New Killer Perk Idea

Slinky Arm: Whenever using a basic attack within 10m of a survivor, you may randomly hit them from an unexpected range and angle (this effect can go through anything). Slinky arm's cooldown is reduced by 1 second per 10 ping on dedicated servers.
Hmm, a perk that allows you to hit a survivor with a basic attack from 10m away and through walls? That relies heavily on RNG? Which has mechanics that are determined by ping?
Is this a serious suggestion?
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I genuinely can’t tell if this is a serious suggestion or not.
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You don't like it? God damnit.
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A perk we killer main needed in dedicated servers.
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Isnt that already built-in in every killers ? I think it's called "auto-aim" and sometimes, it triggers randomly as a downside, which denies you hits
a strong built in talent, but a big downside, perfectly balanced
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has to be a joke