We deployed a fix to solve an issue preventing players from unhooking, healing or picking up Survivors. Players will need to reboot to see the change reflected in-game. Thank you for your patience!

I take it back..

I’m the OP of the post “Killers and Tunneling” worth a read to understand my title.

Anyways a little rant:

i take back all I said about Killers and Tunneling. Survivors are literally beyond toxic in this game. Playing against red rank SWF is the most annoying thing about this game. I would rather encounter a tunneling or hook camping killer than continue to be queue’d with the survivors I have been lately.

My Experiences go like this:

  • Join Lobby.
  • 4 survivors queue in
  • no toolbox; so, no suspected “gen-rush”
  • match starts
  • I encounter a stray Feng, who’s just running in circles
  • She Sprint Bursts as I approach, leaving me confused, but I’ve seen this before.
  • Chase ensues and I land a hit.
  • Another Feng runs by and scrambles the scratch marks.
  • I hit her. Down her. Hook her.
  • The other self-cares.
  • I walk away. BOOM!
  • unhook.
  • I run back and hit the Feng that unhooked.
  • The other comes by and scrambles the marks.
  • 1 gen done.
  • I get looped by two Fengs, I drop the chase and go check gens.
  • Chase a Claudette.
  • Down her. Hook her.
  • Instant unhook. Followed by body blocks. (Fengs of course)
  • *fast forward*
  • 1 gen remains. All totems on map destroyed so no hope for NoED.
  • I patrol the last 4 gens in a line.
  • Of course, both Fengs continue to gen tap trying to bait me into a chase.
  • I don’t chase as I’m already annoyed by them.
  • Last gen finished. I down the Claudette at the gate (death hook)
  • Both Fengs start a chase. I down one, hook her.
  • i camp, because...
  • gates open. Feng unhooks Feng and attempts a body block.
  • I down the injured Feng after a failed DH at the Exit Gate.
  • They proceed to T-Bag at the exit.
  • The other survivor across the map at the other exit gate proceeds to spam vaults or whatever
  • Finally leaves after I don’t come.

End of Match:

matchmaking logic:

Rank 2 Survivor

Rank 2 Survivor

Rank 1 Survivor

Rank 2 Survivor

Rank 6 now 7 Killer (I’ve de-ranked 3 ranks now, which I’m fine with as long as I eventually get placed with survivors trying to enjoy the game and not be toxic.)


  • Majora
    Majora Member Posts: 207

    Yup only way to shut them up is to sacrifice them. If you even give them any leniency they will unhook in your face they will tbag and insult you after the match

  • hocrux
    hocrux Member Posts: 212
    edited December 2019

    Your fault, learn to manage/spread pressure throughout the map, why chase someone not doing anything? And to down an unhook survivor and pick up, you're asking to be get ds, next time hit the unhooked and commit to him/her. Best thing you can do in that situation is to trade

  • LustForBP
    LustForBP Member Posts: 611

    Oh, you edited in a comment. Nice.

    To add to that, they were by the Exit Gates. My best bet was the injured survivor or no survivor. I wasn’t expecting DS, but I forget that’s just another chance the devs have given survivors at a hope of survival.

  • hocrux
    hocrux Member Posts: 212

    Ah that sucks man, nothing much you can do honestly then, just get to the next game, devs won't cater to this issue, been brought up countless times

  • LustForBP
    LustForBP Member Posts: 611

    100% agree my dude. I try and play killer for fun, I could care less about 4ks as long as it was enjoyable. Funny chases, scaring survivors, etc. most of the time I spend getting trolled, regardless of ignoring strong loopers. I play maybe 2-3 games of killer and switch to survivor if my friends are on, we don’t even try in survivor either and we’re red rank from literally having fun and barely escaping, after those games I’m off most of the time from playing killer. It’s beyond boring and a waste of time as a killer.

