Hatch closing must go

I have to say that hatch closing MUST go. Before you say it. laugh at this funny comic here, and just take it as SOME humor. (have some joy in life)

Hatch closing has to go. Lets be honest here. The game needs hatch closing back. Just PLEASE put it back. I'd bet that half the DC and kobe issues would mysteriously GO AWAY. Give the killer the 4k pip points on a survivor hatching. You have to entice players to want to STAY and play. The hatch is like the Carrot and Stick thing. or the "low miles, one owner thing" or the "SUPER SIZE only for a dollar more. OR the "large for a medium charge" or the " have it ur way.

Lets just be honest and frank here (same thing, right?) the hatch made the game FUN. Closing the hatch, takes away any will for a person from the start. The fact that if my team mates are bad, I still had a chance to escape.

THANK You, and I hope you enjoy the comic :😎


  • Tr0g
    Tr0g Member Posts: 241
    edited December 2019

    If the killer closes the hatch you have to be really lucky with exit gate distances to escape 1v1, and that sucks. It's rough, and it's RNG. Can be equally frustrating for the killer if they spawn far away and/or it's a slow killer.

    But it's better than the hatch standoffs..

    Maybe include a mechanic where the hatch reopens after 60 seconds so the killer has to keep an eye on it and the survivor has another chance of getting away. And make it count as a kill for the killer.

    On the other hand, one could argue you don't really deserve an escape if you're left 1v1 with a killer. Survivors are only strong as a team.

  • InnCognito
    InnCognito Member Posts: 720
    edited December 2019

    I forgot to post this. Im not such a bad person. Sometimes it is best to have SOME compassion in game. 'Dead by Generosity"


  • InnCognito
    InnCognito Member Posts: 720

    As a general I miss the old honor system. It made it feel more like a community. :-)

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    sorry, but that would bring the hatch standoff back again - which was the main reason it got removed in the first place.

    that has nothing to do with fun for both sides, its just waiting till someone (usually the killer, since the entire standoff was in the favor of the survivor) gives up.

    in case you are not aware of what the hatch standoff used to be:

    back in the day the killer was able to interrupt a survivors ability to jump into the hatch. this would allow him to just pull them on his shoulder and put them on a hook as usual, granting the 4k. so the survivor couldnt jump into the hatch if the killer was at grabbing distance. however, when the killer hit the survivor and entered the wipe off animation, the survivor had enough time to jump into the hatch, so the killer could also not attack the survivor.

    this lead to an awkward situation where the killer would stare at the survivor (and the other way around) and the game would not end. however, while the survivor was able to just tab out, do god knows what and then tab in as soon as they hear themselves getting hit ingame, the killer could not do anything like that, due to the survivors escaping animation being soundless, so the killer usually let the survivor go after 5 minutes or something like that.

    the new hatch does not have any of that. if the survivor finds it, they escape. if both reach it at the same time, the survivor escapes. and if the killer finds it, the EGC starts, giving the survivor a new escape route - the gates.

    this change was needed for the games health and it should not be undone, unless you come up with a better solution to prevent such a scenario where the game has been taken hostage by its own mechanics - which is still fair for both sides mind you. not just "give the survivor a 100% free escape" or "give the killer a 100% free kill".


    the hatch should stay the way it is, to prevent the hatch standoff from returning.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,360

    Oh...I just took it like he let the Dweet get some points before killing him, lol.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    I actually think hatch closing is one of the most healthy things that BHVR has ever added.

  • InnCognito
    InnCognito Member Posts: 720

    Its never been healthy after this year. thats for certain lolz. Lots and LOTS of DCs. I've been around since late yr 1 and its now repeated DC after DC since june.

  • Exxodus21
    Exxodus21 Member Posts: 1,170

    The only way to make this fair is to give the last survivor the exposed status, give them a delay after being downed before they can escape through the hatch, & return the hatch grab.

  • kreeper124
    kreeper124 Member Posts: 492

    Hatch closing is needed in the game, otherwise we'd be back to having hatch standoffs for 5-20 minutes. Hell, I remember when the game first came out I was in a hatch standoff for 30 minutes. That's just not fun. With the way it is now, the game ends much faster allowing you to get into another match right away

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    Hatch closing has to go. Lets be honest here. The game needs hatch closing back.

