Which killer from a famous movie or game would you want in dead by daylight?

I would defenitly want pyramid head from silent hill. That would be pretty cool to lug the broad sword and chop people to bits with it.

Best Answers



  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    Artistically, it would be a nice addition to the game, but gameplay wise, I don’t see how they could make him unique enough from the other killers.

    They would have to give him a good power and not just another variation of the Oniichan smash.

    I don’t really want a movie monster/killer unless it’s Chucky, but his silhouette is just too small for the games mechanics. Instead, I hope they take a 3 month break from new killers and focus on the current state of the game and it’s bugs.

    Once they iron out some bugs, I’d like a new original killer that is either Zombie or Egyptian Mummy themed. Or even a hybrid of both.

    If they have to get a licensed killer, I wouldn’t mind Eligos, a demon summoned in the series of Ash vs Evil Dead, as long as they include Pablo and Kelly.

  • LOA
    LOA Member Posts: 235

    I've been wanting a Mummy for a long time. I would love a desert/pyramid environment. I think that would be great. Give the Mummy an ability where he can whip out his bandages, catch a survivor, then pull them in for an instant down. Something like that. A night time desert map? Yes, please!

  • PistolTimb
    PistolTimb Member Posts: 1,413

    Nemesis or Mr X.

  • Ajritoka
    Ajritoka Member Posts: 594

    William Afton?

    Oh no, the community is gonna eat my ass now.

  • Mikeasaurus
    Mikeasaurus Member Posts: 2,327

    I'll stand by your side! We need Purple Guy in his 16-bit glory here!

  • Ajritoka
    Ajritoka Member Posts: 594
    edited January 2020

    If anything they’d probably use his spring-lock suit appearance.

    His weapon could be a knife because he uses one to kill a police officer in the first book. If they’d want to go with something more unique, he could use an actual spring-lock that he has to recalibrate (post-attack cooldown) after hitting a Survivor.

    Maybe his memento mori would be stuffing a Survivor’s head into an animatronic’s mask. The power would most likely involve animatronics too, but I’m not sure how.

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    I like this, but I'd like it to be in a bright daytime desert environment. They could part of the map that takes you into a dark Egyptian crypt and the outside is oppressively hot and bright, with large pillars that cast long shadows for the blendettes to blend into. I'm tired of the dreary maps we have, I want something radically different.

    They would just have to make sure they put enough things to help survivors hide around. I'd also like this to be the start of more interactive maps, such as having sand too hot for survivors and killers for too long, causing them to grunt in pain and slowing their actions. Or even quicksand that will take you down into a tunnel that could lead you to the crypt.

    But thinking of how many bugs this will all cause makes me think it will never happen.

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,289

    The Candyman

  • HauntedMandalorian
    HauntedMandalorian Member Posts: 99

    The Predator.

    An Egyptian mummy would be really interesting, though!

  • HagIsBestGirl
    HagIsBestGirl Member Posts: 158

    I was thinking about this recently and I'd rather see Frank Cotton, the monster from the attic. But I knew folks would rather see PH than anyone else from HR.

    It gives me the BigSad, lol.

  • OmegaXII
    OmegaXII Member Posts: 2,190

    Pyramid head from silent hill :)

  • Cornpopers_Evan
    Cornpopers_Evan Member Posts: 2,428

    I've been saying this for awhile but I desperately want a Resident Evil chapter. Personally want Jill and Nemesis but I'd be happy with anything almost Resident Evil honestly.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    Tank from Left 4 Dead.

    They said before that they didn't really like the idea of standard types of people creatures like zombies or clowns.

    But not only did Clown join the roster anyway, they can excuse the Tank from being a zombie since it, and all other infected in L4D, are still alive.

    Overly simplified, it's more like rabies for dogs.

  • kcbearz
    kcbearz Member Posts: 29

    The blob, pinhead, Alien, Jeepers Creepers, Pumpkinhead

  • terumisan
    terumisan Member Posts: 1,293

    The thing

  • Iron_Mike
    Iron_Mike Member Posts: 23

    Hasn't been said in a while, so...


