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Am I really at fault?

Go_Go_Roboto Member Posts: 330
edited January 2020 in General Discussions

The other day I had a game where I escaped and all my team died. It was against legion and it started with me wasting about a minute of the killer's time by getting seen then hiding.

That ######### was hilarious btw

Then I get a gen done and ruins gets cleansed...looks like everyone was looking for it. Awesome! Can't blame then tho, it was a swamp map. Anyway, later someone got basement hooked and someone else got down when trying to save. I got the save and this trade system continued. As long as one person is doing generators, the game isn't lost. But, once one person was out of the game, we can't win by having one person hooked, one person unhooking, and one person chased nearly the entire time.

I decided to let someone that was on first hook to stay there until second stage so I could complete the last generator. Second person got sacraficed after saving and the third got downed at the gate I opened. The post game chat was full of my teammates and the killer ######### talking me and saying I was useless, never unhooking, and selfish. I'd post the profile comment, too if half of it wouldn't end up getting censored.

Is it really a bad thing I made the decision for the team to get one of us out rather than unhook-rehook until 4K? I was on death hook and didn't see getting chased as very lucrative.

Post edited by Go_Go_Roboto on


  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    This happened while I was playing killer, I expected them to keep hook bombing but they actually stayed on gens until they died while I was chasing the other guy. They all still died though.

  • JC316
    JC316 Member Posts: 693

    This game is supposed to be every man for himself. The SWF has made it a team game, but the core idea is working together against a common enemy, then every man for himself.

  • PistolTimb
    PistolTimb Member Posts: 1,413

    Nah, just ignore them. I had a teammate bad mouthing me through the Xbox messaging system because I didn't save them. I did 3 gens, was the last (standing) survivor, they were in the basement, and the killer had noed. Basically they wanted me to go on a suicide run for them then got pissy when I didn't. You can't please everyone, so don't even try. You'll save yourself plenty of headaches :)

  • Fog_King
    Fog_King Member Posts: 688

    People will always say bad things when others don't do what they wanted them to do. In this case, I think you did the right thing. Sometimes, people just have to accept someone escaping is better than no one escaping. I have seen many cases where someone is hooked, last gen gets done and at least a gate is 99% or open. Killer is camping, we don't know if he or she has noed and the person is on the other side of the map. Then someone goes for the save, killer might either get them before the save happens and hurt them, making them run away or get downed. Or just have Noed and bam!

    Either way, usually the killer gets 2 kills instead of 1, but usually I see someone else coming for the save, after the other person has gotten downed, thinking the killer will just pick them up and it's a free save, but the killer turns around and also downs that person. So now, it's 1 hooked survivor and 2 on the ground. And on the other side of the map, with no gate near.

    I have died trying to save someone this way, only to get downed by the killer, hooked and the person who I was saved heals and leaves, not even trying to save me back. So now, if the killer is camping and the exit is very far away, I'm sure but I'm leaving. The killer might get one kill, instead of two or more.

  • Xetoil
    Xetoil Member Posts: 94

    When people try to make you feel bad with the intention of getting you to change your behaviour, it's usually called an abusive relationship. When the people in question are strangers on a video game, it's still abusive. When someone is treating you abusively the best advice is to get out of the situation ASAP because it's only going to harm you

    The civil thing to do is have a conversation, if the other players had asked you why you made the decisions that you did, and then put forward some alternate decisions that they thought would have been effective, then fair enough. But instead they just showered you in insults and abuse.

    So really its your team/the killer who are at fault for being awful people.

  • samination
    samination Member Posts: 312

    Of course not. You would know if you did something wrong. They just wanted you dead too.

  • Mikeasaurus
    Mikeasaurus Member Posts: 2,327

    People who lose in this game are always looking for someone else to blame other than themselves. Don't let it get to ya. I had a Meg on hook right beside me earlier, and I was hiding behind a barrier while Spirit kept wandering very close by. Because I didn't get them off the hook within a second of it happening, they DC'd and I got told I was an idiot and I can't play the game right. I mean, between saving a hooked survivor and being downed myself, or waiting for a safe moment, I know what I'm choosing.

  • mmorrow8
    mmorrow8 Member Posts: 59

    I feel your pain bud. I run borrowed and am overly altruistic so I often do what would be considered suicide for everyone but even I know when one should be worked on a gen all the way or partially before unhooking. I get ######### for doing a gen and not saving or commiting suicide to save them and them dying later on. There's no winning here and it frustrates me.

  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,063
    edited January 2020

    On a recent PS4 game I played against a Camping and/or Tunneling Trapper, I focused on an nearby gen rather than go for the save right away. Sadly, when I DID go for the save it was JUST too late to make the rescue. After the game I get a message simply saying "I hate you". When I asked "for?" I was told it was for doing a generator while they were struggling and not coming until the last moment.

    My response, and I quote, "He seemed to be camping and/or tunneling and I don't have Borrowed Time. Not a whole lot I could do until then."

    If nothing else, you kept the game moving and generators going. My understanding is that, as much as possible, at least one person should always try to be on gens.

  • Eye66
    Eye66 Member Posts: 822

    No you did good, their fault for getting downed like that

  • KillerFuzz
    KillerFuzz Member Posts: 4

    I actually had a game where there were three of us left one guy opened the gates and left while someone was hooked, so i as the only other survivor said screw it and went for a save where the killer ended up downing the survivor again after i saved but went to chase me so he could get two kills. So i just made a dash for the exit (where he hit me and i was forced to leave). But while chasing me the downed survivor crawled a long path for the exit and when the killer went to collect on his kill he couldnt find him and so the survivor crawled to safety, making it out safely.

    The other thing is that i have been in a situation where i was that hooked survivor that was left to die and it doesnt feel amazing but its not anyones fault

  • M3tallic
    M3tallic Member Posts: 1

    Trust me the people are trying to harass you to say something back to them in message so they can band you anymore I was in a far worse match then that one guy was on the hook the other 2 got downed I was injured because no one wanted to heal me then the killer found me I was being chased then I lost him was going for the guy that was on the hook then he killed himself I was right in front of him no killer in sight then I said whatever I'm just going to do the same caz he was camping the other 2 then we all died then the hooked guy have the nerve to send me messages saying it was my fault that he died along with his other friends but how was that my fault that he killed himself right in front of me right when I was about to get him off the hook?

  • PB182
    PB182 Member Posts: 80

    I lol'd at the killer giving his two cents at the end 😂😂😂

  • MrsMcpatches
    MrsMcpatches Member Posts: 12

    You didn't do anything wrong. The politics of surviving are complicated and often single-minded. I had a game where I was found first, hooked, and chased almost all game. worked on gens and saved in between when i could. got one gate open at the end while on death hook. Could have just left, but killer hooked one across the map and was keeping other 2 survivors busy in chase so I went all the way across the map for the save. Killer saw me and came behind as I grabbed the struggler off the hook right in front of the other open gate. I ran for the exit since i thought the other survivor would be right behind me. Killer knocked her down and ran me out. survivor died. I get saltmail via ps4 friend request calling me nasty names for not taking a hit! I could have just left in the first place. This is the very reason my messages are blocked. Don't worry about it. people like to blame others for their failures.

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    Unless you are cheating or breaking rules then play however the ######### you want. Other people will always love to tell you how they want you to play but you bought the game and so long as you don't exploit the system and play within the rules given you have nothing to be blamed for.

    Now they can still get mad but if i decide not to save person A because i want to live its not my fault. I'm sure they too would want to escape.

    If I decided to leave a gen to go save someone on a hook and we end up losing because that last gen never got done, that's not my fault, I can't predict the future.