I am only matched with browns no matter my rank



  • DanteMorello
    DanteMorello Member Posts: 142
    edited December 2019

    I read your post. That was enough bullshit for one day. That's why I did not read anything after your initial post.

    If you would have purple skill, you would be purple rank. Simple as that.

    You can still pip if your team is #########.

    They are not responsible for your low personal score and stats.

    You get matched with browns for a reason.

    The matchmaking balance goes beyond the number and colour....

  • VoodooChild
    VoodooChild Member Posts: 319

    Oh wait but I was already purple and im about to purple again after tonight and guess what....all browns wow that's crazy but whats even crazier is you wanted to act like you read my post so at the end youre saying that the match making works in a secret way that only you know that I would love for you to explain but...oh no wait, that's not true! And also makes the rest of your post irrelevant, you said I would be purple if I had purple skill but then you said it has nothing to do with color oh my god its just so so sooooooo sooooooooooo; cringe.

    Like straight up, you didn't read my post and got called out for leaving a dumb comment. You made a mistake. I dont judge you for that because even if it was silly not to read my post you were just replying to the title. Now youre making up some bs about a secret ranking system at work like come on man lol, people on the internet can never admit when theyre wrong

    ELECTRIK_VISION Member Posts: 42

    I’m in red ranks and I get clueless teammates that quit on certain maps or killers or il be looping a killer for a good 1/2 mins and no gens get done it’s rough, I’d play the stealth game focus on gens, totems and only save when you can and try not to get chased until you’ve done a gen or 2 so you can pip even with garbage teammates

  • DanteMorello
    DanteMorello Member Posts: 142

    I can very well admit when I am wrong, but I did read your confusing and lamenting initial post. I did not respond to your title alone.

    It came across as narcissistic and arrogant.

    That and the fact that the forum is being spammed by self righteous cry posts like this one is why I responded the way I did. You have not earned any respect with that childish lamenting and defeatist attitude. I hope you are not an adult.

    You talk about cringe, yet most of the stuff you wrote so far reminds me of a bad comedy.

    About the matchmaking they stated on steam that it searches differently now since the last mm update, also to reduce waiting times, and there are more lower rank players than higher rank, but if you keep getting a lot lower rank players every time it indicates in my opinion that it is also due to personal stats.

    I sometimes played bad for a week or so and suddenly got constantly matched with lower players until I improved again.

    And if you truly think that the entire matchmaking system of a game like this is 5 lines of code that compare an integer number from 1 to 20 then I don't know what to tell you...

    I never said "matchmaking had nothing to do with rank and colour". I said it goes BEYOND rank and colour. I said there are other factors that also go on there.

    It did not contradict my statement that if you keep playing you will get to the rank that roughly resembles your skill.

    That is what your childish and hysterical way of thinking interpreted it as. Oh so cringe?

    You say that you are now back to purple. Congrats to you. But then where is your problem exactly? Then you can pip and have fun despite playing with and against the untouchable not worthy browns?

    The only legit critic I saw in your initial post is that players disconnect on purpose.

    Guess what? It happens less but still happens in higher ranks...

    And yes that is one point we can agree on. Dc needs punishment.

    But if you hate the game at the moment so much then why are you playing it?

    It is a casual game for fun. And not something serious.

    That is also the only thing it can add to your life. Fun. But definetly not if you expect it to be perfect and 100% what you want all the time.

    I play SWF with brown friends sometimes and those were some of the most hilarious games so far.

  • Revansith
    Revansith Member Posts: 367

    I play solo and I play SWF. I have no idea what ranks are in the lobby pre match. I assume that they are going to be either lower or higher than my rank if solo. If I am playing SWF with a higher ranked player I expect everyone to be higher ranked.

    The way I look at it is that if I get a kindly killer who could have killed me as the last survivor but chose to drop me by the hatch I cannot get upset if in the next match I face an evil killer who hooks me once and then camps my ass till I am dead.

    I wasnt aware the algorithm also factored in win/loss rates for a given player.

    Presently I tend to only play if my friend is playing. They are miles better than me and I have little faith I will ever get as good as them. I continue to play because I am a stubborn mule.

  • VoodooChild
    VoodooChild Member Posts: 319

    Hey since you didn't read my post guess what, im not reading yours. Feels kind of silly typing all that out for no reason huh, like why am I even bothering to reply if I didn't read it? Doesn't make much sense but apparently its in vouge

  • VoodooChild
    VoodooChild Member Posts: 319

    Im use to garbage teammates, that's consistent across ranks but browns are on another level lol. Honestly its funny as it is dumb, especially since realizing left behind is perfect for these situations. Pipping like i said just doesn't matter because even when i was purple i got matched with browns but someone said the ranks were relaxed for the holidays. Insane to me that i can literally only be paired with browns for so long tho

    Wait where did you hear win rate is factored into match making? I escape most of my games as survivor more than ever now but its rarely through getting gens done, its either hatch or the gate after the hatch is closed (Like i said for some reason they never check the doors after closing the hatch, literally not once has that happened with these brown killers even when theyre right next to each other.)

    Unless that came from the devs i doubt its true because i know a lot of red survivors got there from dying most games because like people (who did not actually read my post) keep mentioning, its very easy to pip even if you die. It would also make killers who de rank to get easier games not a thing, but that definitely is. In fact if that was true the whole ranking system would really be irreverent and you would see a mix of colors across all ranks

  • Revansith
    Revansith Member Posts: 367

    I think right now the matchmaker is simply using regions and grabbing anyone in que to make a lobby party. It would explain red and purples facing greens or even grays

  • Zamblot
    Zamblot Member Posts: 270

    Well spirit is the easiest to 4k on imo because her power gives very easy consistent 4ks if you know how to use her decently. Her ability may be harder to use than other killers but the payoff means if you have skill it's easier and more common to 4k

  • Accullla
    Accullla Member Posts: 984

    If you want to rank back up, just try to get the killer's attention first and run them all game. If you're more skilled than them, this shouldn't be too difficult. With a recent patch you'll get emblem points for objectives that your teammates do whilst you're in a chase. You'll be back in purples/reds in no time

  • VoodooChild
    VoodooChild Member Posts: 319

    That means shes good not easy, Clown is super easy but not very good that's actually how its supposed to work a higher skill ceiling means better character.

    Nurse for example is really unarguably the easiest to 4k with, over spirit because you can outplay her. Nurse you cant really do ######### if they've mastered her even now but shes also the hardest killer in the game. I cant really play her well, i have only ever played against 1 good one and they kicked my and everyone else's ass really fast. Every other nurse ive seen up to that point didn't get 1 kill and was just bullied all game. Easy game, hard to learn

  • Zamblot
    Zamblot Member Posts: 270

    What I mean is she's easier to 4k with than most killers if your good. Harder to get a grasp on her and start off with but when you get good at her she suddenly becomes easier than say clown as there isn't as much difficulty in getting a 4k