    Preferably Tim Curry's

    New map would be The Sewer (Hawkins/Game template). And his power would be something chase related where he feeds off fear (chases, downs, break actions). There are also red balloons on gens that pop with every failed skill check, showering the survivors in blood and revealing their auras.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105



  • TheMonadoBoi
    TheMonadoBoi Member Posts: 346

    Aw man I'd love to see an actual Sadako type girl. The Ring is probably my favourite horror film and having someone like Samara in the American version would be amazing. When she gets pallet stunned she could maybe glitch out a bit as if struck by TV static. I would want her to be much more spooky and less aggressive than the Spirit, so she would probably float like the Nurse and have her face covered most of the time.

    Bughuul from the movie Sinister would be my second favourite addition, I love the appearance of that guy and he could have some sort of traps with his sigils and another power on top of that.

  • thunderfly
    thunderfly Member Posts: 23

    I would also enjoy this,. I think if they went with this, it would be like an alternative Freddy as they both kind have their own netherworld to mess with survivors. Or if they want to go real deep, they can make it a blend of Freddy and Doctor where they have a netherworld and a sanity meter. Also, James Sunderland.

  • HerbieHind
    HerbieHind Member Posts: 28

    Uncle Frank? I don't think anyone would even realize what franchise he's from if they've never seen the movie.

    Would be cool to see some kind of power involving the puzzle box though!

  • dizbruhlikesthering
    dizbruhlikesthering Member Posts: 113

    Personally i would really like to see Rose the hat from the shining sequel, Doctor sleep. Would be cool to see a more "human" alike villain for once, instead of just masked killers and monsters. She could have some really cool abilities aswell.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited January 2020

    I still think Krampus would fit DBD perfectly.

    Seeing as we don't have an older lady survivor yet, she would work perfectly as well.

  • DocFabron
    DocFabron Member Posts: 2,410

    We wouldn't get very many cosmetics for her unfortunately. The only weapon we could get for her is

    The knife she used to torture that little boy to death.

  • dizbruhlikesthering
    dizbruhlikesthering Member Posts: 113

    Yeah thats true. Possibly if her weapon could be something more psychic, using her hand to "control" other survivors to getting damaged in some way. Interesting concept though indeed.

  • Eye66
    Eye66 Member Posts: 822

    I collect horror stuff and got into the game for that reason, so have a lot of thoughts

    Pinhead, Victor Crowley from Hatchet, Leslie Vernon are my top picks (assuming they can't get F13th 2009 Jason, which may actually be possible given the specifics of that legal limbo)

    Pumpkinhead, Horace Pinker from Shocker, The Tall Man, Billy from Silent Night Deadly Night, Maniac Cop

    Lots of cool options though a few of these are some deep cuts.

  • TerminatorGuy
    TerminatorGuy Member Posts: 434

    The Terminator T-800 from the first movie

  • dizbruhlikesthering
    dizbruhlikesthering Member Posts: 113

    YES. Crap yes. Got all excited now. And have Sarah Connor be the survivor, my life would be complete.

  • Eye66
    Eye66 Member Posts: 822

    I know Art's actor, he'd have lots of great ideas. Terrifier is probably a bit too hardcore for the average DbD player though, plus they're busy shooting Terrifier 2 atm

  • Eye66
    Eye66 Member Posts: 822

    Dougherty's Krampus would be amazing, and he's very hands on with art design so he'd probably love to contribute

  • LustForBP
    LustForBP Member Posts: 611

    The Babadook, Grudge, Chucky, Omen, Dracula,

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590


    They could even do their own interpretation of Krampus if they want to avoid licensing. I think Dougherty's is amazing though and would fit the best.

    I could imagine the TR music being the soft ringing of the little bell from the movie..so good!

  • Eye66
    Eye66 Member Posts: 822

    The bell idea is sick!! Love It! As for design I don't they could top or match his, but I think they'd have an easier time getting it. If only Sam was a bit taller...

