Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

Pig changes to make her more fun, better and counter her tunneling (WARNING LONG POST)

Hello there DBD players, I want to discuss the Pig her addons. As most people will know the Pig her addons are repetitive, not special and most are just bad. That is why I am offering this addon rework which should make Pig a much better killer to play as and more unique for surviviors. I will state some changes to her base kit that will help balance out the Pig more, followed by some simple changes to addons, some replacements and then some new addons for the once that I threw out. I will end this post with a conclusion on why I think these changes are, IMO, good changes.

Base Kit changes:

  • -Current Ultra rare addon "Rule Set NO.2" will be part of the Pig her basekit.
  • -When a survivor has a RBT on they will be granted the Unbroken status effect. This prefents survivors from going down to any attack apart from being grabbed.
  • -Delayed the Ambush Attack sound to play when the attack is fully charged.
  • Current Version of Combat Straps is now part of basekit.
  • If a survivor were to remove their trap on first try the key would be replaced to a second, randomly chosen, jigsaw Box.

Current Addon Postition Changes:

First some replacements:

  • -Moved Amanda's Letter from Ultra Rare to Very rare.
  • -Moved Crate of Gears and Jigsaw's Sketch from Very Rare to Rare.
  • -Moved Jigsaw's Annotated Plan and Bag of Gears from Rare to Uncommon.

Now some changes:

-Amanda's Letter:

  • Increased aura reading range from 12 to 24 meters.

-Rusty Attachments:

  • Also applies the Hemmorhage status effect.
  • Effects will stay on the survivor for 60 seconds after the RBT gets removed.

-Slow-Release Toxin:

  • Effect will stay on the survivor for 60 seconds after the RBT gets removed.

-Interlocking Razor:

  • Decreases the Jigsaw Box skillcheck size considerably (50%)
  • Failing a Jigsaw Box skillcheck has a considerable chance to injure a healthy survivor (50%)
  • Does not stack

-Razor Wires:

  • Decreases the Jigsaw Box skillcheck size modaratly (33%)
  • Failing a Jigsaw Box skillchecks has a moderat chance to injure a healthy survivor (33%)
  • Does not stack

-Combat Straps:

  • Increases the Pig's crouched movement speed. (making her 100% movement speed).

-Shattered Syringe:

Slighly decreases the Jigsaw Box skillecheck size (25%).

  • Failing a Jigsaw Box skillcheck has a slight chance to injure a healthy survivor (25%).

Removed addons:

-Utility Blades

-Face Mask

-Workshop Grease

New addons:

Nailbomb(Ultra rare):

An extra game part made to suprise unexpected survivors.

-Add 1 extra Jigsaw Box

-2 random Jigsaw Boxes will be chosen to have a nailbomb

When a survivor full searches a Jigsaw Box without it containing their trap the nail bomb explodes. A nailbomb exlpoding causes the following effects:

-The survivor that searched the box will be put in the injured state

-The survivor will be recive the following statuseffects: Hemmorage, mangled and Broken.

-Gives a notification to the killer.

“Oh, yes, there will be blood" -John Kramer

Twisted Gears(Very rare):

A modification to the Jigsaw Box gears. Making them turn the other way around.

-Jigsaw Box skillchecks turn clockwise.

-Moderatly increases the penalty for failing a Jigsaw Box skillcheck.

If you're good at anticipating the human mind, it leaves nothing to chance."-Jigsaw

Amanda's Secret(rework):

A black metal box containing a knife and various medical supplies, such as bandages and compresses. Deep cuts reduce stress and awaken the senses.

-One Jigsaw Box will be chosen to not contain any key.

-This aura of this Jigsaw Box will be highlighted to the Pig.

"Game Over"-Amanda Young

Rule Set NO.2 (current version in basekit, this is the new version):

Not all games need to have the same rules.

-Survivors cannot see Jigsaw Boxes outside of 20 meters.

"Listen, there are rules." — Jigsaw

-Fresh Pig head:

  • While charging Ambush Attack the Pig's roar sound will play halfway instead of at the end.
  • Increases bloodpoints gained from a succesful Ambush Attack by 100%.


I have always been a big fan of the Saw franchise, that is why it pains how bad/useless some of Amanda's addons are. With these changes the big should be one of the most unique killers, atleast addon wise. This makes playing her more unique and more fun.

These changes should also fix the biggest problems from both survivors and killer sides. The Pig can no longer tunnel people with traps, the only way would be bye grabbing people of boxes but that is unprefentable, and see finally gets some good addons. Also making sure the amount of addons stays the same.

These addons aim to make the traps more scary, but not OP. It makes it so that instead of running to one box and being done with it survivors now will fear for their live. Making the addons unique also makes Pig unpredictable. No longer will a survivor know what will happen when searching a Jigsaw Box before even searching it.

Pls let me know your opinions and feedback on these changes. I hope you can all forgive me for this long post.


  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,596

    I would like to see a couple more ambush addons... allow more stealth game play

    I disagree with nailbombs... if you want to add it then make it on a missed skillcheck and applies broken status effect and notifies the Pig

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  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871
    edited January 2020

    "-When a survivor has a RBT on they will be granted the Unbroken status effect. This prefents survivors from going down to any attack apart from being grabbed."

    What? There is no way I am reading that correctly.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,596

    Maybe an add on (most likely ultra rare) that if the survivor misses 4/3/2 skillchecks the RBT goes off killing said survivor

    In the SAW series Amanda made games unwinnable so I think it should've been added from the start

  • HealsBadMan
    HealsBadMan Member Posts: 1,122

    Few comments:

    If a survivor with an RBT is 'Unbroken', then the threat of the Nailbomb (Hemorrhage, Mangled, and Broken) would be significantly less threatening. The Pig could only grab, not hit, said survivor- not to mention that survivor would be more focused on removing the RBT than getting healed, knowing they technically cant be downed, so unless you track the blood from Hemorrhage until the RBT is removed, the bomb isnt as threatening.

    You simultaneously buffed Amanda's Letter (which it needed, 12 meters is tiny unless you're on an indoors map) while making it more common. That's really strong for an addon, even with the removal of most RBTs that it does.

    Finally, the Razor Wires and Interlocking Razors- love the decreased skillcheck zones, but I think the odds of injuring a survivor should be lowered, if at all. This goes with what I said above about the Nailbomb- if the Pig can't hit survivors with RBTs due to 'Unbroken', and they're prioritizing RBT removal over everything else, the fact that they're injured is a lot less pressuring.

    Even with what I said above, a lot of your changes are good- one of my favorite albeit tricky Pig builds is akin to Doc's Impossible Skillchecks (Huntress Lullaby, Unnerving Presence, Distressing, and Agitation). Using Twisted Gears and Interlocking Razors would make this so nasty>:D and I love the part about status effects lasting after an RBT is removed.

  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061

    I agree with everything but maybe the unbroken effect can just be applied if the survivors timer has started rather than placed on. I can just imagine the pig tunnelling the broken guy with a trap on for an easy kill, it's then a position the survivor can work around more easily.

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