Let's talk about the Iridescent Heads on huntress

Because of the discussion about this topic on another thread, I decided to open up this one here just for us to talk about it.

Let's talk about it and maybe try to come up with a solution that isn't just removing the addon from the game.

What's your thoughts about the iri heads? What would you suggest to make it more fair? Is there even a solution for this problem?

IMO I think the iri by itslef are not the problem, but the belts being used with it. Because of that I think making it so you actually carry 2 hatchets but you cannot use any belts with it could fix it, maybe. 1 Iri head is just not enough and 3 seems to be too much, so 2 could be the perfect spot??

Another thing that could be done is to make it so reduced the number of hatchets by 2, making it 3 by default but only the last hatchet put the survivor on dying state. So you would have to keep roaming around with 1 hatch all the time for insta-down or just use it on the opportunity comes in hand.

Please, this is a discussion to try to solve the iri heads for both sides. Survivors will have more counterplay against it and killers would still have a good iri-rarity addon on their hand, so be gentle and respect the others, please <3



  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246

    I think the biggest problem regarding huntress is not iri, don't get me wrong, it is annoying.

    However the real problem are the broken hit-/hurt- boxes that make hits happen that are just outright bs. They should nerf those so that this killer actually requires anything resembling skill.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342
    edited January 2020

    I don't think iri heads are really a problem. They can be dodged just like normal hatchets, and they have a severe downside which is only somewhat mitigated by the use of certain add-ons.

    Additionally, I think overpowered mechanics designed to grant a significant advantage are fine for what they are in general, as long as they don't come into play in the majority of games. I have always maintained that the only problem with ultra-rares of any kind is not the item itself, but the fact that it isn't as rare as it should be.

    If something has to be done about iri heads, I think that stopping them from stacking with the Infantry Belt (not necessarily the Leather Loop - I don't think they're powerful enough for that) would be a reasonable change.

  • Camophlo
    Camophlo Member Posts: 104

    As a Huntress main myself I lothe seeing other Huntresses use Iri heads with Belts. The whole point of huntress is to aim, be patient, read/predict their movements and throw. The fact Iri head requires less skill to use straight up aggrivates me.

    What I'd like is any good change as long as using it with belts isn't allowed.

    Having two by default is alright by me or hell, give her one hatchet that Insta downs but the one Iri is the 1st hatchet per reload while she can still have three that don't instadown (having the one hatchet that insta downs to make it so that huntress isn't left powerless if she misses the one iri) the other issue being she is powerless and is normally forced to chase and basic attack so having the other hatchets would discourage players from leaving chase to reload cause they missed one Iri head.

    Another way that I can think of to make it still fun for her is to make it so the hatchets have longer wind up and cooldown between throws (by a sec or two dunno how much is too much) and only applying dying IF fully charged but let it be comboed with belts for a max of three hatchets that have longer charge and windup but instadown. If she misses one the surv has time to gain some distance.

    Tbh I don't use Iri heads as I find them as unfun as Mori's used after being unhooked (playing both sides helps you realize how unfun it can be for people.) I do hope they change it but don't make it useless, I'd like to use it w/o feeling like an ######### and being a hypocrite.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342
    edited January 2020

    I'm not a Huntress main, but I don't understand what you're saying about iri heads taking less skill to use as far as throwing them is concerned. Isn't the only difference between them and regular hatchets the fact that they down the survivor in one hit? In what way does that make getting a hit in the first place take less skill to do, or negate the need to "be patient, read/predict their movements and throw"?

    If anything, surely landing hits with iri heads would take more skill, since you usually don't have a bunch of other hatchets in your pocket to fall back on if you make a mistake.

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,501

    If i had a dollar for each ebony i have which is like almost 50 on my wraith alone id be rich. You get one like every bloodweb but the last time i saw a skeleton key was months ago makes sense lol.