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    Yeah they probably don't want to add a kid survivor getting killed either so I'm thinking just the older lady from one of the images I posted seeing as we don't have an older lady survivor yet.

  • Eye66
    Eye66 Member Posts: 822

    Grandma would be an interesting pick, they could also use the neighbor's from the house they investigated and found the gingerbread men in. They did disappear..

  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,060

    Honestly, I'd be down for this. There's even a handy "the" name to go with him: The Mascot. I'm assuming it'd be Afton in the form of Springtrap, though. His Mori would be stuffing animatronic heads onto Survivors and setting off the spring locks.

  • judge_fist
    judge_fist Member Posts: 114

    The Leprechaun. Haha Just kidding. Definitely Pinhead. A hook on a chain could be his weapon. Theirs a few different things they could do with his power. Revolving around either the hooks doing some sort of slow down. Something with the Cenobytes causing false terror radiouses. Or illusions and only being able to close it after finding the puzzle box to end his power. Itd be interesting anyway.

  • Eye66
    Eye66 Member Posts: 822

    I love the reactions to Terrifier's big scene, it's kinda campy enough to not be too far but totally levels the unprepared. And when he takes that selfie after :0

  • Ajritoka
    Ajritoka Member Posts: 594
    edited January 2020

    Honestly there could be a lot of Killer titles for him. The Mascot, The Animatronic, The Machine, The Rabbit.

    One I particularly like a lot is The Creator. William Afton cofounded Fazbear Entertainment with Henry Emily, and they designed the animatronics together. He could be considered their creator. He also hid his victims’ corpses in the suits, so he’s kinda the reason the animatronics are possessed. It’s also a nice reference to the “joy of creation” phrase that’s thrown around in the community.

    I just hope they wouldn’t do something similar to The Ghost Face and call him The Spring Trap.

  • HagIsBestGirl
    HagIsBestGirl Member Posts: 158

    Yeah, totes. Having some kinda puzzle box related power would be mandatory, haha.

    Plus, another killer who might just slap or claw you to death, and is an oversized fleshless monstrosity, just sits right with me and my HagLove, lol.

    And maybe some cool moris where he'd suck survs down into withered husks. :D

    Also disregard the double quote. I'm on mobile and am too dumb to fix it...

    xBEATDOWNSx Member Posts: 636


    Map would be Dracula's castle. Probably use Ormond as a template.

    Power: turn into the fog and float around the map. Think Spirit level invisibility mixed with Demo's tunnel vision (you can't see the survivors but you can hear em/ detect their heartbeat)

    Perk ideas

    Smell the blood of injured survivors. Bloodstains are more vibrant and stay much longer.

    Teleport to the crows around the map. Huge cooldown but having a killer that is tied to those little winged vermin would be cool and Dracula/ vampires are known to take the forms of various animals.

    Some type of bloodfury ability. I was imagining something akin to sloppy butcher but with a mend feature added to it. Survivors bleed out and risk going into the dying state if they can't heal fast enough.

    I just really like the old movie monsters and am a huge horror movie buff. I have so many different ideas in my head hahaha. But gimme Dracula, Wolfman, and for more modern ideas THE COLLECTOR

    xBEATDOWNSx Member Posts: 636

    Also sack guy from THE STRANGERS

  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061
    edited January 2020



  • asergioam
    asergioam Member Posts: 363

    The predator

    the terminator

    dart vader



    the night king (got)

    headless horseman (sleepy hollow)



    Jack the reaper

    The “johnny Depp” Barber

    the skeleton from army of darkness

  • jzlm1815
    jzlm1815 Member Posts: 2

    I know it’s been said already but Chucky would be amazing. If his height impacted how survivors can see him maybe reduce his base m/s to encourage him to be played as a stealthier killer, and the reduced speed would help on loops where he might not be able to be seen over. Hell, you could have it so when you’re in his terror radius he laughs and taunts you if the constant surprise attacks are bad. As for hooking/carrying survivor, his voodoo man soul could just pop out and grab the survivors for him. I’m sure there are plenty of creative ways bhvr can think of to make him work, he’s a horror icon and definitely think should be in the game.