    I assume this is simply a spelling error.

    But i don't like the premise for this change: "You have to entice players to want to STAY and play."

    By returning Hatch-standoffs, annoying everyone again?

    I don't think it'll come back, not like how you want it.

  • Tr0g
    Tr0g Member Posts: 241
    edited December 2019

    There are other solutions to avoid a hatch standoff.

    I understand the OP's frustration, especially if the 2 exit gates spawn near each other. You just can't win. As soon as the killer spots you he will chase you down and the only way to escape is by standing at the gate for a while. You can trick some bad killers by opening it halfway and hiding but your chances are slim, especially on open maps or against killers like Billy that can race between 2 gates in seconds.

    Personally I think a mechanic where the hatch re-opens after 60 seconds could be healthy and slightly less RNG based. But if it's done, the killer shouldn't be penalized for it.

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    Nicer then me I would of never let him have my Hex despite giving him hatch.

    I give you props.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,693

    Yes - The people who DC well before End Game would totally stick around if the hatch could not be closed.

  • ppo8820
    ppo8820 Member Posts: 763

    I agree. Now they always know where it is since they don’t have to sneak around like survivors, and the damn gates are always next to each other. Partner that with noed abd it’s so unfair.

  • ppo8820
    ppo8820 Member Posts: 763

    They could at least make the doors out of sight of one another. That shits absurd.

  • YaiPa
    YaiPa Member Posts: 1,929

    Not only hatch closing helps ending the hatch standoff, but it's also survivor-sided. You wouldn't believe how many 3Ks I did on Lery's because the fourth slugged survivor picked himself up with adrenaline (because adrenaline surely isn't op), then he outplayed me guessing the right door.

  • Hopesfall
    Hopesfall Member Posts: 828
    edited December 2019

    the hatch itself should go, cheap mechanic to make someone who lost feel like they accomplished something

    Post edited by Hopesfall on
  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    No, not at all, the hatch shutting mechanic was one of the most healthy additions to the game, period.

    It gives BOTH teams a fairer chance to win in the late game, and doesn't reward free escapes for doing nothing at all.

    More importantly, it stops standoffs that happened because neither side could act without the other player winning.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    I have an entire post on that actually, where i had a trial where they were so close together, i could stand still between them and see both Exit Gate Switches, while the Hatch was already closed and there was only one guy left, making it almost impossible, which i didn't like.

    But that was very one-sided in my, the Killer's, favor, so let's also look the other way: 4 Survivors alive, Exit Gates on opposite sides of the map, a Killer without much mobility, not chasing any Survivor.

    Considering the current meta and with the Survivors more than likely knowing what they're doing since there's 4 alive during the late-game, you might get 1 kill in with some hardcore camping.

    That is of course if you go to the right Exit Gate immediately: Choose the wrong one and they're gone.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    "Lets just be honest and frank here (same thing, right?) the hatch made the game FUN."

    Before the Hatch was able to be closed, Hatch stand-offs were a thing. They were terrible. The only way you could do this without reintroducing Hatch stand-offs would be to take away Hatch closing but also not give the Killer the ability to grab someone out of the Hatch. Which would be stupid because that is giving the last Survivor more power than the Killer.

  • Ted
    Ted Member Posts: 2

    Absolutely has to go. Is everyone on this forum playing as the Killer????This was one of the worst updates in the game. The two exit gates are always wide open and adjacent to each other. The biggest gripe was hatch standoffs? Really? No Viable solution? How about having the timer start once the last player is the only one left and let the killer try to cover the 3? Put a key somewhere on the board once the hatch is closed that the survivor can find before time runs out. Make the exit doors open twice as fast. I need to use a special perk just in case I'm the last one left? Doubt it. The worst killer can cover both exits gates easily. I don't even go for the exit doors if I'm the last one left because there is no chance so why give the killer the satisfaction. I just look for any leftover totems or score some extra points in the basement.