  • normally she is very loopable with any addons

    only few maps favor her like cabin

    buffing base wind up time is more fitting idea in current balance

    i can't understand why survivors getting hit from non wind up hatchet at structures

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342
    edited January 2020

    Yeah, that's the issue I have with ultra rares. They're just far too common in the bloodweb considering how easy it is to level up.

    Probably the reason skeleton keys are less common than moris, though, is because killers only have 2-3 ultra rares that can spawn in their bloodweb (their own add-ons and ebony moris), whereas survivors have about five different options for ultra-rares. So it makes sense from a mathematical, RNG perspective.

  • Camophlo
    Camophlo Member Posts: 104

    Cause even when it's uncharged it will instadown. Sure the same applies to normal hatchets, normal uncharged throw = one hit but an uncharged throw giving you a free down? And from what I've seen, Huntresses with Iri won't use their hatchets until they get a guaranteed hit like getting bloodlust 3 and that kinda jazz and the survs always get ######### on cause they panic and vault when ahe readys one.

    It's a similar thing like Old Legion, if they wanna be a dick bout it they can and will remove your fun by making it extremely hard to avoid. And if you were already injured she'd bloodlust 3 your butt and save her hatchets for healthy survs, completely removing the point that huntress can end chases early with accuracy.

    Them having three insta downs (Iri is alwasy paired with Infantry belt so they always have 3 hatchets) vs the normal five hatchets you get that can potentially net you 2 downs and an injure if you're accurate enough? And them the hitboxes.. THAT just applies an even bigger issue cause of the bs hits that shouldn't hit. You get hit by a bs hit with a regular hatchet? You can ball up and keep running, hopefully it doesn't happen again. You get bs hit by an Iri? Down, hooked, maybe even trial ending for you.

    I just don't like Iri heads and they collect dust on my Huntress until changed. All her other addons are fine (although make Berus Toxin atleast uncommon. Having 30 secs of Exhausted for a common addon nowadays is very strong for what it is)

  • RandomHyperBeast
    RandomHyperBeast Member Posts: 35

    Imo most of the killer red and purple addons don't need a change but rather the survivors red and purple addons. All of them are just kinda underwhelming compared to killer addons especially with instaheal nerf the add-ons aren't really that amazing. There is only one purple/red add-on for tool both and it's gear which is good but if you miss skill checks it's over and even if you hit them it works on one gen and that's it. Or flash light red add-on. It's good don't get me wrong, but in grand scheme it doesn't do that much more. Keys have nice purple add-ons to keep you from losing them which I is definitely nice and nothing needed there given how good keys are. But med-kits. Instaheals were not super common but they were necessary. In egc if the killer tunnels your friend and downs them you could heal them 2 health states and let them escape which seems op but compared to killer add-ons not really. I just think survivors need more options to balance out just a little. Like take a killer like Freddy who is already really good. But he also has 4 purple add-ons and 2 red add-ons that's more than map and med-kit combined. Same with all other killers. Not to mention there is an ability for each killer but only 5 survivor items. If your not gonna add more add-ons then at least make more items.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    edited January 2020

    I feel like Ultra Rares shouldn't be powerful enough to foreshadow what the result screen will look like because let's be real here, that's not fun nor interactive at all.

    While I can agree Iridescent Hatchets by themselves aren't powerful, I cannot agree Iridescent Hatchets is balanced when certain add-ons such as Infrantry Belt is added into the mix.

    I feel like instead of just slapping a "Does not stack with Iridescent Hatchets" to the extra hatchet add-ons and calling it a day, we should rework Iridescent Hatchets to be more interactive for both roles.

    I think I can speak for the majority here, having an add-on that basically reads as, "You will down any survivor you see" is just not acceptable. Therefore, I decided to craft a new Iridescent Hatchet add-on that is more fun and interactive:

    Iridescent Hatchet:

    • Upon successfully landing a hatchet on your target, you will receive a hatchet back into your inventory.
    • Lockers will now grant a single hatchet per search.

