Proposed Changes to the Stabby Gang

The Legion received some changes back in patch 3.4.0 increasing their speed and fixing button addons. However, the Legion still has many others issues they suffer from. Thus, I would like to share some proposed changes I had to help improve the Stabby Gang.
- 1. Lower the base Cooldown of Feral Frenzy to 3 seconds. Currently the cooldown is extraordinarily massive for no apparent reason having longer cooldowns on their non-lethal power then Billy or the Nurse.
- 2. Grant the ability to reduce the Feral Frenzy cooldown by 0.3 seconds for every new survivor hit in Feral Frenzy. This would better reward Legion for successive hits, and allow an easier down on the final survivor he comes into contact with. This could also allow his cooldown addons to be repurposed into something else, or allow them to tweak the cooldown reduction for each hit.
- 3. Reduce Deep Wounds time from Feral Frenzy to 10 seconds. With the timer being paused so frequently and controlled directly by a survivor, the enormous 30+ second window is far too large and is inconsistent with their description "downing anyone too slow to react."
- 4. Allow Legion's attacks at base to reduce the Deep Wound Time to 3 seconds, however, as not to have another Moonwalking/Nemesis Legion fiasco, Feral Frenzy attacks would be unable to drain the timer past this so NO exploitation could occur. Frank's Mixtape could be turned into a more useful addon such as allowing Legion to see scratches or blood in Feral Frenzy.
- 5. Regrant the ability to activate Feral Frenzy without a full charge. Allow its activation at 25% charge. Legion has their power reduced by hits with a hefty recharge period when again, the power only injures.
- 6. Have Legion's Terror Radius cover the entire map during Feral Frenzy at base. This would allow Legion to have information on everyone's location, as well as make it harder for survivors to discern their distance or direction and not gain massive headstart, and not allowing Legion to get even close for a Feral Frenzy hit. Again, their mostly useless Killer Instinct distance increases addons to be repurposed into a more useful ability like increased speed.
- 7. Lower the penalty from missing an attack from an immediate cancellation to a drainage of 50% of the meter. Legion loses an entire ability and ruins his Feral Frenzy flow from a single missed attack. This would allow no more than 2 attacks to not allow frequent spamming and little counterplay, but be a little less harsh when auto -aim puts a bullet in your plans.
- 8. Last and foremost, some of the addons that wouldn't be affected by my propositions or would cause issues such as Fuming Mixtape or Stab Wounds Study could, suprise, be repurposed/adjusted.
I'm not expecting all or even any of these to come to reality, but I just wanted to share some of my thoughts I've been tinkering with. Please do leave any feedback or suggestions you would have. Thanks for coming to my TedTalk <3
All of these are fine, imo
Shame they won't be added.
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Maybe they have a chance, there's no way to be certain. Hopefully someone at BHVR at least sees it, but i think they're still on break ._.
Thanks for stopping by though!
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I promised our great fanatical Legion main that I would keep the fight going to get Legion buffed.
Seems we still have some people left fighting after all
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This all looks great to me.
I'd like 2 seconds off his "fatigue" coming out of FF the most though. This alone would be a massive buff.
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All of these would be great except 4.
It doesn't really do anything on it's own and with timers going down while vaulting or dropping a pallet this could be used to once again focus a survivor without counterplay
Not sure about killer instinct affecting the entire map either, i feel that would just make it confusing how far survivors are and if you can get close enough for a chain hit
Just my 2 cents
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His power really needs a whole rework, powers being used to simply injure and having 0 use in a chase is bad for them, and legion cranks it to 11
having to rely on perks (EndFury) or addons is the sign of a weak killer, and Legion is near the top of that list
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The only changes I would like to see for Legion are giving some base effect for a Frenzy hit on a survivor with Deep Wounds (Hindered for 20 seconds? repair debuff for 30 seconds? IDK), and a rework of Frank's Mixtape, Staby Wounds Study, and Fuming Mixtape.
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lol stabby gang funny XD LOL LMAO ROFLCOPTER
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4's main purpose is to simply give some sort of reason to hit an already Feral Frenzied survivor in adding more pressure to them. However I wasn't aware Deep Wounds went down while vaulting. Does it go down by a large enough margin to be effective? It also doesn't encourage focusing a survivor as continuing to chase them will not lower their timer, and as mentioned, Feral Frenzy attacks can't reduce the meter past this. For me personally, it isn't too hard to discern distance of a Killer Instincted Survivor either. And it gives the added buff of a survivor not knowing your current distance from them. I do understand your thoughts about 4, but 6 would be a buff overall so I have to disagree with you there. Thanks for your thoughts regardless!
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Although I don't disagree with you there, I was merely trying to modify Legion's existing power. Though some very interesting fan concepts have been made on overhauls for the Legion as well.
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Although having an effect like that would be nice, Legion would still have numerous other issues. And it's not very often you double hit the same survivor as pursuing them afterwards would let them start with massive distance or make you unable to chase and combo hits on other survivors. Although that is a nice addition, they need far more changes than simply that.
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I like the idea, and I understand where you're coming from on these but some adjustments sound overly favoring the killer. I believe that his deep wounding should definitely do more and make survivors more on edge, but at that point I feel like possibly his power should be more limited.
(i.e. Legion's power takes 45 seconds to recharge, has 20 seconds of use, hitting a survivor adds back 7.5 seconds, but deep wound is much more risky.)
I think deep wound against legion should have a 10 second timer, vaulting windows would take 1.5 seconds, dropping pallets would take 2.5, and the timer itself will begin to deplete after 30 seconds at a rate of 2.5%/second. This would make survivors much more careful in how they evade the legion and also prevent the legion from constantly stabbing people over and over.
Thinking on it, I am really tired and this is probably unbalanced and not v descriptive but I'm still going to send it lol
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Fast vaults take 0.5 sec, medium ones 0.9 sec, I'm not sure how long pallet drop animation take but it also seems to be a litlle less then a sec
It's not a huge problem but if Legion really wanted to they could throw the game to focus only you and you would go down eventually without any real counterplay
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A Legion downing a survivor with no real counterplay can already happen currently with Frank's Mixtape. It just takes longer. And any killer can throw the game and force you down, not just a Legion. Though others can be less effective/weaker at doing it.
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Yeah i know, that's why i also want Frank's mixtape reworked ^^'
It's probably not that big of a deal but still
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Adjustments and the game itself should already mostly favor a killer imo. Not from a Killer or Survivor main perspective, but just as a general rule of thumb. Not to mention, these changes really only affect his ability to more effectively injure everyone and remove the massive restrictions they have so making it very effective at doing do seems logical to me.
And I understand that you were tired as you mentioned, but your idea really would be really bad as it's written atm. Not only would Legion have an even less frequent power, it would be even more unfun to play against then original Legion as this variation of Deep Wounds would make using Vaults and Pallets a death sentence, not even mentioning the 30 seconds before your timer inevitably begins to depletes, encouraging an even more tunnely playstyle.
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I mean simply making vaults either not drain the timer or having them deplete much slower during the action (say 50% slower) would really easily fix this problem and allow the proposed thoughts to be a near perfect solution. Allowing Legion to drain hits in FF is a very finicky thing to balance which is why I suggested it drain the meter to 25% at base and not allow it to drain it further. Frank's Mixtape could then be repurposed so it would be reworked like you want it to be.