Killer perk - Hex: Misery loves company

Spawns 2 hex totems anywhere on the map, when one totem is cleansed, any survivor within 32 metres of the totem upon being cleansed is affected by the Oblivious status effect, the effect is only lifted when the second totem is cleansed.
The status lasts until the second totem is cleansed.
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oh hey, an actual good and pretty balanced perk in suggestions
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Wow I really like this idea.
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I'm going to say... EH? Because it's not good but neither is it awful.
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It would be good, but not overpowered. As affected survivors would need to consume time looking for the second hex so that they don’t get jumped by the killer while on a gen. Also, the oblivious status effect is very useful for the killer since it allows them to be stealthy in their approach.
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But I mean at the same time how often is that going to be used? I mean it suffers the same thing all Hex perks do, when the totem is cleansed the perk is basically an empty slot. Not to mention it doesn't exactly benefit a lot for the killer. I mean maybe add like a 15% increase to bloodpoints for brutality while the people are affected by the perk.
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Hello I would like to ask for permission to add this perk to a killer idea I have. You will receive credit for the idea as you came up with it. Please let me know.
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Well given that the new Ruin is now more of a tracking perk than a slowing perk, it would be very useful for using up survivors’ time, and the argument that it suffers the same penalties as other hexes is sort of invalid, since many ‘one time use’ hexes get used a lot, for example Haunted grounds. I feel like it would be very useful for killers since it both slows the game down and allows for stealthy approaches.
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Of course mate, go for it, I look forward to reading your concept.