    The best part about this add-on is that it rewards precise aiming and it can be stacked with extra hatchet add-ons without skewing balance too much in the killers favor, unlike before. 😁

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342
    edited January 2020

    That's a perfectly respectable view to have, but I never said ultra rares were balanced - quite the contrary, in fact. What I said was that the fact that they're unbalanced is totally okay, as long as they're the exception, not the rule.

    Obviously, that's just my opinion, and I'm aware it's not a popular one, but that's okay because I've heard all the opposing arguments and this is something that I don't think there is an objectively right answer on.

    For what it's worth, though, I think your idea is a good one, if we were operating off the premise that iri heads are problematic and need changing.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    edited January 2020

    Before we continue our discussion.

    Didn't you previously say Iridescent Hatchets are balanced in the comment below?

    The only thing I could find is you disliking how common Iridescent Hatchets are, but at the same time, you implied that this is a general problem for all killers.

    I want to make sure I clear up any confusion before continuing our discussion. 😁

    Edit: Enish is hrd

  • Accullla
    Accullla Member Posts: 984
    edited January 2020

    I rarely see iridescent heads used by killers (and I personally don't use them), because they feel a bit cheap. I think it's because people tend to avoid using things that diminish the value of their victory. The only times I do see iri heads used is by people who can't play huntress and want to practice her or just do a daily without getting absolutely slaughtered. In that sense I think the addon is fine, as the games feel the same as playing against a competent huntress without any addons.

    My issue with iri heads therefore is that it clutters people's bloodwebs as something that costs a lot of BPs that they'll never actually use. The change people have already suggested in the past that I really liked is to give it an insta-down beyond a certain range; maybe, to balance things out, remove the reduction in max number hatchets you can hold. That way it will only enhance the dopamine rush from a long-range snipe without actually feeling cheap.

  • Marcus
    Marcus Member Posts: 2,047

    Knowing the devs, they should nerf Iri Head into the ground pretty soon, even if it's actually kinda weak on its own and only powerful with Infantry Belt.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    Nope, I said I didn't think they were a problem. I can see how my saying that they are dodgable and have a downside could come across like I'm saying they're balanced, so I apologise for the misunderstanding because that's not what I meant. My only motivation in saying that was to try to keep people's feet on the ground a bit by reminding them that iri heads aren't as monstrously unfair as many people like to pretend.

    I think they're probably one of the more balanced add-ons, as killer ultra rares go, but it would be foolish of me to suggest that they don't tip the game in the killer's favour. I just don't think that's a problem from a design perspective. I do think ultra rares are a problem, but not because of how they're designed, only because of how common they are.

  • SambaSaw
    SambaSaw Member Posts: 137

    I'm huntress main and let me tell ya iri heads are really not fun to play with nor to play against. You are rarely gonna find a huntress with iri. I almost never use them and if I ever do I make sure that I'm not toxic and give surv a chance if they are not the best in the world.

    And I agree with him:

    On lvl 50 you find avg 2 iri heads in each bloodweb which is too common for a ultra rare.

  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117

    Yeah so weak to be able to down someone on the other side of the map. Sheesh.

  • Marcus
    Marcus Member Posts: 2,047
    edited January 2020

    If a survivor gets hit by a hatchet when he is on the other side of the map, it's his fault. Plus, long range hatchets are very unreliable and map dependent, you're not gonna do them when running Iri Head alone.

  • ppo8820
    ppo8820 Member Posts: 763

    They suck as a survivor and are pretty op. I play killer too and just wouldn’t use them as it’s such a gross advantage. They need to rework them so when huntress reloads, only one hatchet has the special head and player doesn’t know which one it is until it one hit downs someone. Having them all be one hit down is stupid broken.

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,501

    You would complain about a cross map hatchet shot but id just clap at that huntress considering she could do that that would be like the best thing ive ever seen. Like are you negative even in the best of scenarios? Just wondering.

