The end of the first Rift/Tome draws close - how has it been for you?

As I type this I have only one level to unlock tonight & I'll have reached the end, 70 at last. Finally!

In all honesty, I've found it exhausting & might give the game a bit of a break for a few weeks. Initially it seemed fine & it was fun having additional challenges to complete, before the reality of the grind sank in This was the first game I've ever bought a 'battle-pass' for & it may likely be the last. In my my determination to complete it & earn my auric cells back I think all the fun has been sucked out of the game. This has taken much more of a time commitment than I anticipated & I really don't think I could bring myself to do it over again unless the grind is significantly reduced.

What has your experience been of the rift? Do you think the pass was worth it and will you be a repeat customer?


  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    I had a good time besides Iridescent Age's bug & that one NOED challenge.

    And i don't feel like i wasted my money, next pass i will have the option to buy it for free if i want it.

  • BBQnDemogorgon
    BBQnDemogorgon Member Posts: 3,615

    I liked it for the most part. Especially since the challenges were nerfed a bit.

    I finished it and got the 1k cells so i'll be doing the next as well.

    That said i also experienced burnout and had to go to other games for a break.

  • Springey
    Springey Member Posts: 286

    My experience was actually great.

    At first I thought I'd just come to tier 40 or something, but the challenges and the level ups gave me enough shards to get to tier 70 20 days before the rift closes. I was suprised on how easy it was.

    I may have been lucky with the 4 man basement sacrifice, where no survivors dc'd and the last one actually helped me to get it instead of dcing or running to a corner.

    About Toxicity... didn't expirience too much of it and am happy about it.

  • Magnificent_Bats
    Magnificent_Bats Member Posts: 12

    True facts! I'm so nosey that I won't be able to resist at least peeking at the new content though & there's also the dilemma of what to do with the auric cells on my account, I'll feel like I'm shortchanging myself if I blow them on a few random skins.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,971

    Got to tier 70 like weeks ago and the game became boring and the challenges became useless to me

  • Jasonsfar
    Jasonsfar Member Posts: 69

    I Got to tier 70 before Christmas, but i think the grind is too much. They have to tone it down some way.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    Didn't really participate in it after a couple of weeks tbh.

    I tried but found myself not playing and trying to do the challenge at any cost which I disliked. I just tried to do the challenges where you naturally completed them. Healing, gens, sacrifices etc.

    I understand why some of the challenges are what they are but personally I don't like to use NOED for example and no challenge will change my mind on that.

  • PyroGL
    PyroGL Member Posts: 239

    I know that there will 100% be a survey sent out once the rift completes, but I'd like to echo the OP's post pretty much verbatim. I play DBD as my main game, but the Rift drove me to play it far more than I typically wanted to; especially with the daily bonus EXP given for the 1st game played as both survivor and killer. I completed all Archives challenges on 12/27 at Rift tier 68. The last two Rift levels were a straight grind, and having all ready been burnt out, I just wanted to get it done. This weekend, I got Rift tier 70, and promptly closed the game and don't plan on playing again for a while. I truly do not think I would have completed the Rift if the game didn't retroactively give us Rift tiers prior to the Rift opening (I started at lvl 5 I think).

    Flat out, I think the Archive challenges should be sufficient to complete the Rift and reward enough shards in the process. Grinding Rift tiers should be only for those that refuse to play both sides of the game or don't want to do challenges. I'd also like to see all Tome levels released at once; I never will burn out because I have a "large list" of challenges to complete. Given the number of complaints about how people aren't playing the game properly in order to do challenges, the sooner you give people the challenges, the sooner people will complete them and the game gets back to "normal".

    I'd also like to suggest being able to select challenges without going to the Archives screen at all, thus breaking party, or needing to visit the Archives every time I switch from Killer to Survivor to select a different challenge.

    Lastly, I am also dreading the pace at which they seem to be planning on releasing new Rifts. There is no way I can stomach playing another Rift for at least 2-3 months (maybe more), and any new ones would need to be adjusted to be completed much quicker. I did not specifically track exactly how many hours I put into the game since the rift opened, but based on my current total hours shown on Steam and my recollection, I'm estimating I've played probably about 120-140 hrs since the Rift opened. While over 60 days, this "only" equates to 2 - 2.3 hrs/day, as a parent of an 8 month old baby, finding the time to do this was challenging to say the least.

  • chase131119
    chase131119 Member Posts: 839

    I honestly enjoyed it and doing the challenges, I'm currently tier 67, but damn dude I didn't realize how much of a grind it would be just getting from tier 62 to 70. I personally believe the grind is way too much when there is no challenges involved (and you will have to grind it at some point). I would suggest to lower the rift EXP from 800 to 600, at least 700. Just let us get a rift shard every game if we play well, I dislike having to play TWO games to get a shard. I simply don't have the time.

