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2X Bloodpoints event=SWF?

I literally find only swf groups tonight. It's just me or the toxicness is higher than usual?

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  • Member Posts: 7,318

    Not really.

  • Member Posts: 1,110

    How is SWF toxic?

    Also, if you consider that toxic, then the sweatlords playing killer tonight camping on first hook, or just not hooking anyone at all to cuck points during double BP must also be toxic, too, right?

  • Member Posts: 432

    Not really x2

    And that's a good way to actually get some bps, today I played as solo and the survivors were farming me off the hook, killers using mori.. (yes a oni using ebony mori during 2x bps event)

    It's just a miserable experience

  • Member Posts: 7,318

    Idk why but a lot of killers are bringing out moris to cuck ppl so I'm gonna stick to killer until that blows over.

  • Member Posts: 1,413

    People are gonna be sweating hard but that's normal for bloodhunt. Just sweat back and don't let yourself get worked up.

  • Member Posts: 889

    Don't worry buddy.

    I'm here just trying to play with friends and we're getting killers using NOED and Ebonies and facecamping first hook.

    Blood hunt brings out the worst in everyone

  • Member Posts: 899

    Yeah I'm not like these killers, I haven't played much today but I had 4 party streamers on Meyers so figured I'd be cool and farm. One went well, one had a dc because i was farming??? Another had a non cooperative gen rusher, and my last one had two of those gen rusher guys acting like I'm trying to kill them. After that was normal style, bunch of tryhards

  • Member Posts: 2,328

    I mean when the solo experience is beyond garbage, why suprised about more and more swf groups especially during double bp events?

  • Member Posts: 1,611

    Honestly I just chill as killer in these events.

    I play normally, but if I get stomped too hard I just try to find a survivor buddy to farm a little with. I can't really get upset when I'm getting almost 100k BPs a game, no matter what happens in game.

    I find playing survivor in these events more stressful (which is ironic because killer is by far more stressful normally). If the killer decides to hard focus you, you're getting very few BPs as survivor.

  • Member Posts: 984

    Like some others, I played killer only today - I found the 3 survivor games I played pretty boring (got moried in all 3).

    I actually prefer to get matched up against SWF groups, as they tend to (especially during events) burn multiple streamers. I think I got over 2m bloodpoints in just a few hours

  • Member Posts: 2,328
    edited January 2020

    I'm playing solo since release aswell. I personally just can't enjoy it anymore. It's not about my individual skill or that I feel killers are op (not at all), my random team mates are just tilting me and the experience is currently more frustating than enjoyable.

    When I play swf, I have team mates who are good, team mates with experience, with game knowledge, team mates who truly belong into red ranks like myself. That's when I enjoy playing survivor again.

    One thing I have to note: I'm still not using voice coms. I just play swf with my friends, but we keep the communication just via steam chat. So only things we share is like "insidious camping" or "I have XY perk equipped"

    It's not like those insane sweaty seal teams communicating like they are on a real mission lol

    Just having good mates u can trust is making a big difference to the classic solo Q with potatoe ransoms.

  • Member Posts: 2,327

    Luckily I haven't encountered any mori killers on Xbox (Yet), but most have been super tryhard about the kills. I had a couple that offered to farm, which was fun, but beyond that, the usual sweatfest of killers. I tried killer too, and everytime, they don't quite understand I'm not actually trying that hard. Had a couple realise this pretty quickly though so at least some people benefit from the extra BP

  • Member Posts: 235

    Every Bloodhunt, I exclusively play killer, because it's even more points for being able to play well. I rarely run into sweaty SWFs, have been playing almost 2 years, and rank around 3-8 most times as Killer. I usually have the opposite match with SWFs during the bloodhunt. They are all being goofballs just trying to farm as many points as they can. And screw it, Let's Farm during a Bloodhunt. The grind is bad enough in this game, might as well have a party sometimes.

  • Member Posts: 96

    I already said this on another discussion but swf is not necessarily toxic and if they are it is because of prior experience with tunneling, camping, sweaty killers. I was with a swf today and we all brought a bps. The killer decided to play the most dirty way possible and none of us had over 15k points. The killer however used us for points and had 32k points. We had 4 bps

  • Member Posts: 44

    Swf is not toxic itself, but i was playing against groups with 2-3 petrified oaks offerings+plus 3 sabo builds. And they tbaging at every pallet.that's toxic. No prob with that btw they all took the nea with pink hairs... an easy mode to get moried

  • Member Posts: 918

    How do you know it is SWF? Can individual players not be toxic and altruistic?

  • Member Posts: 4,335

    I play pretty normal because I can't stand farming. So boring to me. But I play cool killer with no Ruin during Double blood points and only use 1 perk. BBQ for the points. Also no tunneling not even hitting and downing the guy. Just run right by him towards the unhooker, if Im even around.

    As survivor I play normal, do gens, saves, totems, get out. Don't understand why so many killers just tunnel during double bloodpoints. I know Im the weak link on the team, thanks for sticking with me friends. But cut me some slack and go chase my teammates so I can get those objective points.

  • Member Posts: 443

    Had the same experience. 4 bps and killer brought a pudding -> 600% bloodpoints for killer and 500% for survivor. Killer found me first, right at the start, downed and facecamped until second state. After I got unhooked, he tunneled me immediately and killed me. No gens were done at that point. I got 2400 points on the scoreboard. At this time I decided to never bring bps again if someone else already brings some. We weren't even a full swf team, I just played with one friend. Matches like this are just frustrating and a complete waste of offerings.

  • Member Posts: 1,110

    The offerings and builds are not toxic. At all. You may be able to get away with calling the teabag toxic, but at the same time, they are literally just hitting the crouch button. If you're that thin skinned, perhaps Minecraft might be a game for you, and not Dead by Daylight (aka - a game about brutal murder and death).

  • Member Posts: 2,210

    If you are on console then most of the games are either way swf. If on PC,I dunno I find only solos

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