Killers of low ranks

Is franklin's demise a good perk in the lower ranks? I hate getting gen rushed and I even hate it more when everyone leaves threw hatch. Ik it's annoying for the survivors but I mean half the time I get flashed when picking up someone and when they constantly spam it, they make wanna scream.
Only when you see a lot of items in the lobby, and is for every rank
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I do use it as a main perk in my builds on every killer. I use it for security I suppose since it keeps them from using all items including tool boxes.
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Very situational, pay attention to items in the lobby and it could pay off. Usually Franklin's isn't great to run, but if you're just looking for something to fill the 4th slot, it's pretty okay. I would recommend deerstalker if you don't have too much to work with, but that's just me
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My perk flow is quite high actually I almost have every killer perk in the game except for like 6 killers. So while I have options idk what to run..
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I don't bring Franklin's unless I see a key or if everyone has items. Otherwise it's a bit of a waste.
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Oh well then it's totally up to you. It's better at lower ranks as more survivors are less likely to know where they dropped their items every time, but it's a little like Ruin in that it's pretty hit or miss. Obviously it's much better on M1 killers, on anyone else it's pretty inconsequential.
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I've actually been doing some testing running Franklins as I think it's a little better than it looks at face value.
Typically people are bringing it to counter items which is actually not why I'd be running the perk at all personally. The use I'm seeing, is using it as a gen slow down perk. This is because of all the added time you make survivors waste by going back to look for their items and pick them up. How much time this adds up to over the course of the match is debatable, but that is entirely what I'm testing out. I think it's more significant in that regard than people give it credit for.
In regard to your question about lower ranks, I think this would be especially good there as the survivors at those ranks will take even more time trying to find their items as they don't know map layouts yet.
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I mainly use ghostface and spirit so there both M1s besides when your using there abilities.
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I usually use brutal strength on most killers. I've started to only run franklin's demise on Demogorgon if I see more than one toolbox since demogorgon kinda has built in brutal strength with his Shred. If I see a flashlight I run lightborn with him. He is my main anti-item, anti-flashlight killer.
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I get your what you mean, I went against a survivor that constantly picked his flash light back up. So it is viable when there wasting time.
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I'd say so, but since you are specifically referring to low ranks, anything is viable at those levels.
I would just run what you find fun or works for you there. You don't really need to start min/maxing or picking what's specifically viable until you get to higher ranks where it becomes much more noticeable.
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Brutal strength is fine but I suggest probably running the straight meta build be, Enduring, BBQ, Hex: Ruin, and Spirit Fury
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There are better perks then Franklins, but go for it if you feel like it. Normally, perks like Pop, Ruin or corrupt are better to slow down the game but if you see 4 toolboxes, take Franklins into consideration.
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When I say lower ranks I mean rank 6 and lower, because that's when as a killer you start to get sweat red ranks.
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My main build is usually, Franklins, BBQ, Hex: Ruin, and Nurse's calling
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Oh so when you say low ranks you are referring to high ranks lol.
I personally wouldn't run it in high ranks as I don't think it's worth the slot. There are much better options. Survivors do find it super annoying though lol
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Well I main ghost face and spirit, and my build's: Hex: Ruin, BBQ, Nurse's, And Franklins so gotta any suggestions?
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What does your build usually look like? Whenever I play speed limiter bubba (aka: godda) I pop Franklin's in place of Ruin if I see more than two toolboxes.
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go in my other replies I tell them my build.
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For Ghostface I'd replace franklins with Sloppy Butcher, Discordance or Pop.
For Spirit I'd get rid of franklins and Nurses for one of those same 3 I mentioned above or MYC.
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3/4 items and I would consider bringing Frank.
3/4 toolboxes (if you are staying in that match) I would highly recommend bringing Frank.
Key/map team item combo I would highly recommend bringing Frank.
3/4 flashlights I don't think you need Frank as this means the team isn't going to be on gens and letting them think they can flashlight you will make your life easier.
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I main ghost face and spirit, and my build's: Hex: Ruin, BBQ, Nurse's, And Franklins
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I stopped using it. Because of the perk last night two people escaped. I didn’t know a key was in the game, I killed the person who brought it and it had a weaved ring, but it was on the ground so the last two survivors found it and got out of the hatch. Definitely never using it again after that.