  • Ni7rogen
    Ni7rogen Member Posts: 80

    I was able to achieve level 70 some weeks ago, I really enjoyed this, however, some challenge were straight bs also, I was forced to play as killer, it was really comfortable, started to play as Demogorgon with save the best for last build, I'm having a good time, now I stopped a bit due to vacations but I cannot stop playing it, and cellphone version is not out yet, I think I'm going to miss the bloodpoint event too, which is sad.

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520
    edited December 2019

    I don't know which level I am honestly. I had stop somwhere in the mid way as I had more and more challenges for me that smelled rather after luck, as grinding or skill.

    That is not a rant. Gameelements that smell after luck have just an effect like that on me.

    However, I have watch then the story and the storyvideos on YouTube and they are great. So I think it is still a great, new feature.

  • kcwolf1975
    kcwolf1975 Member Posts: 651

    Currently at 67... I have all the challenges done and I will probably grind out the rest but I am not sure about the next rift. I have limited game time and during the past 2 months it has all went to dbd.

    Hoping that they will reduce the grind so that it might really be an hour a day like they said. Or at least add more challenges to help with the rift.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,084

    I had a fun time, but it was too short for me. I liked to have the Premium Pass from the beginning, because ranking up the Tiers was more rewarding.

    I got a little bit tired of all the whiny comments on the forum tho.

  • LOA
    LOA Member Posts: 235

    The Grind is real, but I didn't mind. I do love this game, even with it's many problems. I finished the entire Rift halfway through Tome 3. But I do play a ton! I also started at level 7 or 8 when it began after they gave us that little boost. Once they nerfed the challenges, it got even easier. A few of them were hard as hell,(The NOED one!!!), but not impossible. And I feel like I got my money's worth from all the cosmetics. I am a costume junkie.

    All that said, the grind is real, and taking breaks with other games definitely helps. The worst part of the whole thing has been the last week and all the farming that is running rampant through the game. It will only get worse as we get closer.

  • Magnificent_Bats
    Magnificent_Bats Member Posts: 12

    The farming is completely understandable though, if the rift ended at 50 I think it'd be more realistic.

    The pass should be finishable by all who paid without sacrificing any other aspect of their lives to complete.

    When I hit 70 tonight I'm gonna play a few killer games where the survivors get complete freedom to do any challenges they desire. I'll use Caspar the friendly ghost AKA Big Bell Philip & let them run rampant.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    Way too grindy for me. I've spent way too much time trying to finish it. About 300ish hours and I'm still not at 70.

  • PyroGL
    PyroGL Member Posts: 239

    300 hrs?? That is a crazy # of hours. How far are you in completing the Archives? Did you have a lot of difficulty with the challenges?

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    Extremely grindy, I'm at level 65 and I wish I wasn't forced to play as much as I did to get there. If nothing changes with the next rift I'll probably just ignore it.

  • chase131119
    chase131119 Member Posts: 839
    edited December 2019

    Yeah... got to keep in mind that many of us got a head start in the rift (I personally started at tier 6). If I hadn't gotten that head start then I would be at tier 60 right now, and it'd be impossible for me to get to tier 70 at this point in time without spending my entire day playing DBD. Which I can't, because I have school. Even though I definitely play beyond the "1 hour a day" I would be no where close to completing the rift without that head start. We'll find out when Rift 2 comes out how much MORE of a grind it will be.

    Devs need to do some adjustments if they want to meet that "1 hour a day" threshold, because it definitely didn't happen with Rift 1. Like I suggested earlier, make the rift EXP 600 rather than 800.

    There's also queue times that make a big difference. 1 hour a day is just not feasible with how queue times are right now, especially on survivor.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    I'm at Tier 63, I think. The queue times have been really killing me, how can I do Survivor challenges if I am sitting in 10 minute queue's?

  • PyroGL
    PyroGL Member Posts: 239

    Damn, that sucks. I didn't expect queue times to be that bad. I usually have a 5 min survivor queue and instant killer queue (PC, NA, purple rank killer, red rank survivor).

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    Red ranks on Survivor and Killer on Xbox NA. Killer queue's are instant.

    Yeah, it does suck. I am super glad I didn't buy the pass.

  • kucerka
    kucerka Member Posts: 186

    Bad matchmaking times and me not having much time to play DBD 24/7 I chose not to buy the rift. And I can't be more happy, nothing in the pass excited me to buy it so I just skipped this one and rather played Apex Legends (even though I'm quite sure I played DBD more - and I even reached lvl 110 at Apex, in DBD I'm stuck at 50 - but I did just survivor challenges, and killer ones in tome 1).

