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Is it possible for a Five Nights at Freddys Chapter

I have been playing Five Nights at Freddys on Xbox and was thinking, is it possible for a fnaf chapter? I have also seen videos of people wanting certain killers in the game but have never seen anyone mention Five Nights at Freddys. So I wanted to ask the community. Is it possible for a fnaf chapter or paragraph?


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  • Member Posts: 2,327

    As much as I loved the FNaF series, please for the love of god no. Freddy had a good run, but as others have said, it just wouldn't fit into the game. That, and the fact the Entity would essentially be taking childrens spirits to turn them into murder machines. A little too dark imo

  • Member Posts: 1,470

    So much cringe thinking about that. Itโ€™s a no from me fam. Why would you want characters from a little kids jump scare game in DBD?

  • Member Posts: 117

    lel I was thinking the same thing what if Ennard were to come in DBD he is one of my favorite animatronics ๐Ÿ˜Š

    I can imagine his Mori would go inside people and RIP them from the Inside to Out


  • Member Posts: 1,471
    edited January 2020

    As much as I like the series and would be perfectly fine with having a chapter for FNaF I just can't see it working out. The only logical character would be William Afton/Springtrap as a Killer, seeing as he was an actual murderer, but he never really had a unique shtick compared to other animatronics so I don't really kno what they could do for him.

  • Member Posts: 8,243

    Springtrap would be great, and since we're on the subject, I want to make a fan made chapter about him.

    I was thinking, the killer can be called "The Animatronic" and can be like Legion where you can change the killer's skin to whatever animatronic you prefer! :P

  • Member Posts: 2,919

    Spirit says hello XD

    It would be weird but cool. Iโ€™ve always been a big fam of the FNAF series. A animatronic/robot killer would be a fresh addition.

  • Member Posts: 20

    sounds like it would be cool and all, but their whole concept is not moving when being looked at, so that would be really difficult to incorporate in game, maybe if they added foxy then that would work, but foxy moves way faster then any killer should move so idk

  • Member Posts: 454

    I am very certain it is possible but I kinda doubt we will get one.

    I would be happy if we get a FNaF chapter but I am ok if we won't.

    What are you talking about?

    You know they don't have to behave exactly like they did in the first fnaf game, right?

  • Member Posts: 367

    I'd love to play as foxy.

    The only issue is the secondary power. I for the life of me can't think of one

  • Member Posts: 367

    They could do nightmare versions or the decaying versions

  • Member Posts: 4
    edited January 2020

    Depends because we all know who the killer will be, William Afton aka purple guy heโ€™s basically the protagonist/antagonist in the franchise. I mean he does kill people, well kids actually, but he also kills people such as security guards (in fnaf 3+6) but most likely it wouldnโ€™t really happen because that will kinda be dumb to make a guy in a purple officer suit or depends if they make a springtrap or Springbonnie killer with an axe or a knife (an axe cause he destroyed the animatronics, a knife because he klure kids in the back and killed them. The animatronics should included as props how fnaf 3 was like suits and props of the fnaf 1-2 animatronics. How the saw dlc was like Billy was sitting down during a trap looking at the player the fnaf animatronics should just be props as a decoration or so. But as a huge fan of FNaF I donโ€™t really mind making it a chapter as long as it wasnโ€™t a complete failure like Freddy Krueger (no offense but I wasnโ€™t a huge fan of it)

  • Member Posts: 4
    edited January 2020

    Also the survivors could perhaps be kids with a crying face or adults wearing the animatronics mask in fnaf 4 like freddy, chica, bonnie, and foxy

  • Member Posts: 286

    I like Dead by daylight and I like fnaf, but this is doesn't sound good at all. It wouldn't feel right. I don't support it but if they somehow think it's a good idea... then I guess it is? The only way to do that too would be by a springtrap paragraph or a killer only chapter like ghostface.

  • Member Posts: 5,613

    Springtrap and the nightmares are the only ones i could see working but itd be possible. Probably most likely wont happen.

  • Member Posts: 555
    edited January 2020

    what is this comment ? People can not like the idea, yeah. Dont make it like "oh you guys are 10 year olds who only play Fortnite and you just want fortnite everywhere uh"

    no that's just that : the two games are way too different, it wont happen, and it would be pretty bad anyway.

  • Member Posts: 555

    they said they would not use children

    like during the Stranger Things chapter

  • Member Posts: 158

    I thought that game was for kids?

  • Member Posts: 43
    edited January 2020

    Ummm, sure. A game series about a serial killer brutally murdering several children and the vengeful spirits of those children in turn brutally murdering security workers... I would agree that the fact the story centres around a parody of Chuck E. Cheese and that most of the terror comes from jumpscares may make it seem kiddy, I think it's just that after incredibly popular Youtubers played it and introduced it to a wider audience, including their younger fans they gave it the stigma of a series meant for kids. But whatever, none of that's important, all that would matter for FNaF to come to DbD is that BHVR and Scott Cawthon could come to an agreement on licensing and BHVR can find a way to implement a character into the game. FNaF at its core is still a horror game regardless of its reputation. So it has a chance, no matter how slim.

