What killers can bait survivors other than Meyers?

So I happened across this video: https://youtu.be/vXFRGes8WAw
And now I want to try it out, I just don’t own Daddy Michael yet, and not sure I want to. Anyone have any success in doing something similar with a different killer? What are the best perks for attempting this strategy? I think it’ll be funny catching survivors off guard and make them question their life choices.
Afraid not as only ghost face stalks like that but they would notice immediately and strip you of your power temporarily
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Aw, that sucks. I actually bought Ghostface because I love it when he twerks. Maybe I’ll try something similar and use NOED and see if that will send them all into a tizzy. I probably need to get Freddy leveled up for bloodwarden too.
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Lol that could work
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Yes and no. First off, that video doesn't make sense as there's an audible notification that he just tiered up, so it would take incredibly stupid survivors to not realize what he's doing. I've had wraith do that with NOED. Just wait for the gens to be done, then wait at the gate with NOED. I've done something similar with NOED nurse. Insidious camping BEHIND the exit door.
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You could insidious as virtually any killer, then run rancor. The Obsession can't see your aura because of insidious, then you mori them when the gens are done. Type gg ez in endgame chat and you've won.
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Anything will work against brain dead survivors. You can hear Myers tier up the first time - so he was not afk, after that just check for collision to see if he's still stalking.
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That was pretty hilarious. It does take survivors screwing around to work though. Fortunately, most survivors can't help themselves. As far as other killers doing some kind of bait to get kills, well every killer has access to end game perks. Run Bloodwarden, No One Escapes Death and maybe Rancor. When I run this build, I'll AFK until there is one or two gens left and then hunt for the obsession. Nice thing about this is you can use any killer to do it. But Shape is the only killer that can kill survivors without hooking them (besides EGC or maybe pig traps).
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No Bloodwarden is a fail.
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Haven't leveled Freddy yet. It's on my to do list.
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That video was epic lol.
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Meyers is the killer I got all the hard rift challenges done with. The basement hook and sacrifice challenges and the interrupt survivor grab challenge. Also the endgame sacrifice challenges so I definitely think he's one of my favorite killers. Except the fact that they nerfed the mirror and tombstone add ons making him super slow and no lunge with them equipped making them really weak.
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Yes, use that crutch.
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I will! <3
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Until you start running perkless, you have no room to talk about crutches. I love it when survivors gripe about NOED, while running Adrenaline, Dead Hard, Borrowed Time, and Decisive.
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I guess Spirit? Since you can’t tell when she is phasing if you’re within her terror radius. That’s kinda her entire schtick of not knowing when she’s moving.
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Ive seen someone do it with rancor and insidious. They just went "afk" all game, then instantly downed and moried the obsession when the last gate was done. Due to insidious, the obsession had no clue rancor was in play since they never saw the killer's aura.