Killers can be toxic too



  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    Enduring made DS useless (before the stun time increase) so it was changed.

  • ChezAndQuakers
    ChezAndQuakers Member Posts: 189

    Oh ok, sorry, it’s just I don’t use enduring. Also when were the stats of your bubba games gonna be shown? I remember you talking about them and I got pretty excited to see the results

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    I haven’t been able to pip so I canceled the experiment, I mostly safety pip even when I 4K.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    Noed isn't a second chance perk. Not really. It can be prevented by survivors, and is really only useful against 1 survivor if you play your cards right. It's a punishment perk for rushing gens, since there is no reason not to do bones anymore. I've seen it only rarely get all 4 survivors, but that's because they weren't expecting it/the totem was in a lucky spot.

    Very few use insidious to counter BT, because nobody gets points for camping anyway.

    You don't need Spirit Fury/Enduring/Brutal to stop loops. Neither do you need bamboozle either. They're perks that help, but you can, through your own skill, catch them yourself.

    Survivors have many ways to gain distance, Head On to start a chase, Sprint Burst to get some early distance, or saving it for mid chase, Lithe and Balanced for mid chase distance gaining, and Dead Hard as a clutch for being out of position... not to mention using other perks to help out too (there was a reason MoM was nerfed).

  • HisKillerDude
    HisKillerDude Member Posts: 2

    Yeah dude we get it, the sky is blue and some people are toxic on both sides. However, the majority of the time that there is toxicity it comes from survivors. I have plenty of messages I can share with you where I was called racial slurs, told to kill myself, cussing me out, etc. Also a lot of survivors just throw words like "camping" and "tunnelling" around. I'm not tunnelling you, you're just one of the two people I keep running into.

    Also, toxicity as a survivor is ALMOST always rewarded or done in a way where you don't lose much. Tbagging at loops, flashlight clicking, quad DS, etc. Has zero downside. Killers on the other hand when they partake in toxicity(not excusing it because some killers are a-holes) let it be face-camping or tunnelling they get penalties for it. Tunnel someone? Get gen-rushed. Face-camp? Get gen-rushed.

    As it stands being a survivor is braindead easy and takes no effort except when you go against one of three killers. I guess toxic people are usually just bad and like they strut around like they are good so they just gravitate toward the easier role.

  • Gamzello
    Gamzello Member Posts: 828

    The only toxic part about what you mention were just the insults you've gotten from salty survivors. I play solo survivor so I can't really relate to very toxic SWF games.

    Teabagging or flashlight clicking can only get to you if you let it man. Sure it can be annoying but you'll always end up getting them in the end. It's not considered "toxic" really, in my opinion.

    Decisive strike is only a problem if you tunnel the person who got unhooked. I would say it's more situational, but it depends on how people killers play, or if you caught someone too early on.

    I think the the main issue in DBD right now has to be generators. Generators have been untouched for the longest time while everything else changes around. It's been about three years now, and ruin shouldn't be the only thing to truly delay to make games last longer for killers. I get kinda tired of seeing the same meta over and over again honestly.

    Survivor does take effort though, not everybody does meta builds every game. I get bored as hell of it so I always change it up! I'd have to disagree about you saying that toxic people play survivor, that's like saying EVERY survivor is toxic.

    There's just toxic people on both sides, in every game online multiplayer game. That will never change sadly.

  • Natrowe13
    Natrowe13 Member Posts: 1

    I agree but like they said toxic people are toxic. I was playing against legion and with randoms. I just got hooked and a random came up and got me no later then 15 second on the hook the killer was right there I thought okay here's about to tunnel me. I was so thankful he went after the other person. Another time I was playing SWF I got hooked got off the hook (I was hooked in the basement and the killer was patrolling the area) my friend literally tried to body block me ran in front of the killer and everything the killer still came after me. I'm not even that good at running away from the killer so it's not like I had him running around forever and I personally don't believe in t-bagging I hate it personally so I don't do it. I think it depends what kind of mood the person is in. I've seen them be so toxic then let the last survivor go I doubt it'll ever change.