    bUt KiLleRs aRe oP

  • LustForBP
    LustForBP Member Posts: 611

    I lose and get messages from killers “trash” “ezzzz” “get good”

    one game i camped a troll, and strong looper for 2ks and get messages afterwards:

    ”wow you suck that bad” “getgood camper” “you’re trash camper”

    but proceeded to body block, aggressively loop me, and rush gens. 🤦🏽‍♂️

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,480

    This is kinda one of the reasons we need individual ranks for our killers if i want to level my level 1 spirit i cant do that in red ranks because ill be absolutely destroyed. I normally fair pretty well against swfs depends on what build im running. If im running nemesis leatherface i just need to find my obssession and get my 3 stacks then chase after another survivor. Good luck looping a leatherface going at 15% more movement speed. But other killers its knowing when to give up a chase. (Kinda hard though since survivors will just keep running back to the best area to deal with you each time). Also the ds at the end is a classic annoyance because its like just wait for it to run out but by the time itd run out the survivor would have crawled out.

  • Mikeasaurus
    Mikeasaurus Member Posts: 2,327

    I play the same way. I don't go in aiming for a win, just to have fun. I usually main GF so I kinda just mess around with them when I see the match going south for me. A majority of times, I get thanked and told they enjoyed the match. I just wish Reds would be like lower ranks and just enjoy the game, not turn it into some kind of E-Sport rush

  • LustForBP
    LustForBP Member Posts: 611

    I try to play for fun, I rotate throughout all the Killers except 4 to mix it up. I played as Mike, I think it was, and played a group of Greens or Yellow before I kept ranking and ranking. They thanked me for the mindgames and jump scares. Amazing how friendly new players can be that haven’t learned the ######### tactics of reds and low purples.

  • LustForBP
    LustForBP Member Posts: 611

    I can play well against SWF too if I use my tryhard build. But that’s literally not fun lol. Playing against greens, yellows and even grays is much more fun because I don’t need to sweat and I can let them escape without feeling worthless.

  • The_Second_Coming
    The_Second_Coming Member Posts: 1,110

    Good to see you have seen the light.

    You give survivors an inch, they will take a mile. Don't ever feel bad by offing them as quick as possible. If that means tunneling, so be it. They don't give a crap about your fun as killer, and you shouldn't go out of your way to facilitate theirs.

  • Mikeasaurus
    Mikeasaurus Member Posts: 2,327

    Totally agree. I feel the lower ranks actually give you a fun match from the chases, and the tactics they try use. Red ranks just brute force everything, which is boring and just not fun to go against. Hell, some of the lower ranks have even given me a tough time, which is more fun for me since they're not super tryhard about it and we both have fun with it

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Imagine calling players toxic for playing the game.

  • DanteMorello
    DanteMorello Member Posts: 142

    4 Man SWF is very rare... Around 5% throughout all platforms. The only reason why people think it is otherwise is the changes to the matchmaking system which often collects all 4 solo survivors before the killers enter the lobby.

  • bilaueta
    bilaueta Member Posts: 341

    Totally agree with your point but you better take that insult to spine chill back! >:)

  • Rlabotath
    Rlabotath Member Posts: 125

    Possibly, but the problem isn’t just SWF’s. It’s a majority of Survivors period. They want wins handed to them on silver platters, they don’t want to work hard to play the game well. Honestly, I enjoy playing against sweaty SWF’s a lot more than the general populous, because at least then I know the direction the game is going to go in. And generally speaking, the sweaties aren’t the toxic ones, it’s everyone else. It’s why I get on DBD just to screw around and don’t really care anymore. I care about Identity V, I care about that community, I care about climbing to the pinnacle of my play there. Here, I can’t anymore. The Devs made it clear they only care about the money, so they appease the larger player base (aka survivors) to get the most money. Why do you think they gave us the middle finger about Legion cosmetics being singular for one of the four, maybe two of the four? Because they don’t care about us. Even though they could make a metric ton of money if they added Rave Susie and Julie, Day of the Dead Frank, ect. They won’t, because they can put more work into 7 Survivor Sweaters for Christmas, and only 2 Killer Sweaters, give Dwight fancy menu sounds with Elf suit, because that’s where the money is.

