Maps - which are balanced/unbalanced & why?

I'm curious to hear the community opinions on this, which maps are unbalanced and is it from killer or survivor perspective?


  • BaldursGate2
    BaldursGate2 Member Posts: 994

    Wretched Shop and Disturbed Ward are most likely the most broken god loop maps.

  • Brucecastro81
    Brucecastro81 Member Posts: 1,609

    Wreckers' yard is by far the most balanced map because of his small size and common loops, HadNoFunField is the most bruh thing ever: Impossible to check generators, god loops at every house, giant fences that also can be infinities... at Haddonfield you litteraly can just run the entire map without getting hit due to 177 loops that exist

  • Magnificent_Bats
    Magnificent_Bats Member Posts: 12

    For all the time I've been playing DBD I still haven't learned any of these so-called god loop spots! I think if i did it would kill some of the fun of the chase for me.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,089

    Haddonfield is fine, BL was the problem :]

    There is not much to learn to be honest. Just run the respective window as often as possible. Those God Loops (referring to Iron Works, Abattoir and Torment Creek here) are all without any Pallets, so you just need to run straight for the Windows. As Killer, I dont mind when people are doing it, when they are there. However, I get a little bit pissed, when they ignore strong Structures (like Jungle Gyms, or long Walls where you can look over), just to run to the strong Window, because thats the only place they know how to loop.

    It is more important to combine several structures IMO. Like not sticking to a Jungle Gym, but combine it with a nearby Structure, to get the most out of the Jungle Gym Pallet.


    Most of the maps are pretty balanced, especially when it comes to Kill Rate. However, some Tweaks can be made to some Maps, but highly imbalanced are only a few.

    Just my thoughts:

    Coal Tower--->Fine. The Tower Loop is strong, but not Bullshit as other Loops, and the Map is really small.

    Groaning Storehouse-->One Strong Window which should be closed all the time. Other than that, pretty balanced, even tho, RNG can ######### with this Map (two days ago I just had one Hill in the Middle area, the rest were Tank Tracks...So nothing to work with).

    Ironworks of Misery-->Window needs to be next to a door, otherwise it is fine.(Lightning is horrible on it, you can stand on the middle of the Map and see everything clearly in the Iron Works....)

    Shelter Woods-->One of the Maps which should get reworked, giant Deadzone in the middle, sometimes really wonky RNG that makes the Map spawn with like 3 Pallets (at least it feels like that). One of the old Maps where you can clearly see it is old.

    Suffocation Pit-->Fine when it comes to Main Buildings (even the stronger Window is not that problematic), the Middle can get some Rework, because you have 5 Structures back to back. And Jungle Gym into Jungle Gym into T-Wall into Jungle Gym is not cool (against competent Survivors. Potatoes will just use the Pallets one by one).

    Resting Place-->I dont like this Map. As Killer you can camp a Hook while half Map away, because Survivors need to cover so much distance. I feel it is kinda balanced, but it can easily be turned to one side or the other (Survivors doing a 3 Gen-->Killer has an easy Life... Survivors not 3 genning themselves-->Killer will have a hard to come back from that).

    Blood Lodge-->one of the most imbalanced Maps. Needs some high wall central structures in the middle to have some chance of mindgames. Middle is full of Loops where you can look over, which results in Killers having to follow the Survivor from Pallet to Pallet.

    Gas Heaven-->RNG sometimes wonky, middle can spawn without anything or lots of good Pallets. Otherwise, this Map is quite ok.

    Wretched Shop-->One of two windows should be closed all the time. Otherwise its balanced.

    Wreckers Yard-->one of the most balanced Maps, has a variety of Loops which are mindgameable and unmindgameable, decent size.

    Cowshed-->RNG is what ######### this Map (like all Cornmaps). You can have long Wall Loops into Shack into Jungle Gym. Again, vs Potatoes that might not be that bad, because they only loop one structure, but vs good Survivors, it will be a hard time to catch them, when they can combine multiple Windows and Pallets.