  • darktrix
    darktrix Member Posts: 1,790

    Becomes a bit less impressive as most of those cross map hits are due to a bbq/chili read. The iridescent heads are rather strong since most huntresses will just run up close before trying to hit you anyway. The downside is one hatchet but most run with infantry belt, I've only ever encountered one huntress who only had one shot iri.

    I never use them when I huntress - they're not very fun to me and definitely not to my target. Many people won't bother playing against that and it's understandable why.

  • OMagic_ManO
    OMagic_ManO Member Posts: 3,278

    All I ask is cap the amount you have to 1 only, no stacking hatchet add ons, it doesn't take skill to whiff and miss 2 hatchets and insta down with the third one.

    DBDIT Member Posts: 172

    Maybe reduce it to the two, but double the blood points for each hit so it still feels like they're getting something out of it or else it'll still be slug city.

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786

    I saw many possible changes that would make the addon more fair, but the one I like the most is to add a distance requirement.

    If IH worked only on throws beyond a certain distance (I think 12 meters would be fair for both killer and survivor) it would make them dodgeable but rewarding if the killer has a good aim/prediction.

  • yandere777
    yandere777 Member Posts: 728

    Actually you forgot about the splinters I a killers bloodweb. Add 5 or so splinters and there are 8 possible ultra rares. 7 in some killers bloodweb. Oh wow what a coincidence, huntress is one of those killers with less ultra rares so that means she has a higher chance to get iri heads.

  • TooKoolFoU
    TooKoolFoU Member Posts: 378

    I personally am unbothered by the add-on. Its been used on me before, but technically it is as fair anything else. Iridescent Head huntress is typically much stronger than your average 3 Iridescent Head Huntress. Granted it would also depend on the skill and knowledge of the killer the person has who is playing hillbilly or iridescent head Huntress. I mean the add-on has only made me kind of irritated before, but i always kind of annyoed prior to that game.

    I like the idea of requiring a full charge for the instant down

  • Seltas0208
    Seltas0208 Member Posts: 1,056

    Just make it a one in the quiver type thing, only your last hatchet insta downs, then running the belt add ons are actually detrimental

  • Venom368
    Venom368 Member Posts: 321

    Getting 1 shot downed from a healthy state from a distance is never going to feel good as survivor. You can add requirements like distance to make it harder to pull off, but its still just not going to be fun to play against.

    If I wanted the game to be more fair and competitive overall, I would say delete Iri heads, mori's, keys, the Nurse, along with other items, perks, and add-ons. But that's not what the game is. It's not meant to be a competitive game. I say, let people run any of the things I listed if they want to, I will likely just think less of you for doing so. If you have fun by limiting how much fun other people have, so be it. You do you. I'll still say GG after the game and then queue up for the next match.

    I made a post a few weeks ago on an idea related to this though, if you want to check it out. It was an idea of creating a restricted gamemode that was more competitive than the normal mode, which I still think would be a cool idea to add into the game for people who want the game to be competitive. I originally thought of it as a 'solution' to handling SWF groups with comms.

  • csandman1977
    csandman1977 Member Posts: 2,358

    To be fair, as prevalent as bbq is, if a survivor gets hit from across the map with a hatchet from an aura read, they deserve to be downed.

    I'm learning huntress now, and the only add on I use is the yellow glove. Anything else messes with muscle memory. A good huntress doesn't really need add ons. She just needs good maps.

  • Hopesfall
    Hopesfall Member Posts: 828

    an insta down is an insta down. you get 3 chances then you have to break off the chase and find someone again.

    the issue is people run up to huntress and try to get in the aiming dead zone, then they realize their mistake and pitch a fit about it.

    if the huntress is hitting crossmap shots don't you think the down is deserved?

    GF can mark and down you just as quick if you aren't paying attention. Billy can rush across the map and hit you while you're walking. Myers has to work for it but can still 99, get up close and you're done.

  • darktrix
    darktrix Member Posts: 1,790

    Billy you'll hear and see him coming - Myers still has decent terror radius and still needs to close the gap. Huntress with her non-directional lullaby going for her now, you often get a distorted idea where she is coming from, then she is suddenly on top of you.