  • InnCognito
    InnCognito Member Posts: 720
    edited December 2019

    I play as Doctor and all. and I kinda just want players to stop DC'ing. but after ECG. it seams like this goes hand and hand after they introduced ECG. the trends of DC started to become a norm. Sadly. Punishing players for their opinion. isn't the way to go.

    Thus why I try and let people hatch. I completely agree with "Ted member" here. That I can see why survivor frustration is here and they deserve some love from the company to show that survivors are what truly makes it the game. Without them. Us killers have to wait astronomical que times in the game. Thus. I want to say thank you to all survivor mains here.

  • JC316
    JC316 Member Posts: 693

    Killer queue times are instant right now because of the survivor friendly attitude. Both sides need each other. Survivors need to stop whining and realize they aren't entitled to an escape, just like the killer isn't entitled to a 4K.

  • InnCognito
    InnCognito Member Posts: 720
    edited December 2019

    LOL ikr! Well I'd have to say we need some compromises here at this point. The game CAN be fun. MANY players are frustrated (DC LIFE) and I gotta say that as a killer MAIN. i want survivors to have a good time and feel as though I am a FORMIDABLE opponent,. yet at the same time I want them to feel as though IF they are the last person left alive. They WORKED hard for the escape.

    As a killer MAIN. I can live WITHOUT the 4k. I'd rather just play the game. Everyone gets to play, have fun, and not feel the need to RAGE QUIT the game.

    This survivor was NOT let go (For bagging). But I never closed the hatch. Because thats cheep.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,693

    People DC'ed if they were the first person seen/hit/hooked/noticed/spawned near the killer/don't like the add-ons/don't like the killer/etc way before this mechanic was implemented.

    I'm interested to see your reasoning on how removing this mechanic will solve said issue(s) when it existed well-before being able to close the hatch (which in itself eliminated the most unhealthy aspect of the game - infinite stand-offs).

    You haven't really provided any noteworthy responses at all in this thread, going so far as to state that you've been around since year, but DC'ing has only become the norm since the introduction of the EGC (entirely incorrect).

    You didn't kill the Dwight, hooked someone without closing the hatch, and made a troll post that is "trending on Reddit" - Fantastic, but your points regarding the hatch, DC reasons, and most of the things you've said about the game in general, are incorrect.

    TLDR - The hatch has almost ZERO relation to the DC epidemic.

    CLAUDETTEINABUSH Member Posts: 2,210

    I liked your comic tho I disagree.

    No behavior didn't do anything wrong (sarcasm)

    No hatch should be able to close.

    More or less because of the broken nature of keys,that will get a buff if the hatch never close.

    Can you imagine it? Hatch is open and all 4 survivors smash the m1 to get away while the killer can't do anything. Now that I think about it it will also buff swf. No keep the ability to close the hatch.

  • Ni7rogen
    Ni7rogen Member Posts: 80

    And this is why I hook the last survivor before closing the hatch.

  • Ohnoes
    Ohnoes Member Posts: 608

    The only thing that many needs removing is body blocking the hatch. It's stupid from both sides. If the hatch has so much force it can stay open with something having its weight on it then by default that something should be getting pushed off whether it's a survivor or killer.

  • Quiet_Observer
    Quiet_Observer Member Posts: 68
    edited December 2019

    Why should it open again? That wouldn't be fair for the killer? Why does everything in the game need to be balance towards the survivor favor? If 3 survivors are dead and the hatch spawned and opens it means survivors failed. They failed their objective which means the game should be harder for killer? That would mean killer would have to close hatch and walk between two doors to find last survivor then hatch opens again after a minute so by the time he gets to it the door is opened nah if killer kills all and finds hatch it's the survivors fault

  • Sadiii
    Sadiii Member Posts: 38


  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    I bet you want egc gone too

  • batmanscar
    batmanscar Member Posts: 466

    useless suggestion considering all the dumb hatch camping issues that was in the old builds

  • InnCognito
    InnCognito Member Posts: 720

    Only killers enjoy End Game Collapse and hatch closing. ask any survivor main if they enjoy ECG. :)