Never ending Story - The DC's. (Officials/Devs pls also read this)

As a billion times before, the neverending Story of the Disconnect(er)s continues.

There are 3 kinds of DCs.

1st: technical Issues, Real Life things. Game Crash to Desktop, Internetconnection is broken for a short time, Telephne rings or a fresh hot pizza is delivered at the door. - There is NO Problem with all of that and similar things.

2nd: The "I see, There is, I dont like" - Disconnecters.
Most time you will find them on surv side. the match starts, the first mate screams because of the doctors Madness, and BAM one is gone. He dont want to play against the doctor. Or the next one finds a jigsawbox on the map and DCs becaus he dont want to play against the Pig. And so on.

3rd: The "I Teabag you and when you catch me i DC" - players. The worst of all.
They ran into your sight, flashlightklick you hard, makes moves with their arms and start to juke you. After every pallet they teabag and IF, but only IF you hit them down, they DC immediatly. Because you are not allowed to knock them down, of course. If you are a lucky killer and get the teabagger at a hook befor he DCs you you get points at least.

So in a ranked gamemode, why is that allowed by the game? The DCer is gone and starts over the next round. The difficulty for the other 3 survs increases, their chances of higrank pip decreases just because of such (sorry for that ->) idiots.

I suggest a Lobby joining delay for every DCer. (If a killer dodge a lobby (close it befor all got ready) there is already a timer of 5 seconds. So the mechanism is already in the game.

Let me tell you what i think should happen.

1 (first) DC - 2 or 5 mins Delay. Thats also ok for Phonecalls or the hot Pizza that is delivered
2nd DC 5 or 10 minutes
3rd DC 15 or 20 minutes

Here comes a cut and we call it Stage one Delay

Now we start Stage two Delay
4 DC 30 mins
5 DC 45 Mins
6 DC 90 Mins
More DC 2h Delay

When a DCer has a delay he just can play kyf and tutorial. No swf, no solo surv, no killer. The delay counter also counts if the player closes the game and does something else of course.

Sounds hard? It HAVE TO BE hard.
But what about to reset the DC counter? In my opinion i would say every 13th of a Month should reset the DC counter for every player for free. you know what i mean.

But hey the Devs can use the InGame Shop for reset the counter too. It helps the game, the devs and all fair players

Add an item to the store that resets the stage one delay. It cost an amount of "The blue things you get at levelup". (because technical and reallife issues and reasons for DCs also have a fair chance to reset) maybe limit that item to 1-3 per month to prevent abusing.

Add another item to the store for resetting stage 2 delays. That HAVE to cost auric cells. (for all that Kind 2 and 3 DCers ;) )
If you want a fair play you limit that item to 1 per month. if you want to earn money you sell it multiple times - its your choice :chuffed:

I read somewhere here that devs are able to see, how a DC was about. if it has been over pause menu or network error. dont know if this is correct, but if it is, this could be also used to identify the kind 2 and 3 DCers maybe.

All of this is just an idea that would help ALL of the fair players and the devs also. It can be balanced of course. its just the basic model i would prefer.

When someone want to avoid a lobby. he should leave before thje match starts or he should at least get hooked and let himself die to leave the match. (noone needs to stay in spectator mode of course. i dont think thats a classical DC and shouldnt be punished)

Hope you like it - It would help alot. really alot. DC ing is one of the biggest problem in DBD

Kind regards,


  • Baphomett
    Baphomett Member Posts: 394
    edited August 2018
    So, as an experiment, I did the "esc -> leave match" thing 20 times in row (this was before rank reset) and there was no impact whatsoever.  Sorry to anyone impacted by my experiment, btw.  That's 60 survs that got screwed, which seems like it should not be okay, doesn't it?

