Huntreas is worse than nurse on console (change my mind)

The title is 'ify' but I kind of mean it... In the sense of optimization and fun. Granted, I hate the new nurse because she feels extra gutted on console. So I avoid playing her now at all cost, cause i really just don't have fun with her like i used. However, i honestly would rather play new nurse with all the issues she has rather than huntress. Console Huntress is sooooooooo baddddd. Not because of lack sensitivity or whatever... She's perfect as a killer. Yet, the huntress has so many FPS drops that it kills her for me. It can be really frustrating and now she is not even fun to play because of her massive amount fps drops. Its odd because i have more fps drops with her than when I play the current doctor. The fps drops usually occur in most crucial times. An example being when winding up hatchets often drops a lot of frames which is kind of the goal is to mainly use hatchets. if she hits someone with it as well it drops like crazy... Like Omg i never heard my Xbox make a such screech. So.... Devs I hope you read this and write it down somewhere in the to do list of fixes.
Also, gaining bloodlust still turns the game into Google slides. I realize this isn't a major issue in the game, but i feel all problems should he addressed. My Huntress issues may just be my own experience, but im sure some other players can share a similar story.
Thoughts? Do you relate? Do you have concerns with this for other killers? Thoughts on current fps optimization between high and low performing pcs/ consoles
Hmm..the hatchet fos drops suck..but even with those she still has more going for her than nurse rn
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I feel differently. I personally feel that nurse can do better than huntress right now on console because of her less frequent Frame Drops. As far as powers go... Nurse might as well be old Freddy
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I love huntress on console. The hitboxes are super lenient, and most players don't seem to know how to play around her (probably because they rarely see her). I play with Shadowborn, though, which is basically a bandaid fix for the game's God awful FoV.
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What? Never had fps drops issues, and I might show you some of my shots (nothing crazy of course), if you need to change your mind.
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Huntress just need to find locker while nurse need to wait on a cool down.
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Did you even read anything??? @katoptris
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I mean I'm sure it works great for you. That's why i said that this probably isn't for everyone, but im sure some have the same issues. However, its a major issue on my end because the game is crippling me as a player in those common instances. That's why its a problem. In the mean time, I just play anyone else but her
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Did you need to be an ass about it?
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It feels like a 50/50 when it comes to hatchets hitting sometimes but when they work she’s pretty fun.
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He was just asking a question
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And the person they were responding to was just giving their thoughts, something the OP asked for.
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If you are talking about optimal console players then Nurse will outperform Huntress. I use to play Nurse exclusively on PS4 and got very deadly with blind accuracy. If I were to try now I would suck and would most likely perform much better with Huntress.
So Huntress is better if we are talking average players all around yet Nurse will be better if we are talking people who spent the time to become great. Nurse has more to offer if you actually now the nuisances that come with playing her.
A PC Nurse is far easier to use than a console Nurse.
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Yes they gave thoughts then they got asked a question. Then we have you over here berating someone for "being an ass". Admit your comment was unnecessary and detrimental to the health of this thread.
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That wasn't a question. It wasn't a response to what they said. They were talking down to them for disagreeing that huntress is worse than Nurse. I'm not going to argue with you and get this thread locked. Good day.
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Of course you shouldn't argue with me if you're wrong. Thanks for understanding and have a nice day.
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Even with the framerates drops huntress still has her checkmate plays
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In what way did i talk down to them? Their response had very little to do with what was asked. I asked about optimization of the 2 in comparison, not how the killers work. You are making an argument out of nothing
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Yes she does. Didn't disagree. However, she still suffers heavily at least for me when i play her. I don't typically have a lot of frame issues in other games or as bad of issues with other killers in the game
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Well... Nurse is still the best killer in the game...
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She does have an odd amount of frame drop, however..its not completely debilitating
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What? I’m over here thinking about what cosmetic would look awesome on her and people think she’s unplayable?
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I play both on Xbox and I find Nurse more difficult. Huntress you can at least chase someone down if you need to. Nurse you HAVE TO BLINK or you can never really catch a survivor.
The two biggest mistakes I see Huntress players make are
1) Throwing too soon. You should really hold the hatchet until you have a clean shot.
2) Trying to use hatchets around certain loops where the survivor just keeps running. Some loops you just have to brute force like any killer, but since you are 110 you need to really do the loop perfect. If you try to throw a hatchet the survivor just runs through the pallet and you can't ever catch them.
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I disagree. I have been playing huntress on xbox just fine. Im rank 4 and i play on 50 sensitivity and i think that she is really good if you can read survs.
Whispers, nurses calling, bbq and chili, and ruin are all you need. That and really good aim. And you need a steady connection.
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I have good, steady connection, but i play her at 100 sensitivity. Im not having trouble with aum, builds, or anything else. My issue is the costly frame drops ive been getting. I had said this may not apply to everyone, but it is the case,for me. ^
"I realize this isn't a major issue in the game, but i feel all problems should he addressed. My Huntress issues may just be my own experience, but im sure some other players can share a similar story."
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Nurse is by far the worst, imo. But Huntress is actually the second hardest for me. In all honesty, I haven't given Nurse more than 6 chances, and I know she is dependent on really learning and studying in order to hone her craft. But...I have played Huntress a ton and really have trouble with her. Not sure it is a console thing because I am not too bad with the hatchets, but she is just such a slow mofo.
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I can't say much but I can say this:
Huntress is easy to defeat.
Nurse doesn't exist on Playstation.
The End.