    Again, Survivors, just kill this game faster. Tell the devs Adrenaline needs a buff so they give it Endurance, exposed blocking, and have them throw on permanent aura hiding as well, just as an added FU to the killers. They’ll do it if you also give them a great suggestion for another 10-12 dollar cosmetic that could be super popular and earn them the dough.

  • TheObamacare
    TheObamacare Member Posts: 29

    Its so sad too 🙄 they are so quick to burn killers at the stake but heven forbid we even look at their items and perks.

  • FJSJ_Lunar
    FJSJ_Lunar Member Posts: 230

    JuSt ApPlY mOrE pReSsUrE 4head

  • meatisadelicacy
    meatisadelicacy Member Posts: 1,920

    I've never come across a killer who didn't use their Ebony as soon as they could.

  • Skywclu
    Skywclu Member Posts: 43

    I don't understand how that's toxic. The only thing that I seen as toxic is the t bagging, but other than that it seems the survivors were just surviving.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,233

    Its my favorite way of using a mori, lol. Can use it as a deterrent to make survivors think twice about dumb shenanigans, since they dont feel so ballsy when their DS can be bypassed by a mori. I remember queuing up against 4 Claudettes who all decided to try to dress identically. Brought in the mori and had a good game. Didnt actually have to USE it on anybody, which just left them puzzled in the endgame chat. Can also bring in a cypress mori for the same effect.

  • meatisadelicacy
    meatisadelicacy Member Posts: 1,920

    I would also be confused. Honestly most killers I come across just camp and then tunnel the person off the hook to make good use of that mori. I guess I can't really blame them but I wish they were actually a little more ultra rare. And please, mori all the Claudettes. Do it for all the survivors who aren't afraid to play the game and don't hide the entire time. DO IT.

  • LustForBP
    LustForBP Member Posts: 611
  • Zender
    Zender Member Posts: 178

    I’m a rank 1 survivor (pipping is very easy with survivor) and just got to rank 4 killer (hag, huntress, Myers, Bubba) and the matches are starting to get brutal.

    @LustForBP have you had any of this happen:

    object of obsession with flashlight - I could literally not catch this person. First chase just quit after 20 seconds and two pallet stuns plus blinded (only 15 pallets left on map!)

    had them unhook in your face, bodyblock then someone head ons you.

    2 gens get done in about 65 seconds.

    had this match recently, they all escaped and it didn’t even seem hard. I think I got 2 maybe 3 hooks total. They were all on comms rank 1-2. Playing as hag so I was slower, they just ran through my traps 360s, teabags, flashlights, DS, sprint bursts, adrenaline, pallets galore.

    i almost dc’ed but stuck it out. It felt like I was in 3rd grade and 4 8th graders were toying with me. Like a cat plays with a mouse. So much for being a killer.

    these ranks really force you into playing like 5 killers only (some claim to rock face with m1s but unless you got mobility a team like this will destroy you)

    people say these kinds of players are rare but rank 1-3 is where they live so I run into it about 25% of the time.

  • LustForBP
    LustForBP Member Posts: 611

    I call BS that they’re “rare”. I deal with them everyday.

    Also, I rotate Killers as I think I said. I enjoy the hag because her traps give me heart attacks sometimes. When I play her, strong loopers purposely trigger my traps over and over to bait loops. That is literally the most annoying thing. Half the time I ignore my traps but get a survivor that trolls me by triggering my traps

    as for the object, I ignore them. Most survivors that use it are strong loopers and it gives them the ability to track you.