  • Member Posts: 7,976

    I mean i wouldn't mind it i just have difficulty seeing it work

    If they manage to pull it off and make it decent i would deffinitivly buy it

    I do like Springtrap

  • Member Posts: 286

    The problem is the weapon, they also couldn't just take the springtrap from pizza simulator, even tho he has his needle arm, since the style wouldn't really match Dbds. (look at that giant head ๐Ÿ‘€)

    They'd have to find a solution on how he would attack the Survivors, a weapon would look kind of silly imo if it would be a knife or axe. Punching could work but..

    What would his abilities be? There's not much they could do, I think?

  • Member Posts: 951

    An idea for the power, if it was springtrap let him be able to teleport to lockers (similar to freddies power) but give him like, a super attack if he "jumpscares" a survivor. For weapon just a sharpened rusted claw. If they went with almost any other animatronic, give them a drag ability, an ability that catches a survivor and holds them in the kidnapping hole in their chest or suit

  • Member Posts: 4,061

    Maybe a FNAF map would be really interesting but I don't see how a killer would work. Plus we already have a Freddy.

  • Member Posts: 4,061

    Also SCISSORMAN should come before anyone else because ... he's the bestest man's there is.

  • Member Posts: 239

    I'm surprised, I would think people would be more open to the idea of a FNaF chapter. I gave it a little thought, and think a FNaF chapter could look something like this (rough concept, I'm sure it could use lots of work):

    New Killer: The Cast

    The 4 original cast members (Freddy, Chica, Bonnie, and Foxy) all spawn randomly on the map and are in an Idle mode. In idle mode, all the bots emit a low level TR (16 m). They do not move, but will always face you (similar to the statues in the Sanctum of Wrath). The killer player would begin by always controlling Freddy, and he becomes active at the start of the game. The active cast member would then have a normal TR (32m).

    Killer Power: The killer's power would work by taking control of the different cast members one at a time. The killer can move and position each cast member and then put that bot into idle mode at will. When all 4 cast members are idle, the killer can cycle thought the sight of each cast member and would be able to see and hear from that cast member's perspective. The killer can choose to control that cast member though a short channel, and would be allowed to move and chase survivors. Or they could cycle to the next cast member to scout what is going on in that location. The most recent cast member that was put idle would need a cooldown period before being eligible to be active again. Each cast member could additionally have a special passive:

    Freddy - breaks pallets much faster

    Bonnie - vaults windows much quicker

    Foxy - While idle, TR shrinks to 0m and can hear much further (think a super version of stridor and insidious). For 10 sec after becoming active, Foxy is undetectable.

    Chika - can enter lockers and use them to teleport to other lockers on the map with her own special cooldown (basically like Demogorgon).

    Mori (this one is wacky, I know) - The 4 cast members jumpscare the survivor 4 times in quick succession by popping behind or from the sides (might need to be a first person perspective mori). This results in the survivor simply having a heart attack and dying. Obviously, this would not change the actual locations of the cast members.

    Basically the idea would be an extreme map pressure killer that is sort of everywhere at once. You could essentially trap survivors by strategically placing cast members in places they will run to, or put them next to objectives to scare the ######### out of survivors since they often know they are being watched.

  • Member Posts: 367

    And I'm going to shoot all the Zombies did? L4d and dbd are both wildly different

  • Member Posts: 109

    Look a great deal of kids play mature games including DBD, Black ops, Witcher you name it.

  • Member Posts: 295

    I said this and people said they don't want it, idk why bcus I like this game

  • Member Posts: 1,261

    If it wasn't for FNAF introducing me to horror, I would probably never look at DBD. If it wasn't for DBD, I wouldn't be the horror fanatic I am now. If for no other reason, I would like a chapter for that.

    Outside of that reason, taking a look into the actual lore of FNAF shows that it is MESSED UP. You have a business man going around in a yellow rabbit suit killing kids, whose souls end up possessing the animatronics, eventually hunt down the business man, trapping him in the completely unsafe suit he was wearing, before being melted down into other animatronics which eventually end up burning in a fire in the sixth game, along with that same business man, his daughter (who was indirectly killed by him), and his first victim who was responsible for possessing the animatronics in the first place. I've missed so many details it's not even funny. This is not kid stuff.

    William Afton (the business man) could easily be taken by the Entity during that final fire (he's literally told that the darkest pit of Hell has opened to swallow him whole). Give him his rabbit suit (I think the FNAF3 suit would be best) and a knife (or whatever he used to kill, I can't remember if it's specified) and come up with a power. Could easily be a paragraph (I don't think there's enough to make a chapter here, no Survivor, maps aren't big enough, and we all know the biggest complaint of Ghost Face's "chapter").

