Huntreas is worse than nurse on console (change my mind)

TooKoolFoU Member Posts: 378
edited January 2020 in General Discussions

The title is 'ify' but I kind of mean it... In the sense of optimization and fun. Granted, I hate the new nurse because she feels extra gutted on console. So I avoid playing her now at all cost, cause i really just don't have fun with her like i used. However, i honestly would rather play new nurse with all the issues she has rather than huntress. Console Huntress is sooooooooo baddddd. Not because of lack sensitivity or whatever... She's perfect as a killer. Yet, the huntress has so many FPS drops that it kills her for me. It can be really frustrating and now she is not even fun to play because of her massive amount fps drops. Its odd because i have more fps drops with her than when I play the current doctor. The fps drops usually occur in most crucial times. An example being when winding up hatchets often drops a lot of frames which is kind of the goal is to mainly use hatchets. if she hits someone with it as well it drops like crazy... Like Omg i never heard my Xbox make a such screech. So.... Devs I hope you read this and write it down somewhere in the to do list of fixes.

Also, gaining bloodlust still turns the game into Google slides. I realize this isn't a major issue in the game, but i feel all problems should he addressed. My Huntress issues may just be my own experience, but im sure some other players can share a similar story.

Thoughts? Do you relate? Do you have concerns with this for other killers? Thoughts on current fps optimization between high and low performing pcs/ consoles

