Change my mind: DC penalties are useless until lobby times get better

Hi guys,
please explain to me how the punishment should work if it's still much faster to dc from a toxic killer/survivor group, wait for the 30 sec. punishment to be gone and queue for the next lobby then to suffer and then wait up to 10 minutes for the next lobby? I already know that I'll be waiting for a long time, so a little bit more doesn't change anything.
Because it escalates pretty quickly. 6 dc's for example were shown to have a 6h timer and the penalty timer gets lowered by actually playing matches from what we know.
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People who dc will still dc irregardless of the punishments. Devs can’t force entitled players to play a game they don’t want to. If they make the punishment too severe all it would do is cause the players to stop playing more and more until they quit.
Devs don’t want people to quit. It’s unfortunate, but it is what it is.
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So basically you are saying that just because you didn't get a baby killer/survivor and having an ex match it's okay to DC, lmao if they don't bring back penalties the people that actually play the game will quit and it will be full of crybabies
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The only benefit the penalties bring is that killers get hook points before they suicide on hook
Which is good imo, but it solves literally nothing besides that
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Thanks, that makes sence!
No, sweetheart. I have no problem playing and losing, but I want a chance to play. I've had matches where I had the misfortune to spawn near the killer and was noticed in the first 30 seconds, downed and camped. I didn't have a chance to play. Is it fair? Maybe for someone, but not for me.
Same with the killer: yesterday I had a match, where two survivors hid inside a room and kept running in this room without doing anything. No gens, no unhooking, nothing. I sacrificed the first two survivors and kept running for ten minutes until I checked every corner for those shitheads. Would it be fair to DC because of such survivors keeping the game hostage? I think so, yes.
Keeping things clear: I don't think the DC penalties are bad and the system seems to be better than I thought while creating this topic. But I don't appreciate being called names by someone, who doesn't know anything about me.
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It goes up with every DC in a time frame.
DC penalties should have been in the game from the beginning like every other online multiplayer. It's insane how long DC's have been a problem, Let's hope they role out the dc penalty pretty swiftly because it's getting difficult to get full matches with how many people DC on their first down.
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I know, and I feel you, getting camped and face camped is the only reason I think it is fair to DC, but if you have bad rng getting spotted at the start of the match, I mean that is just bad luck! And if you have troll teammates that is why you have a report button, it's not the killer's fault and maybe he is trying to complete rift challenges so why DC? Just keep playing anyways you will lose the points, why not try to get the most blood points out of that match.
I mean this is just my point of view, and I respect yours but if we want to get this game improved, we should go by the rules at least
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Even a 6 hour'll miss out on what, 10 games in that time if you're a survivor? Who cares?
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Id say a lot will care as that's as far as we know. The next could be 9 or 12 hours.
The dcing did stop when it was active which itself tells a story that they do care. It's can be the difference of playing in a night or not.
If people wish to play waiting 10mins for a match is a far cry from 6h. Even then it may not reset again for another 50 matches or 48h who knows.
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Idk. Maybe you're right. I for one didn't care. I watched angry pug not care....puppers didn't even care. When a game is such a joke to get a match that people are playing between them most don't really get worked up if they need to play another round to kill the DC penalty first.