Who do you want to see for the next tome?

Because our current tome was Trapper and Claudette i feel like the next ones will like be wraith or hillbilly and jake/Dwight/meg
Originally out of the 2 killers i wanted Wraith because we know so little about him and i think he may be the only killers who powers really have nothing to do with his story so its a complete mystery, but then I was pretty intrigued by Hillbillys new years outfit. It really highlights how tragic his story is, he's definitely not just a discount but somehow infinitely better Leatherface.
As for the survivor i want Dwight no question, tho Jake and Meg both really have more plot points to work with.
But really id like to hear whoever you want, any killer and any survivor licensed or not
oooo if I had to pick I would pick wraith and Jake(totally not because I main him)
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We need a shirtless Jake all scratched up from climbing trees and #########
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I want a Wailing Bell Charm.
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When it comes to back stories, I think the Nurse or the Doctor would be interesting. I could though see them continuing with the original killers and survivors so of those, I would say Jake and Wraith.
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I really want to see Doctor as the Killer in the next Tome, but I think it'll probably be Wraith. The next Survivor will probably be Dwight or Jake. I'm thinking that they'll put Meg and Hillbilly together for the third Tome because both of them can sprint (Meg with SB, Billy with his chainsaw).
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It may line up with is rework. Good catch on Meg and billy btw i didn't think of that.
Trapper and Claudette were linked by having lonely childhoods with estranged parents that they eventually made up with. Never even thought about that until now.
If that's right Wraith will likely be paired with Jake since both are loners who live in the woods
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Wraith and Dwight
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Big brain logic there
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Part of me wants Jake cause he is whole some and needs more love than he gets. But part of me wonders if the quality of these will increase, so he will get better stuff if he waits. I feel Dwight and Meg already get quite a bit of love and attention, but that may mean they would be more appealing to the team than poor Jake. But Jake would offer Sabotage challenges which may be a break from the normal! I feel Dwight is pretty one note in his perks and wouldn't break away from Claudette's very much.
I like Wraith a lot more than Hillbilly, so that's a easy choice. I even have his candle outfit, so I can be festive during it!
In terms of lore connections. Jake has father issues and future issues. He wanted something nice and simple, but his father wanted him to take over the business. This could link up to the Wraith wanting a normal life, but his boss put him into a horrible position. Maybe they could connect where maybe both of them looked up to their authority figures, but they turned away and went alone after discovering the horrible truth.
However, Wraith could also connect to Meg (being stuck in a position when they could be doing something better) or Dwight. (not fitting into the crowd, bad workplace)
There are 4 OC Survivors and only 3 Killers. I wonder how they will handle this. Hopefully someone doesn't get neglected!
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I heard the next tome will be David and Jane with Doctor and Spirit
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Not sure if legit, but someone has leaked that David, Jane, Doctor and Spirit are the next ones. Seems like a smart idea to focus on more than 2 characters imo, though it seems odd they're already doing DLC characters, when they've got so many free characters left.
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Yes, Doctor! Please let this be true!
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Wraith and Dwight of course.
Bing bong boy needs a spotlight on him and I would like to see the dwelf's out in full force for a bit longer.
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Why do we all think this?
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Because Wraith and Dwight's bios are small, but could be expanded into something interesting. Wraith being a hopeful immigrant to hapless pawn to psycho killer can be an interesting story to tell, and Dwight just kinda relatable
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Where is the leak of it being doctor and spirit?
Does anyone have a link?
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Wraith and Dwight
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Can't we get Quentin and Fredster instead? 😂
(I know we won't, never in a million years)
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Just any cosmetics. Really.
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*holds up a pair of speedos and pyjamas*
This good enough? 😂
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If it's Wraith, prepare for spinechill city lol
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I think it is a pretty safe bet that the first couple of tomes will feature characters that are part of the base game. Which ones are next though? I don't know. I hope it is Dwight and Hillbilly though.
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That's really interesting. Where did this information come from?
Post edited by Inji on0 -
I almost wish there were two separate tomes - one for killers and one for survivors - so that the balance of the game isn't thrown off by people just trying to do challenges. I also wish we could select whatever challenge we want, not have to follow a specified route. And I'd like to not have four or five different versions of the same charm as rewards. Not sure I'm buying the next tome.
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Leaksbydaylight got it from some Australian site I dunno lol
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Hey a reboots coming up, kind of leaves Quentin in a weird place but if they work out their legal ######### they could have a whole Nightmare tome
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Theres a reason that every other battlepass has it so all the challenges can be completed at the same time without selecting a specific one, there are paths to specific challenges where you have to do one thing before the other but DBD went about it ass backwards tbh, and some of the challenges are really stupid on top of the rift being grindy af. (Still haven't completely dark senses and JUST got to the last page of the tome and i play quite a bit, more than the average player im sure)
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YO i almost looked over this. I hope this means its coming soon after the first one ends. I glanced over the level 4 and the challenges seem a lot less head assed.
Odd they wouldn't pair killers with their survivors, i also wonder if theres going to be a theme at all since im not sure what any of these people have in common
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You know they won't :P
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Well, you have to consider that The Tome had entries for The Trapper, Claudette, The Alchemist, The Entity, and Revelations, I assume The Tome will always have an equivalent to Revelations, but they can choose other characters to focus on besides The Entity and The Alchemist for Tome II.
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Well, since it was confirmed to be about David King, Spirit, Doctor etc (because the devs deleted the original thread talking about it), I just DON'T want to see no mither challenges.
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Sadly, there is one where you have to escape while running it.
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Those challenges sound great (except for maybe the key and Mori ones)! They're nowhere near as bad as some of the challenges from the current Tome. So glad that they're focusing on Doc during this Tome because he's one of my favorite Killers.
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Either way, escape is one thing. That I can handle. I just fear the inevitably stupid "Escape without being downed/hooked using No Mither".
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I got the Dark Senses challenge done after probably 6 hours total of trying. Not at once. I finally said I'd give it one last try and got it on that very next game. I actually did all five gens that game, no joke. Four I did with the same person and the last one I did solo while he got chased. The two teammates who literally did nothing the entire game got out and the two of us who actually did the objective died. But yeah that challenge just isn't fun. It's pure luck to get the right circumstances to complete it, and it can take way too long for just one challenge.
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According to leaks, it's Doctor, Spirit, David, and Jane. As a Jane main, I'm not complaining.