it and not.

    You see too many healing when multiple are hooked. This can just be a bad play as most go far away so the time to heal plus getting round to saving them can mean second stage or a death in a lot of cases.

    Personally without botany I just wouldn't run it as the 33% reduction makes it more inline with the original. Plus you do get the bonus of faster healing on others when needed.

    I prefer inner strength for a healing perk as it makes people do totems and is so much quicker once you lose the killer if it's up. It also helps players learn totem spots. I've rarely seen NOED proc in a match with even just one person using inner strength which is always a plus.

  • DepressedClownMain
    DepressedClownMain Member Posts: 924

    Self Care is a terrible perk, and everything you said here is wrong. The chase arguement is dumb because in 32 seconds people can double heal and repair half a gen

  • goat10em
    goat10em Member Posts: 749

    That is certainly a very nice opinion. If you were looking to ignore time of certain actions etc. then this can definitely be solid advice. But it doesn't change the fact that self care is not an efficient use of a perk slot.