do we really need DC bans?
why do we need DC bans? people will just go AFK instead . if someone wants to DC just let them
Would be nice to weed out the cry babies though...
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If they go afk then they get reported and banned from playing.
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Yes. We shouldn't avoid punishing people for doing the wrong thing just because we know they'll look for ways to circumvent the punishment.
Also, AFKing doesn't deny the killer sacrifice points, and prior to that even a useless teammate is better than a non-existent one.
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It doesn't solve the issue entirely, as your teammates still get screwed, but it at least removes the motivation of "I don't like this killer, I'm going to spite them by denying them as many points as possible/a bbq stack/the 4k/a 3k by DCing for hatch."
A lot of the issue around DCing is that people think it's a button that says "no matter how well you did, I win because you didn't get to kill me."
I really believe many of the people who DC for reasons like this won't simply kill themselves on hook (while many still will) just because it lacks that same punch that a DC does.
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i personally think bans are not needed, you put s leave button in your game.. people we are in 2020 we should be able to play what we want when we want and if I want to leave a game I should not feel obligeted to do so.... if I’m on call of duty and leave a tdm am I bann no I can go back into another game, it all back to why are people doing, it I join game and I’m scipping frames and laggin over the map why should I stay? Leave be4 you go in a game well the bar was a green bar so I stayed in the lobby get in the game I’m 1000 ping
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We do - but first they need to get rid of both the bugs causing people to crash/DC against their will so innocents don't get banned, and the reasons people DC if they really want people not to DC. I'm not talking about "oh I died", but they should make it more worthwhile for killers not to tunnel and camp. As well as fixing hitboxes. I would DC too if I got hit by a Huntress hatchet that hit the air 6 feet to my left. I've seen it happen.
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And there's countless people that DC because they "totally should've made that pallet" or some other excuse. I don't disagree they need to fix these things but I don't think they're as common as people make them out to be. It annoys me to no end when survivors DC or kill themselves on the hook so I suffer and we lose 3v1.
Guess what? It's frustrating to lose my Ruin in 30 seconds, so I guess that making my future game totally unfun means I can DC. Chainsaw not registering? That's a DC. 4 SWF? That's a definite DC. Why don't we all just DC when we're not having fun because the devs haven't yet made every aspect of it fun :D
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You won't get afk banned. And even if, they just run up to the killer and suicide on the hook.
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Fair point but I thought in one of the categories I believe sportsmanship it listed afk.
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When i see a survivor purposesly wanting me to kill them i just walk away because thats boring.
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Yes if you want to leave you should be allowed to. But you should be given a time-out because people are abusing it. Quitting the game is a strategy for allowing a friend to get the hatch. A killer can quit if he is getting no kills and (depending how he does it) deprive all the survivors of all their bloodpoints.
Call of Duty is not a game balanced around 1 vs 4 players. If you lose a survivor team mate just because they got downed after 30 seconds it spoils the game for everyone else. If somebody quits during CoD it doesn't matter because CoD is #########.
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If you quit a game of overwatch or r6 you get a ban and those 2 are closer than cod because ow you need your whole team if a healer leaves or a tank leaves your at a massive disadvantage same thing for rainbow. Survivors are 1 team and killer is the other if you lose 1 player you already start out with a disadvantage.
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DCing is a tantrum which is aimed at hurting others being killer and or just survivors.
Rank reduction is a reward to some
Penalty time is acceptable
Bloodpoints removed for continual DCing should be included with penalty time IMO
You play a game and accept it lasts until the end, you don't leave a field of play until it's over
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Both is bannable, so whats your problem?
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Just because someone can avoid the punishment doesn't also mean we should give up.
Besides, if people AFK, that's unsportsmanlike and can be reported. If you get repeated offenses, you will likely get banned based on an escalation system.
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Neither are bannable unless done excessively. DC timeouts will discourage the casual disconnects which are far more commonplace.
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I mean, you still can DC.
But now you won't just get a slap on the wrist for it, and we're still not gonna deny your ability to do so.
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Yes we do. Time to weed out the toxicity finally. I'd even support stronger penalties just to show people how serious the issue is. Only quitters DC. I'm not talking about people who have an emergency, or something like that. I'm talking about toxic QUITTERS that wanna ruin everyone else's fun! You know exactly who you are, and your days are numbered! 😉
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My god the entitlement some people have.....That leave button is there for a real life emergency not "wah this killer has ruin" or "wah this survivor is repeatedly crouching at me".
Newsflash people sometimes losing isn't fun and if you go into a multiplayer game expecting to win every game then instead of dcing you should just stop playing period.
If everyone quit the second they stopped having fun then there would never be a single game that made it to the end.
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In 2020 people should play out the game they queued up with 4 other people for to the end, not be a selfish crybaby like in 2019.
If you cant stand losing, dont play.
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Oh god, your sense of entitlement is blinding
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Stop with this “survivors DC because tunneling is unfun.” I’ve had so many survivors DC against me as killer, or when they are on my team, as soon as they get downed the first time.
Can they see the future, so they know the killer is going to facecamp or tunnel them? No, but they know the killer is capable of downing them and that’s “unfun.” They DC to get a game and hold the next killer is bad and can be looped for five gens
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It's actually every bit as common as you think. Even as killer, a lot of my hits I wonder "how the hell did that hit?". Put it this way - it's as common as all the people who complain about moris and keys would like you to think those are. Except unlike those, this doesn't happen once every 20 games. The dsync issues are an *every game* issue.
I'm not saying it's not a valid strategy, I play more killer than anything, and if there's not a lot of gens left, I'll go after the weaker guy, sure. That being said, to outright dismiss it as a potential issue that causes disconnects..well, that's foolish.
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I'll take my BBQ stack over some whinny kid who can't handle a PvP game.
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AFKing is also a reportable offense under Unsportsmanlike Conduct, so that's not gonna work either. :P