    This is why I want to be rolled back to Green/Yellow. The amount of boring I get from red/purples is surreal. You are limited to Top Tier killers in red/purple. (For those killers reading that are gods at playing and can kill anyone with any killer, this is not for you lol)

  • lasombra1979
    lasombra1979 Member Posts: 1,142

    I spent a day using my entire stash of cypress moris in the same manner. It was beautiful, completely confused all the survivors why they were not getting moried. I burned through something like 15 cypress moris in a row.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506
    edited December 2019

    Cant play this game fair anymore. You have to play it either:

    A: completely selfishly, ensuring YOUR survival/victory regardless of how "scummy" it is.


    B: 100% carefree/fair as if you're an npc in someone elses game.

    Trying to play fair AND win/do well is only going to cause frustration.

    Theres too many toxic kiddies who think sacrificing a teammate or teabagging a loser is the ultimate power trip.

  • LustForBP
    LustForBP Member Posts: 611

    If I play for “fun” I know I won’t win. Lol I played Wraith last night with Insidious and stood in front of my Ruin Totem. It was hilarious watching all 4 survivors come and try to touch it. Finally one flashed me then I went full killer mode (only killed 2, but still). 😂

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    Thata my favorite game lol. I wont hunt, but I will protect my totem. I even give them a whack and a chance to run. But if they try to troll or outplay for the totem, they die.

    During the pustula event LAST year, it was hilarious. 3/4 working on a plant, ring the bell and watch them SCATTER.

    But yeah I've been doing killer games as a "mini boss" character. Dont use out of game knowledge (perks, maps, cutting off routes unless it's a character specific map like pig/game meyers/haddonfield) and just mindlessly play whatever killer it is like the source material shows them. It's way more fun to do that and get 1/0k than to try for a 4k and get 3or less AND salty messages/teabagging.

  • LustForBP
    LustForBP Member Posts: 611

    Yeah, I kept ringing my bell as a warning and then they’d point. Those that didn’t run, got a whack. Then I returned. 😂

  • DanteMorello
    DanteMorello Member Posts: 142

    Dude... It is literally both sides... I had so many killers adding me in steam as friend just to flame me after a match...

    And they were also expecting I would jump onto a hook willingly...

  • LustForBP
    LustForBP Member Posts: 611

    rare occasions that a killer messages a survivor. I never message a survivor. I am the one who gets my inbox flooded on Xbox after a match. Regardless if I won or lost.

  • DanteMorello
    DanteMorello Member Posts: 142

    Yes of course you know every killer in the game. I forgot.

  • LustForBP
    LustForBP Member Posts: 611

    And for what reason would these killers have for messaging you then? Lol

    I play survivor more now that my group is more active. We never receive messages from killers nor have I heard of any other people receiving any that weren’t toxic.

    So, what did you do? It’s hard to believe you receive messages often from killers. Maybe 1/20 games.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,172

    A tale as old as time.

  • JC316
    JC316 Member Posts: 693

    My brother has seen the LIGHT!! Told you man. When you encounter these groups, it's the most frustrating game known to man and it will drive to be the dirtiest player in the game.

  • LustForBP
    LustForBP Member Posts: 611

    Lmfao I know I know. I want to apologize to those that tried to convince me 😂🖤

    I’m such a try-to-have-fun survivor that I’ve never encountered this stuff til recently. I had no idea how awful it is because my group is sooooo innocent in play. We’re probably the most noob-like reds/purples because we play for mostly scares.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Just sounds like you need to be more punishing of their shenanigans. You actually don't always need to tunnel/camp at red ranks against SWF, you want to spread the damage and not be predictable. If you take a chase you lose so just go for hit and run.

  • JC316
    JC316 Member Posts: 693

    Lol, I know. We are basically the same person, just a month or two apart. I too hated campers and tunneling until I started encountering these toxic tryhards, then it suddenly made sense.

    Then I overcompensated by tunneling and being toxic myself. I've finally found the balance between playing my game and not playing theirs. Including knowing when to hit the basement and stare at a wall until they get the gens done, then force them out.