Bring Back Rank Averaging for SWF

I would like to find matches again


A tired red rank


  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    What do you think about using the highest rank but a +1 modifier for each of their mates 4 or more ranks higher than them. That way a rank 2, 4, 6, 8 squad would look for rank 4 and a rank 1,1,1, 10 squad would look for rank 2. Combined with the +-6 already in place matchmaking would be sped up even if just a little bit.

  • AsePlayer
    AsePlayer Member Posts: 1,829

    Literally anything would be better than nothing at this point.

    2 red ranks playing with their yellow rank friends take up a red rank killer slot and everyone has an unfun match while I wait even longer in queue for my red rank killer to show up.

    Then the system proceeds to give up after 10 mins and put me against a purple or green killer and I proceed to have an unfun match.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Yeah matchmaking sucks especially during the holidays. My friends and I are taking a break from swf until double bp since we already have our offerings stocked up. Someone's gonna have to play survivor during double bp 🤣

  • AsePlayer
    AsePlayer Member Posts: 1,829

    I wish it was just the holidays.

    I really think the SWF averaging being removed had a significant impact on the survivor red rank queue issue, but that's just a theory I suppose.

  • That's not the reason queues are bad, there's just a lack of killer's specifically red rank killers, and supposedly also a lack of rank 20-14 rank killers, making it averages again could lead to a lack of green killers. A good fix is to find out what's wrong in red ranks (and purple) and fix it.

  • AsePlayer
    AsePlayer Member Posts: 1,829

    I didn't say it would SOLVE the queue issues, but it definitely has an impact because now more lobbies than ever need a red rank killer since one red rank friend in the SWF team is being weighted the same as 4 red ranks looking for a game.

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,729

    Honestly matchmaking has been doing basically nothing lately anyways. Playing with my all red ranks SWF we get matched with anyone from red-yellow ranks. You name it. Anything from full on mori sweat builds at rank 1 to killer with 2 perks at rank 15.

  • Asegbloodtears
    Asegbloodtears Member Posts: 74

    The game is totally broke right now and they are doing nothing, i don't care if its the holiday or not. the business is runnin 24/7, you should fix your ######### 24/7. I work in a casino and trust me when something goes wrong the day or the hour does not matter. I always tough games where like that but it seems like some compagny does but this one don't care at all.

    Trying to grind the killer to get lots of teachable but its unplayable. Killer 11 i get match with 3-4-4-4 pretty much all the time, its just no fun for anyone. I received most of the time a sorry after the game for being match like that. More then that lots of players have turn hyper toxic because they can play like crazy on survivor because they know they get easy killer and they laugh about them. Sending bad comments after the game. Im on PS4 so message come from the PS system not the game so no way to report harrassement in game for that. I can block the message but still.. its just to show how bad it has because and BHVR are just sitting home chiling.

    I was using this bad matchmaking as a training againts better but honestly im drain after 2 weeks of that #########... i kind of want to have fair match now... Im slowlly turning toxic without knowing it. When one is just being toxic in the game by Tbag after dropping a pallet, find a save looping and just loop me good, wiggling while doing it or pointing i get tired at some point and i throw out the game and just camp and tunnel him until he die. or i just stop running and open the door myself and run away from survivors... I am just tired of trying hard each game i want to have a bit of fun also. Players send me message after the game saying dont tunnel or camp, Make it fun for the survivor. I hear that one all the time "Make it fun for the survivor" How about make it fun for the killer??

    no one having a good time now and its just killing the game. Sad, the fact that BHVR don't care at all is even more sad!!

    I am probably on my last times playing this game, i just join it 2 months ago and it looks like its just getting so bad day after day.

  • JawsIsTheNextKiller
    JawsIsTheNextKiller Member Posts: 3,387

    I would rather they fixed ranking than risk red rank SWFs going back to abusing smurf accounts to bully inexperienced killers as they did before.

    Many of the red rank survivors shouldn't be there, so that's not helping your queue times. It needs to be harder for survivors to rank up and a 4K should guarantee a pip for killers.

  • ABannedCat
    ABannedCat Member Posts: 2,529

    I see someone watched OhTofu's video.

  • Asegbloodtears
    Asegbloodtears Member Posts: 74

    Trust me on PS4 there is already planty of Smurff. I heard BHVR made a small patch to help the matchmaking before going away on vacatation wich mix rank over and under the killer. Work 1/3 of the time i would say lol but now i also get 3-4-17-19 as match but the 17-19 are the strongest in the game....Much more hard to get then the 3 and 4... its ridiculous