    This clearly shows that whatever system in place is totally ineffective.  Granted, I never leave matches in normal play, but even if I played 5000 matches without leaving, 20 in a row should trigger something, shouldn't it?  Especially if I play to rank 1, DC to 15, and repeat.
  • PigNRun
    PigNRun Member Posts: 2,428
    Can I say I came to this thread because I misread the title. I thought it was "Neverending Story - The DLC", and assumed someone was suggesting taking a character from that really old movie and askkng them to get added to the game (which would be ridiculous).

    Anyway, there is one other type of DC that I find annoying  Those who DC because they want to keep their item. Thats pretty much an exploit and seen it happen quite frequently. 
  • S0ckenSchuss
    S0ckenSchuss Member Posts: 110
    Ok as we now know, the actual System doesnt work correctly or it work "different" as we players think that it should work.

    I dont would feel sad If there is a "pay-to-disconnect system" and i think all that players that hate dc'ing would also be happy to see that. And it brings you money of course. So all are happy. At the Moment, you dont earn money and the players get pi**ed by DC'ers in almost every Match.

    But ok lets rework that idea a bit. No item in the Shop, first dc of the day for FREE. And beginning with 2nd dc a time delay like in the original idea with stage 1 and stage 2 delaytimes. And reset it with the daily amount of 300 XP at first Match at the day? So everyone can handle it. Errors and real time reasons are not treated too Hard, and stage 2 Dc'ers got some minutes of delay. Next day, next counting. So the numbers of DCs will be reduced massively, and noone is disadvantaged too much.

    I like the answer that ppl musst be able to leave when they dont have fun. But that Option is abused ATM every Single day and very very hard. I dont know If you officials really know HOW OFTEN the ppl really DC at the Moment. Its in almost every Match. Less in low ranks, but more at middle and high ranks .

    So the only safe way to leave a Match should be over a hook or an exit Gate or the hatch , i think. And im sure im not alone with that meaning.

    Kind regards
  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @S0ckenSchuss said:
    As a billion times before, the neverending Story of the Disconnect(er)s continues.

    There are 3 kinds of DCs.

    1st: technical Issues, Real Life things. Game Crash to Desktop, Internetconnection is broken for a short time, Telephne rings or a fresh hot pizza is delivered at the door. - There is NO Problem with all of that and similar things.

    2nd: The "I see, There is, I dont like" - Disconnecters.
    Most time you will find them on surv side. the match starts, the first mate screams because of the doctors Madness, and BAM one is gone. He dont want to play against the doctor. Or the next one finds a jigsawbox on the map and DCs becaus he dont want to play against the Pig. And so on.

    3rd: The "I Teabag you and when you catch me i DC" - players. The worst of all.
    They ran into your sight, flashlightklick you hard, makes moves with their arms and start to juke you. After every pallet they teabag and IF, but only IF you hit them down, they DC immediatly. Because you are not allowed to knock them down, of course. If you are a lucky killer and get the teabagger at a hook befor he DCs you you get points at least.

    So in a ranked gamemode, why is that allowed by the game? The DCer is gone and starts over the next round. The difficulty for the other 3 survs increases, their chances of higrank pip decreases just because of such (sorry for that ->) idiots.

    I suggest a Lobby joining delay for every DCer. (If a killer dodge a lobby (close it befor all got ready) there is already a timer of 5 seconds. So the mechanism is already in the game.

    Let me tell you what i think should happen.

    1 (first) DC - 2 or 5 mins Delay. Thats also ok for Phonecalls or the hot Pizza that is delivered
    2nd DC 5 or 10 minutes
    3rd DC 15 or 20 minutes

    Here comes a cut and we call it Stage one Delay

    Now we start Stage two Delay
    4 DC 30 mins
    5 DC 45 Mins
    6 DC 90 Mins
    More DC 2h Delay

    When a DCer has a delay he just can play kyf and tutorial. No swf, no solo surv, no killer. The delay counter also counts if the player closes the game and does something else of course.