  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104

    The Iridescent Head hardly needd to be concerned.

    If used alone, it's a single insta down hatchet that could always miss and need to be restocked immediately.

    If used with belts so there are multiple hatchets, just bait throws and dodge 'em.

    The interaction between an Iridescent Head Huntress and a survivor is purely skill based.

    If the survivor is a superior hatchet dodger they will win the encounter as the Huntress will be forced to either melee with 110% speed or restock and try again. (During the restock the survivor can either use stealth to lose the Huntress or simply run to the far end of the map for distance.)

    If the Huntress has superior power understanding and good prediction skills they are rewarded for their experience with an insta down.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    "Purely skill based"

    Huntress throwing hatchet at melee range or with pallet drop 🤗😁

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    When that add-on was released it had 4 hatchets by default so it's already had a huge nerf hammer. What does need fixed is the broken hitboxes. I'm beyond sick of getting hit when the hatchets are 20 ft above my head.

  • Hankee
    Hankee Member Posts: 2

    Maybe it gives the survivor a deep wound instead of a one shot down?

  • Nonfunctional
    Nonfunctional Member Posts: 70

    You can pull keys from chests, consistently if you use Pillagers (Plunderers?). Can't get killer addon or offering from a chest. Hope that helps it make sense for you.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    Ah, yes that's true, I did forget about the splinters. I stand corrected. But you're right, in that case, the reason for iri heads being so common would be that they're the only ultra rare add-on that Huntress has.

  • BadMrFrosty
    BadMrFrosty Member Posts: 1,100

    I wouldn't care about them if her hitboxes (and those of the survivor) actually matched what we were seeing. Unfortunately, BVHR has an obsession with basic shapes that in no way represents what we are seeing on the screen (probably because they're too lazy to code proper hitboxes, which is something that should've been in the game to start).

  • immortalls96
    immortalls96 Member Posts: 4,652
    edited January 2020

    Iri heads are totally overrated..they require a huge investment to even be usable..and if your getting nailed by hatchets that often you were screwed anyway..though people hate to admit that fact..iri heads are 1 shots in exchange for a harder time landing hits with very little ammo

  • hellbillyslim
    hellbillyslim Member Posts: 2
    edited January 2020

    I don't use it because you only get one, but having anymore would make it too easy. I prefer for them to bleed anyway.

  • Krystress
    Krystress Member Posts: 52

    Every time I go against an Iri huntress, they dc after missing twice in a row.

  • 28_stabs
    28_stabs Member Posts: 1,470

    I accidentally scratched my monitor in the middle of it. Since then I rarely miss my hatchets. A scratch of luck, I guess.

  • BloodMoneyMerc
    BloodMoneyMerc Member Posts: 477

    Fix to Iri-Head Huntress: at the loss of hatchets, she becomes a 115% movement speed killer and does not sing the lullaby (no hummed song produced).

  • SynKaal
    SynKaal Member Posts: 21

    It's less about that investment or how difficult is to manage the hatchet itself and more about the 'Old Legion Effect'. Remember when a single hit from Legion cause 4 DC's on the next 5 seconds? Iri heads are following that path.

    In the end, the survivors don't see the investments that the user put on the iri heads or to learn huntress and the hatchets and it's not their fault, they actually are not playing playing with the same player as killer over and over to see him progress on the game, that's why many of them think it's unfair. You are minding your own business, playing a game and then you gotta face a insta ranged insta-down.

    There is a lot of merit to pulling it off if you are brave enough to use it without belts and even tho belts make it way way less punishable, still requires investment, as you said, but no one except the killer knows how much it costed for him.

    So, in the end, as I stated on the opening post of the thread, it needs to be something fair not only for the killer, but for the survivors too. (note that when I say fair for both, doesn't actually mean that it does have the same power for both sides, as the killer is acting allow and has one objective and the survs are a team of 4 with 3 lives each and has another objective.)