    And to those that don't think he would fit in to the current cast... uhm... Let's see here... We have a gang of teenagers, a Babylonian priestess, a dream demon, a largely naked, chopped up, blue ghost lady, a clown, a mad scientist doctor, a psychopath newspaper, a samurai, and a literal monster from another dimension. A psycho in a rabbit suit would fit in just fine, and Huntress has so many skins that change her mask, I see no issue there.

    Now for the admitted issues FNAF has. As said before, it would have to be a paragraph (which would mean 2 Survivor Paragraphs with Bill and Ash and 2 Killer Paragraphs with Cannibal and Afton) unless BHVR wants a repeat of Ghost Face's bad publicity. Second, the FNAF fanbase is one of the cringiest things that exist. Slightly better than Fortnite's, but not by much. That would easily drive people away. And making a unique power would be pretty hard (not that BHVR seems to care with Ghost Face and Oni being a mix of existing Killers). Finally, Afton is really the only character who could realistically fit in the game. Yeah, there's the animatronics, but they don't really have much in terms of backstory that Afton has.

    So to end this, do I want a FNAF chapter? Yes. Do I think one will ever happen? No. Not in the near future at least.

  • Member Posts: 602
  • Member Posts: 286

    There's the movie coming in 1, 2 or more years. They could instead of using the springtrap in the games, use the springtrap in the books or the movie, if the movie isn't based of the game. Would be better since the design/model of springtrap from the games don't really fit in DbD. The only thing missing would be his power, the only thing I can think off would be using the phantom animatronics, but again, this would be too silly.

    And as said above he would kind of fit in the lore with being a possessed animatronic with a rotting corpse in it.

    And if it'd be a full chapter, they also could just make Charlie's childhood home into a map since it was left to rot if I remember correctly. And Charlie herself a survivor since we know kind of how she looks like because of the Freddy files and the not long ago released graphic novel of the first novel.

    I just have such mixed feelings on that topic. Sorry if I'm annoying you by changing my views. ๐Ÿ‘€

  • Member Posts: 899

    God please no

  • Member Posts: 7,314
    edited January 2020

    I'm personally turned off by any FnaF related ideas. (This isn't targeting what you said, it's more-so to relate about the main question the OP asked)

    Don't let my disinterest dishearten you though, it's just not something i'd be personally interested in... FnaF was more of a fad than a horror story tbh. And over the years its become commercialized and... other things people don't like have happened to it.

    I'd prefer not starting fights on what i'm referencing, but people will get the idea of what I mean. The point is, like what you like, but I personally don't like the idea of a FnaF chapter ever being brought to DBD.

    Like many (Aka most people on the internet) I was there to see the fad at the start, but I never stuck with it because it made no sense to me. And over time it became more of a commercialized concept than a horror story... it just wasn't something that interested me.

    again, just an opinion is all... no hate or anything towards anyone or what they like.

    Post edited by FireHazard on
  • Member Posts: 7,314

    I think like many things in... (I don't remember when FnaF was a thing, 2016? 2014?)

    Anyways, like many things in that time, stuff would be overhyped by popular figures... which would than lead certain concepts to be more popular with an audience that was already fans of certain iconic figures on the internet.

    (This entire conversation has me treading on thin ice tbh, so I'll just leave it at that, again, just an opinion).

  • Member Posts: 869

    So you want people.... To not form opinions of things? Is that what this breaks down too?

    There are more than 3 good reasons off the top of my head why this chapter doesn't work based on game lore

  • Member Posts: 7,314
    edited January 2020

    No, what he means is he doesn't want people to judge each other by what they like... and actively tell them why they hate that concept in a judging way.

    You can criticize people and disagree with ideas, just don't be a jerk about it is all. People are entitled to like whatever they want, but when someone attacks another or judges them about what they like... than that's a bit much.

    Again, criticism isn't the issue... it's just how people judge and attack others IS the problem.

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  • Member Posts: 7,669

    possible? certainly.

    IF Scott says yes and the DbD crew wants it, its gonna happen.

    do i want this? no.

    for me that would be nothing but cringe, honestly. FNAF is one of these games that have been copied and overused sooo many times, its really just annoying to see a Freddy Fazebear somewhere, imo. and thats a route i wouldnt really want DbD to go.

    also, the FNAF characters dont fit the Devs idea of humanoid killers, so they are very unlikely to ever get added. but then we also got Demogorgon, sooooo...

  • Member Posts: 1,256

    Springtrap would be the most reasonable character to use as the killer, and I'm sure they could just invent a survivor.

    As an idea, you need more substance in line with their source material. Yeah, you can maul the survivor with M1, but what would their unique power be? I'm pretty sure any fans already know what the mori would be.

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