    Sounds hard? It HAVE TO BE hard.
    But what about to reset the DC counter? In my opinion i would say every 13th of a Month should reset the DC counter for every player for free. you know what i mean.

    But hey the Devs can use the InGame Shop for reset the counter too. It helps the game, the devs and all fair players

    Add an item to the store that resets the stage one delay. It cost an amount of "The blue things you get at levelup". (because technical and reallife issues and reasons for DCs also have a fair chance to reset) maybe limit that item to 1-3 per month to prevent abusing.

    Add another item to the store for resetting stage 2 delays. That HAVE to cost auric cells. (for all that Kind 2 and 3 DCers ;) )
    If you want a fair play you limit that item to 1 per month. if you want to earn money you sell it multiple times - its your choice :chuffed:

    I read somewhere here that devs are able to see, how a DC was about. if it has been over pause menu or network error. dont know if this is correct, but if it is, this could be also used to identify the kind 2 and 3 DCers maybe.

    All of this is just an idea that would help ALL of the fair players and the devs also. It can be balanced of course. its just the basic model i would prefer.

    When someone want to avoid a lobby. he should leave before thje match starts or he should at least get hooked and let himself die to leave the match. (noone needs to stay in spectator mode of course. i dont think thats a classical DC and shouldnt be punished)

    Hope you like it - It would help alot. really alot. DC ing is one of the biggest problem in DBD

    Kind regards,


    Im tired of DCing and it has become so common nowadays that I hardly play DBD anymore.
    ANY other competitive game punishes DCing, ONLY DBD allows players to DC left and right as if there was no tomorow

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Peanits said:

    So there is actually a system in place to punish people who disconnect. On a monthly basis, anyone who disconnected from over a certain percentage of their games received a softban. The reasoning behind this is as you mentioned, sometimes there are legitimate times to disconnect. We also want to leave the option open to leave if you're just plain not having fun. It's just an issue when you're doing it too much, because it hurts the other players in the lobby.

    Although we may be able to detect how someone disconnected, you shouldn't differentiate between them. If you only punish intentional disconnects by clicking the leave button, people will catch on and just start pulling the plug to avoid punishment. It would trick the game into thinking you just list connection. So it's important to treat them all equally, but give a margin for error.

    As for being able to buy 'forgiveness' from the shop, I wouldn't want to see this. This basically creates a "pay to disconnect" system where those with extra cash to throw around are above the rules. The idea is that we don't want to see that type of behaviour in the first place.

    I used to derank by DCing when I played the game regularly. I never even got a warning. The system that is currently implemented (if there is sth at all) is completely useless.

    A queue time punishment as suggested is used by any other competitive game and there is literally no reason why DBD shouldnt have such a system, or is there one?

    I can only imagine toxic survivor mains grumbling that they cant DC anymore but they would never say that in public I guess?

    If you are leaving in a competitive game, thats fine, but then you will have to deal waiting 5 minutes. I am fine waiting 5 minutes after I dced against a hacker or sth like that but it shouldnt be a thing that there is at least every 2nd game someone Dcing

    Of course every DC has to be punished, no matter whether technical or intentional, other games dont make a difference here either.

    BLUE_APE Member Posts: 282
    edited August 2018

    I'm a survivor main (at the moment, but will start doing both soon) But your right about DC-ing here and there.
    3. is the dumbest and a toxic reason.
    2. I admit I have been tempeted to DC when I know what killer I'm playing against, but I don't do that anymore, and I stick out, I just wish other people would stick out too.

    There are times when I dc, but its because I'd rather take my chances with getting banned instead of having the killer play camper while I'm on the hook. (weather or not Camping is okay, I'd rather take my chances)
    But over all yeah, Survivors shouldn't dc for the dumb reasons.