  • OldManGloom
    OldManGloom Member Posts: 51

    It's been a mixed bag for me. I'll be at 70 on the next couple of play sessions, but I haven't unlocked all the lore completely. It's pretty frustrating that some of the lore challenges are directly tied into challenge nodes that require "toxic" play, or can be thwarted by just one DC. The lore is what I want more than the BP because I find most of the in game lore really intriguing (with some exceptions). I've really enjoyed the writing for both Claudette and Evan's tomes and I'm glad that I got those completed, but it's going to bug me if I hit 70 and still have to focus hard on finishing the last few pieces of lore.

  • Esheon
    Esheon Member Posts: 568
    edited December 2019

    Matchmaking times really screwed me on the rift. Waiting in queue for 10+ minutes between matches makes for a boring stream, so I've been playing a lot more custom matches just to keep the action going. I'm around level 45 on the rift, even though I've been playing 20+ hours a week since it opened.

    I bought this Rift pass, but I probably won't buy the next one. I don't make enough money streaming to have dbd be my full-time job, and I like to play other games too.

  • Majora
    Majora Member Posts: 207

    Grind is wa6yyyyyyyy too much

  • Perelie
    Perelie Member Posts: 433

    I don't know how you're supposed to complete the rift. I've been playing heaps since it released, have only two challenges left, and I still have about 2 pages to go. Is it designed to force you to pay to finish it? That's scummy as.

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047
    edited December 2019

    I'll be honest I absolutely hated the rift. Way to grindy with little to no reward. Challenges were obnoxious at best. With some being far more of a hindrance than fun.

    It felt like both sides had fun and unique challenges, but then some were ridiculous. Like Tome 4 having for master quest "sac 4 people on basement hooks vs escape with claudette in a single trial" how was this fair?

    The overall experience was supposed to be reasonable at a regular casual play, but I play a good amount after work roughly 2 to 5 hours a day every day. This by the Devs calculation should of had me finish the Rift before the 3rd one dropped, but I managed to finish it during the 4th.

    Honestly if I had not bought the premium rift pass. I woulda stopped playing for other games. I mostly did anyways after I hit 70.

    10/10 would not recommend purchasing in the future.

  • Revansith
    Revansith Member Posts: 367

    The friend I normally play with who plays both killer and survivor cleared the hardest tome in three days, clearing the survivor in just over a day. This suggests they are absolutely a genius at DBD and in the end so I choose not to play killer I ended up spending another 15 bucks buying tiers in addition to using the cells I got from the battle pass as I completed tiers.

    Then I tried Bendy and the Ink Machine and got stuck on Chapter 2 of that game (posted elsewhere) and the same player cleared the entire run in 6 hours.

    I think my concern is that if the rift challenges are that easy for some I should stop playing.

  • Magnificent_Bats
    Magnificent_Bats Member Posts: 12

    That's exactly the position I now find myself in. I got to 70 last night & still have several lore challenges left incomplete, which bugs me. I hate using those accursed flashlights, I'm just no good with them & I doubt I'll manage to get the 4 gen dark sense challenge without an AFK killer & some luck.

  • DwightOP
    DwightOP Member Posts: 2,328

    It's extremely exhausting. They need to town the grind down.

  • TheRockstarKnight
    TheRockstarKnight Member Posts: 2,171

    The Rift was decent for me.

    Most of the Killer challenges were easy and those that weren't were mostly just luck based. I woulda preferred challenges that were actual challenges, but that's honestly almost impossible with the way DbD's current gameplay loop works.

    The rewards were kinda eh. I was a bit disappointed by how lame the free track was compared to the premium. They could still make the premium look enticing without having like 5 consecutive Rift tiers with 0 rewards. The only cosmetics I really liked were Wraith's outfit, Nea's vest, and the Trapper weapon and I'm still not too into charms.

    The Rift wasn't bad, but it doesn't improve the individual matches. Honestly, it seems to make them worse; people DC when denied challenges, every other game has an AFK Wraith grinding Rift Fragments, and since we all have the same challenges matches kind of blend together into a swirl of chest looting, basement camping, NOED Trappers, and Spine Chill Claudettes.

    It was okay, but I'm not gonna spend any money on it.

  • OldManGloom
    OldManGloom Member Posts: 51

    I'm trash with flashlights. I completed one of the flashlight challenges using pallet stuns over about a dozen games and I've never pulled off a flashlight save - and at this point it's kind of laughable because I don't have enough flashlights left to "practice" comfortably. I managed to do the Dark Sense one by playing extremely selfishly and saving no one - I didn't like that game.

  • kcwolf1975
    kcwolf1975 Member Posts: 651

    I am the same with flashlights. If you have any firecrackers, they will count too. That was the only way I could get a save.