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    Nowhere near my experience. Insecure players tend to play SWF and derank. Egotistical players flock more to killer mode for that power role. It is basic psychology, and nobody cares. Some play both, some flock to one or the other. Either way, toxic pizzants are going to be toxic pizzants no matter what.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,360

    Just wondering, what's wrong with Bubba wearing the Claudette face?

  • yeet
    yeet Member Posts: 1,832

    your theory is incorrect because survivors egos are through the roof for things like beating a low tier killer

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    ^ like I had one game as rank16 Killer vs rank10-13 Survivors with post game from rank11: "useless killer".

    Like he could ever survive from Rank6 Killer.

  • Gamzello
    Gamzello Member Posts: 828

    You guys can have your opinions. That’s totally fine! I disagree however.

    There are tons of killers out there who would kill survivors at any rank. I don’t mean the very few that would farm for BPs, or let them escape cuz they notice they were playing badly, I mean a lot of killers would still kill low ranked survivors as well.

    I mean how could they not?

    Is that considered toxic? Of course not. Only if you type something toxic in the chat. But there’s always going to be people who gets super salty during the matches man.

    I just wanted to make a comment on that.

  • JawsIsTheNextKiller
    JawsIsTheNextKiller Member Posts: 3,360

    It is odd that some 12-years olds will rage at you even when they win, but "useless killer" was probably aimed at the character you chose to play. (i.e. Leatherface is useless)

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    And I've seen killers who intentionally derank to destroy low tier survivors. Again, that power role to the extreme. Nothing like an expert Billy or Nurse destroying a bunch of rank 18s while rank 18 themselves with full t3 perks. Most even admit it.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,311
    edited September 2019

    There's quite a few hilariously hypocritical mixes of opinion out there when it comes to deranking. People excusing "their side" for doing it because they "don't want sweaty lobbies" or "don't want to go against so many nurses and spirits", while demonizing whoever playing the other side as bullies that want to play omegablink + mori against rank 19s or military grade SWF death squads wanting to bully fresh installs.

    It's bad no matter who does it, and even worse when people delude themselves into believing it's okay when they do it, but not when their opponents do it.

    EDIT: Not accusing you of thinking like this in any way, just agreeing. All sorts of people do it, and some people don't even have the balls to just own the fact they do it and need to make up flimsy justifications for it.

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    Not excusing any deranking at all btw. I get not liking certain ranks. I don't enjoy the red ranks due to all the sweat and toxicity. I usually stop playing for the month at rank 5 or 4. But deranking just to own low levels is pathetic.

  • roxasXIII
    roxasXIII Member Posts: 3

    I'm the same I play solo I dont play toxic I'm good at running though and many times ive had killer hit me while I'm on the hook when I didnt even do anything remotely toxic towards them stuff like that makes me mad I can understand if I was being toxic and then they did it but if I'm playing regularly why taunt me.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    Survivor mains playing killer for BP = Toxic Killer 😃

  • Nick
    Nick Member Posts: 1,237

    Everyone can be toxic. You'd not think this. But killers are being played by humans, just like survivors

    CLAUDETTEINABUSH Member Posts: 2,210

    I'm a killer main,but I sometimes play solo survivor too. I can see their frustration when they can't catch me or when I escape via the hatch and honestly I feel their pain.

    Tho the frustration most of the times don't excuse their actions,I can see why they are toxic. If you get 11 games in a row with toxic swf and then one game the survivors don't have synergy then it is worth celebrating in my book. They do that because they are tired of the toxicness imo,nothing more

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    Sometimes people are unintentionally being toxic. I liked to wait at the door to say bye to the killer, but I never considered how annoying that might be to the killer until another survivor mentioned it to me. So now I won’t wait at the door unless another teammate is still inside.

    I’ll be toxic if you camp and tunnel at the start of the match though. If you wait until 2 gens are left or if you camp a toxic teammate of mines, then I’ll forgive your toxicity.