  • slingshotsurvivor
    slingshotsurvivor Member Posts: 943
    Lately more killers have been dcing which I put squarely in the noob camp.
    However, around rank reset sooooo many killers DC! That seems to be a crappy trend as of late. 
    The difference between a Killer DC a d survivor is night and day! 
    Penalties for killer DC on survivors 
    Lost offerings
    Lost items
    Lost add ons
    No BP (depending on how they DC most do it outta spite so no BP) 
    EVERYONE is impacted

    Penalties for survivor DC
    Screws over other survivors but killer gets a bonus

    DCing on purpose needs to be punished.more severely. It's a trash trolling “perk" used to annoy and take advantage of deranking and/or using it as a way to get the game you want to play. 
    It stinks for both as the experience is awful. 

  • Baphomett
    Baphomett Member Posts: 394
    edited August 2018
    Lately more killers have been dcing which I put squarely in the noob camp.
    However, around rank reset sooooo many killers DC! That seems to be a crappy trend as of late. 
    The difference between a Killer DC a d survivor is night and day! 
    Penalties for killer DC on survivors 
    Lost offerings
    Lost items
    Lost add ons
    No BP (depending on how they DC most do it outta spite so no BP) 
    EVERYONE is impacted

    Penalties for survivor DC
    Screws over other survivors but killer gets a bonus

    DCing on purpose needs to be punished.more severely. It's a trash trolling “perk" used to annoy and take advantage of deranking and/or using it as a way to get the game you want to play. 
    It stinks for both as the experience is awful. 

    Is that on PS4? On PC, survivors get escape points and get to keep thier items/add-ons.

    DCs are still a huge problem, but apparently less painful on PC.
  • Dput
    Dput Member Posts: 1

    Excessively disconnecting should be punished regardless of reasoning, although the severity is another question. But definitely items should be lossed on dc. They ought to consider it equivalent to being killed and leaving the killer one less kill. Also, who ever disconnects should not recieve blood points, regardless of it being the killer or survivor, to be fair for both and server downs, during gameplay, should reward all with their expected blood points plus return used items.

    Now... as for members who are complaining about camping (there had to be campling complaints):
    First of all, it is not of the same value as disconnecting from a game, though opinions may differ. Rather, if survivors really feel that camping is a legit enough of an excuse to dc, killers ought to disconnected every time pallets are looped or teabags present themselves; real issues present in the game. This is simply being salty and no one can tell you not to do it, but more often than not, it will be survivors dc'ing, especially if they're with good items. Thank goodness killers aren't dcing every game, possibly because they would be ruining the game for four survivors whereas a survivor dcing (for items, after looping/teabagging) only hurts the killer.

    I personally play 30% survivor and 70% killer.

    My 30% survivor experience:
    When I'm playing survivor, usually with a few friends - unless soloing for daily, and killers camp, I'm not happy, but I can understand. They're doing it because we've wasted a lot of their time chasing one or two of us survivors. It feels great giving him a run for the duration of completing two to three generators (or five) and knowing that we're definitely going to be rescued and have more chances to toy with him.. until he camps us...
    As a survivor I see camping quite often, not so much face camping but parimeter camping; they will not be lured far from hooked survivor. And every time the camper does so, I tell everyone (the friends) to continue with the generators until I'm struggling at 20% then mass rush/block for save and hopefully finish a quick last gen with a four man escape. Definitely fun for us survivors except that dull moment when he ultra camps...