    Thompson House-->One of the most imbalanced Maps. Not only RNG, but also the Thompson House itself with 3 strong Loops attached to it.

    Torment Creek-->Aside from RNG, back window should always be closed. Otherwise its fine.

    Abattoir-->Strong Window should be closed, otherwise its fine.

    Rotten Fields-->The other Map where you can see that it is really old. Horrible for both sides, too big for Killers to patrol and giant dead zones for Survivors.

    Disturbed Ward-->Most broken Structure in the game, BL Nerf was not necessary, because this Structure is strong even without BL. 4 safe Pallets and multiple Windows. And you can reach it as Survivor all the time, from anywhere on the Map (except vs Killers like Hillbilly or Leatherface, because they might Insta Down).

    Chapel-->Balanced, but quite lazy in my opinion. A separate Map for Clown, more circus-themed would be nice. But when it comes to structures, it is balanced.

    Haddonfield-->Nerf to BL not necessary, this Map is not enjoyable for Killers, even without BL. Strong Loop on the Basement House (with see-through stairs), Myers House still strong. They should have added Doorways instead of Windows at the Myers House and close the lower Floor Window, and thats it. Long Fences which can be bad for both sides (but mostly Killer).

    Pale Rose-->RNG is horrible on this Map, can spawn without anything in the middle, otherwise it is quite balanced, but I hate this map.

    Grim Pantry-->Pantry is too strong as a loop, other than that, it can, same like Pale Rose, spawn with nothing to work with. Not good for either side in my opinion.

    Lerys-->Will get a Rework. a little bit of RNG Tweak is needed, because you can have multiple rooms with Pallets and Windows back to back, but also no Pallets at all in some areas. Would also be nice to add some landmarks (maybe pictures) and some signs where Generators are located.

    Mothers Dwelling-->Structures are ok, but too big. Imbalanced because of that.

    Temple-->Again, structures are ok, but too big.

    Badham-->Pretty balanced after the Rework, the Pallet Approach is good. All Pallets outside of Buildings are 100% playable by Killers. Sadly Bloodlust is too much for this Map, because no outside-Pallet needs to be broken.

    The Game-->Bad Map, but somewhat balanced. Good Totem Spawns and small, also hard to find Gens, which is good for Killers. However, a Gajillion of safe Pallets and really boring gameplay. There are only a few windows on the lower Floor, other than that, there are only Pallets, most of them safe. The area next to the Bathroom has 4 super-safe Pallets. I wish for a better Rework on this, less Pallets, more Vaults, better indication where Generators are. It has good aspects for both sides, but I hate this Map for both sides.

    Family Residence-->Fine, a little bit too much tall grass. But thats it.

    Sanctum-->Also, too much tall grass, but otherwise fine.

    Ormond-->Needs a Rework. Auras and especially Scratch Marks are not that good visible. Too many strong Structures which can be bound together, Main Building fine since BL Nerf (but this could have been done without nerfing BL...), too big. Also the worst atmosphere, because it is played in bright daylight. Some dark, snowy Map would have been nice, missed opportunity.

    Hawkins-->Pallet Approach is great. I think this Map is balanced, but I have problems with hearing on this Maps, because there are so many sounds. But can be totally up on me only.

    Yes, I was bored. So I would say, the most balanced Maps are Coal Tower, Wreckers Yard, Chapel and new Badham. Imbalanced are Haddonfield, Disturbed Ward, the RNG of Farm Maps (Thompsons House in particular) and Ormond.

  • YaiPa
    YaiPa Member Posts: 1,929

    Most of the maps already mentioned, plus Wreckers' Yard. I swear, not only strong loops, shack is in the middle, with the window facing towards a pallet loop (giving you the chance of saving shack pallet). And also, every time (and I've tested it several times) AT LEAST 4 out of 5 totems spawn in LT walls, between the pile of tires.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited December 2019

    Way easier to list the better balanced maps than the unbalanced ones.

    The MacMillan maps are probably the most balanced ones. I also don't mind Hawkins that much.

    Almost all the rest are between pretty unbalanced to extremely unbalanced depending which one.