How does Legion’s Deep Wounds work?

Best Answers
if you fail to mend yourself at all like you get away from the killer but you have like a quarter of the bar left you go into dying instantly. But it’s pretty easy to avoid
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This answers lmao.
Ok, let me explain precisely what it does:
If Legion hits you while using their special ability (or you get hit by any killer while under the effect "Endurance" given from the perk "Borrowed time") you enter a special injured status called "Deep wound".
"Deep wound" starts a timer under your bar that slowly depletes. The moment the bar completely depletes, you automatically fall into the dying state. The timer, however, does not deplete when being chased by a killer. To cure this status effect you have to mend yourself by pressing m1 (just like the perk "Self Care"). If you completely mend yourself you'll go back to the injured status.
Remember that you will NOT fall into the dying state while you're mending even when the bar completely depletes. Letting go of the mending at any moment while the bar has depleted completely will make you go into dying state.
All clear now?
The Legion's power pretty much puts a timer on your chase and assures the killer it won't be as long, especially when they're moonwalking.
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Actually a pretty damn good description. The first two replies did make me lol though. Thanks for actually explaining, even though i'm not the one who asked. =D
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Someone has to do it properly once in a while C:
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Unfortunately, that never lasts, you might as well just make a joke, because by the time you answer, the answer has changed twice. But the sarcastic answer stays true. I got here trying to Google what it does *now* since IME anyone affected by it can just remove it once they get bored of having it, I almost never see the timer deplete at all, much less all the way
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DW isn't tied to chase now, it's only tied to running.
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It's not meant to drop people just to slow them down a tiny bit. But it's been nerfed to be pretty much a joke nowadays.
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The meter does not deplete while: A) mending B) running. It's not tied to being chased any more as it was at launch, nor is it based on being outside the Terror Radius as it was after the first update.
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Just so you know my answer is dated April 2019. At the time my answer was correct but Legion is such a mess things keep being changed because of a balance disaster.
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@NurseMainBTW's comment is about 9 months old as of January 2, 2020. Obviously, things can change within that time, so I wouldn't pay any attention to comments that are old because stuff like that can be very confusing. 😕
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It doesnt
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So you can run around, doing gens or totems and just start mending in the last second.
During this time you are immune to the killers power.
It's also amazing for stacking MoM if someone still runs that perk.
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I didn't look at the date... why the heck is this topic even back at the top of the discussions lol. And yes they keep changing legion because they are broken and need a rework but instead they just keep getting these nerf/buffs... it is hard to keep track.
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Someone necro'd the thread, which you aren't supposed to do according to the forum rules. 😁
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New Killer is clearly a Necromancer. Has the ability to rez dead threads.
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We do as the Mending Guides.
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I play dead by daylight on PS4 as a legion main. I can't seem to see the deep wound timer go down, I can't tell if this is because I'm just really bad or unlucky or what, if anyone knows please say.