    My 70% killer experience:
    As a killer, I enjoy unpredictable chases and stalking/surprising survivors. Doesn't happen much anymore at the competitive ranks, since killers can be pallet looped. Killers know this and survivors as well, hence why it is heavily done. Though survivors might not realize this, killers do not enjoy chasing an individual for three or more minutes. The game is about killing a group of survivors, not one survivor. It ruins it for the rest of the players and the killer; unless you're fine with m1 till exit or mass toying with an already beaten killer at one gen and little to no hooks - shame on you. Pallet looping, like camping, is just lame, it's so predicatable. You see him running for the pallets and hope that this won't be a three or more minute chase. If it does, I see no reason why killers wouldn't dc like survivors or attempt camping after catching survivors since it's ruined the enjoyment of stalking, finding, and hooking other survivors and/or defending generators. At this point, his camping might lure in some survivors to pay off for his long chase, having them come to him. Nearly, almost always, survivors will go running in for a save and the killer will be there to... chase them around, wack them, or possibly down them! I mean, survivors could alawys rescue when the killer hooking another, or if the killer doesn't hook for whatever reason, they could always bandage the dying and give it another go! Great fun for everyone, not - it wasted the survivors time (redirects them from generators) and throws the survivors into possibly being caught, having to play by the killers pace now (like the killer was playing by the loopers pace) and being forced to approach the killer; well.. survivors could just not save, but isn't likely to happen, since most survivors believe four man in, four man out.


    Disconnecting, for any reason, is not an excuse to not lose items. A punishment needs to be addressed for excessive disconnections.

    (Camping was brought up, somehow, in defense of disconnecting):
    Survivors can exploit pallet looping to give time to others, killers can exploit camping to take time from others. Both wastes the times of the opposite party. If a survivor is trying to attact a killer and the killer doesn't give chase, the survivor wastes his own time. If a killer is trying to attract other survivors and the survivors do not rescue, the killer wastes his own time. Either way, they both sound legit to me, otherwise remove them both. Disconnecting for camping would be like disconnecting for looping: not fun for anyone.

  • S0ckenSchuss
    S0ckenSchuss Member Posts: 110
    If you are already on a hook you can push yourself into stage two and "forget" to spam SPACE-button. so your also out, without a DC and the killer dont need to camp anymore. So you dont even go out with 0 points. Tactically and to be mate to your Team, you can hang as long as you are possible to hang to let the camper look at you and the team is able to do gens. Doenst work if the other three waste gametime to hide around the hook to get THIS ONE MOMENT where you have a 33% chance to get the 1500 unhook points. but nothing else happens in that time.

    I really Appreciate the fact, that Devs wants to give ppl the possibility to leave a match if it isnt fun for them, but with the actual system, that fact is abused very very very hard, and doenst help ppl to avoid loosing fun, it ruin s the fun for all the other 3 survs (and the killer too) , that really want to complete this match. Thats the point!

    So the effect the devs want to reach/hold turns to the contrary, but with a 3x higher range of effected people. That cant be, what the devs want. It shouldnt be that, what the devs want. it MUST NOT be, what the devs want.

    Kind regards, S0ckenschuss

    P.S. @Peanits or other Devs/Mods. What do you think about the reworked version? Third Post below Peanits Post?
  • NeoVid
    NeoVid Member Posts: 37

    I've always assumed the other reason for Survivor Type 3 to disconnect is that DCing before they're killed means they don't lose their purple flashlight.

    That's a reason I really like Franklin's Demise, since it forces those players to go back to where they first got hit and grab their item again before they DC... it's even funnier if a non-****ty survivor takes the dropped item before they get it back.

  • ChesterTheMolester
    ChesterTheMolester Member Posts: 2,771
    edited August 2018
    I agree nowadays the slightest inconvenience will get a DC, i had survivors DC as soon as my Bamboozle activated on the killer shack cause they couldn't loop around it.
  • ChraizE
    ChraizE Member Posts: 232
    edited August 2018

    My suggestion should be monitored monthly:

    5 disconnects per month = Safe
    6 disconnects = 30 minute lobby lock out + Warning about disconnecting
    7 disconnects = 1 hour lobby lock out
    8 disconnects = 2 hour lobby lock out
    9 disconnects = 24 hour ban + Final Warning
    10 disconnects = 48 hour ban + Strike

    Strikes: Are given to those who abuse disconnects and are permanent on a dbd account. Once a player has accumulated 3 strikes to their account they are automatically perm banned.

    Implement this strategy and watch how quickly the kiddies fall in line.

