As a survivor, how do you deal with the following

-Lagging skillchecks with ruin

-Tunneling and/or camping and not de-pipping

-Face camping and not even being able to touch the hooked survivor

-Getting farmed


-Oni and Hag in general


  • csandman1977
    csandman1977 Member Posts: 2,358

    Lagging skill checks/ got a better modem and router. Also on console if ping is red i dodge.

    Tunneling/camping - not sure what you mean by not depipping. Doesn't happen very often to me so i deal with it.

    Face camping - if im on hook i waste as much of the killers time as i can. If im not on hook i do gens as i never run borrowed time. If theres 2 or 3 of us left and we are all close to hook we may all run in and take a hit bit i solo so....

    Getting farmed - mutter a curse and move on. Its just a game.

    Mori, try not to get hooked and downed. If i do, hope it's in a spot where i can enjoy the show.

    Oni- try to stay healthy. Hag, just lose. Hag is rough as a solo without ue. I just try to be smart in the way i play.

    Mostly, i play survivor because i can mess around and have a less stressful time than as killer. Its a game. Im not really going to die if i get sacrificed.

    Also best way to avoid being face camped and tunneled is to not tbag and flash light click.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,248
    edited December 2019

    Lagging skill checks: find Ruin or compensate for the lag. Not sure what platform you're on, but FPS is a factor.

    Tunneling and camping: it's a thing. Either play again or don't. The best thing you can do is make it not worth their time to repeatedly target you.

    Facecamping: run Kindred and Borrowed Time if you're a solo survivor and it's something you feel you need to be prepared for every game.

    Getting farmed: Rank up and generally get better teammates as you climb in ranks

    Mori: part of the game. Both sides have things that shorten their objective. Moris and keys are ridiculous, again or don't.

    Oni: hug corners when he is in Demon Mode. Loop like normal when he isn't.

    Hag: this is a tougher one if you're newer. You can avoid the traps by crouching or disarm them with flashlights. Many low rank Hags will place all their traps near a hooked survivor and never leave it. You can blast through the gens while they camp or use Urban Evasion and Borrowed Time to make the save.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,615
    • Don't remember the last time i got those, so i guess i don't deal with them.
    • Play like normal.
    • Play like normal.
    • Play like normal as much as possible, then report them.
    • Play like normal.
    • Play like normal.
  • arslaN
    arslaN Member Posts: 1,936

    If you are on pc, disable vsync from the config files. It makes skill checks a lot more smoother.

  • LustForBP
    LustForBP Member Posts: 611
    • Avoid high ping lobbies
    • Nothing you can really do about that. Hope you’re team is willing to rescue you and good at body blocks.
    • See above.
    • Nothing you can do if you’re solo.
    • Don’t get hooked but I mean a direct counter to a Mori is a key, so what’s wrong?
    • Get a decent squad or perks. Oni Killers usually slug, so run unbreakable and/or iron will. Self-care or Med-kits can help. But overall it depends on your teams assistance. As for the hag, good luck if they’re really good.
  • Magnificent_Bats
    Magnificent_Bats Member Posts: 12

    For the lagging/ruin skillcheck make sure to check what picture mode you have set on TV (if you're a console player!) as it makes a massive difference! Most modern tv's have a dedicated 'game mode', it makes a world of difference when I use it in DBD.

    For most of the other issues, there's little you can do other than chalk it up to experience & move on :)

  • bilaueta
    bilaueta Member Posts: 341

    -Keep working on the gen (waiting for the sparks to go ut first

    -Depending on the situation, if the killer is camping in endgame collapse just leave, if the killer is camping midgame do a gen because I know the rest of my team is probably gonna get downed next to the hook in a minute. And if you really hate tunneling use DS, if you dont get to use it then you were not tunneled and dont acusse the killer of doing so

    -Same as last one

    -Welp, Im now dead, whatever, time to move on to another match, thanks other guy for being a great teammate!

    -Welp, I've been moried, whatever, time to move on to another match, thanks killer for equipping an ebony against a bunch of solo queuers!

    - Use urban evasion for hag, and for god's sake dont run as soon as you get unhooked because every guy does that and it ends with me getting downed after the hag teleports. For Oni play normally and when he's got his power try to make turns when he is coming to hit you, if there is a wall even better cause he cant turn 90 degrees correctly when against a wall

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    -Lagging skillchecks with ruin

    Either try to find the totem or push through anyway, if you miss a great, just wait for the sparks to go away cause you won't get any progress on the gen but you can still get skillchecks

    -Tunneling and/or camping and not de-pipping

    Tunneling by going into juke the killer mode, lithe+dance with me work pretty good for this, they can't tunnel if they can't find you

    Camping push through gens and if i'm the one being camped hope my teammates push through gens, kindred is amazing for this

    -Face camping and not even being able to touch the hooked survivor

    Same as above just with a sigh

    -Getting farmed

    Growl and then move on


    When i know there is a mori i usually try to play a lot safer and sneakier

    -Oni and Hag in general

    I haven't versed oni that much

    Hag: first thing i do is pray that my team knows that you can crouch traps, if they don't, i try to go for the hatch

    Other then that i would sometimes look in chests to see if i can't find a flashlight, try to pop her traps while she is carying someone to a hook and if i get in a chase run to completed generators there a low chance hags will trap there

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    Tunneling and/or camping and not de-pipping

    Well if you didn't lose a pip then you already dealt with it well enough.

    Lagging skillchecks with ruin

    Skill checks are client side so this is a direct issue with fps. If you are on console then not much you can do about it. On PC with the right hardware you can unlock fps up to 120.

    Face camping and not even being able to touch the hooked survivor

    You can touch them just fine. You might get hit or grab in doing so. Not everyone can or should be saved.

    Getting farmed

    If it's right before you hit the next stage it's to give you a chance. If it's an issue start running DS.


    Hide all match or sandbag your teammates. 😉

    Oni and Hag in general

    Oni is easy. Tight angles are now impossible for him in his dash. Jungle gyms, buildings, L T walls. If you know that you will go down jump in a locker. This forces his cool down and prevents snowballing.

    Hag. Depends on her addons really. If you know where traps are, destroy them while she is carrying someone. Same for hook saves. If she is picking up someone run for that unhook. In general same for all killers, hold that M1 on gens.

  • DepressedClownMain
    DepressedClownMain Member Posts: 924
    edited December 2019

    About the skill checks, disable vsync and the fps limiter. Ever since I did it, Ruin does not matter at all (It is very easy to land hex skill checks).

    About tunneling and camping: DS and Dcs, honestly. If the persons camps you with 5 gens left I just go to the other match, but if it is like on the egc I use DS and hope my teammates have BT.

    About moris, lobby dodge. Killers do it all the time against SWF.

    And against hag, she is pretty good but is slow and you can avoid her traps. The new Oni is possibly one of the worst killers in game so just turn a corner and he can't get you (Yeah, thanks Devs)

  • mrtudi
    mrtudi Member Posts: 3

    Wow, I expected to be told "git gud" to be honest xD. Thank you very much everyone who responded! I reached rank 4 recently and the game is pretty much transforming into a chore. I got 5 ebony mories in consecutive games and just told myself "yeah, no". Looping is usually not that much of a problem unless that one of a kind P3 ally sandbags me lol.

  • justaSpirit_phase
    justaSpirit_phase Member Posts: 142

    im only gonna reply to the first.

    the lag helps me hit ruin skillchecks lmao

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Oni's not a problem. Other than that pray.