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    As a billion times before, the neverending Story of the Disconnect(er)s continues.

    There are 3 kinds of DCs.

    1st: technical Issues, Real Life things. Game Crash to Desktop, Internetconnection is broken for a short time, Telephne rings or a fresh hot pizza is delivered at the door. - There is NO Problem with all of that and similar things.

    2nd: The "I see, There is, I dont like" - Disconnecters.
    Most time you will find them on surv side. the match starts, the first mate screams because of the doctors Madness, and BAM one is gone. He dont want to play against the doctor. Or the next one finds a jigsawbox on the map and DCs becaus he dont want to play against the Pig. And so on.

    3rd: The "I Teabag you and when you catch me i DC" - players. The worst of all.
    They ran into your sight, flashlightklick you hard, makes moves with their arms and start to juke you. After every pallet they teabag and IF, but only IF you hit them down, they DC immediatly. Because you are not allowed to knock them down, of course. If you are a lucky killer and get the teabagger at a hook befor he DCs you you get points at least.

    So in a ranked gamemode, why is that allowed by the game? The DCer is gone and starts over the next round. The difficulty for the other 3 survs increases, their chances of higrank pip decreases just because of such (sorry for that ->) idiots.

    I suggest a Lobby joining delay for every DCer. (If a killer dodge a lobby (close it befor all got ready) there is already a timer of 5 seconds. So the mechanism is already in the game.

    Let me tell you what i think should happen.

    1 (first) DC - 2 or 5 mins Delay. Thats also ok for Phonecalls or the hot Pizza that is delivered
    2nd DC 5 or 10 minutes
    3rd DC 15 or 20 minutes

    Here comes a cut and we call it Stage one Delay

    Now we start Stage two Delay
    4 DC 30 mins
    5 DC 45 Mins
    6 DC 90 Mins
    More DC 2h Delay

    When a DCer has a delay he just can play kyf and tutorial. No swf, no solo surv, no killer. The delay counter also counts if the player closes the game and does something else of course.

    Sounds hard? It HAVE TO BE hard.
    But what about to reset the DC counter? In my opinion i would say every 13th of a Month should reset the DC counter for every player for free. you know what i mean.

    But hey the Devs can use the InGame Shop for reset the counter too. It helps the game, the devs and all fair players

    Add an item to the store that resets the stage one delay. It cost an amount of "The blue things you get at levelup". (because technical and reallife issues and reasons for DCs also have a fair chance to reset) maybe limit that item to 1-3 per month to prevent abusing.

    Add another item to the store for resetting stage 2 delays. That HAVE to cost auric cells. (for all that Kind 2 and 3 DCers ;) )
    If you want a fair play you limit that item to 1 per month. if you want to earn money you sell it multiple times - its your choice :chuffed:

    I read somewhere here that devs are able to see, how a DC was about. if it has been over pause menu or network error. dont know if this is correct, but if it is, this could be also used to identify the kind 2 and 3 DCers maybe.

    All of this is just an idea that would help ALL of the fair players and the devs also. It can be balanced of course. its just the basic model i would prefer.

    When someone want to avoid a lobby. he should leave before thje match starts or he should at least get hooked and let himself die to leave the match. (noone needs to stay in spectator mode of course. i dont think thats a classical DC and shouldnt be punished)

    Hope you like it - It would help alot. really alot. DC ing is one of the biggest problem in DBD

    Kind regards,

    You forgot the killer dc's when everyone is about to escape or don't like the map etc.....
  • S0ckenSchuss
    S0ckenSchuss Member Posts: 110
    They belong to 2nd category. "I dont like" is implemented there =)
  • ceridwen309
    ceridwen309 Member Posts: 502

    When and if the game gets to an okay level with it's ranking system....something is going to have to be done about all those "Rank glitches". I'm sure it's on the agenda, but until the ladder system is implemented...I doubt it will be fixed.