Nurse is garbage.
[BAD WORD] this killer.
[BAD WORD] her "fun" and "creative" or "game changing" addons which are literally not.
She is frustrating as [BAD WORD].
[BAD WORD] the teleporting to the basement instead of landing on the floor.
[BAD WORD] this speed.
[BAD WORD] being punished for using power which is really easy to dodge.
And Dead Hard ruining her life..
I had some insult playing this garbage. Sorry for insult.
No garbage, just more boring to play as than before. She's also more boring to play against.
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She is far from garbage, just unfun and that's all.
Garbage = Unfun/Low tier killer? No.
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You obviously really suck with her. How about GitGud?
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She’s the type of killer you can’t just pick up and be great at, like billy or the stupid trapper. She takes skill, practice, and patience. I’ve seen rank 1 nurse mains who have hours and hours of playtime, and they can get a 4K in minutes, even after nerf.
id love to put in that time and be great at her, but I probs never will. Seems like a grind.
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She's not garbage, just unfun and frustrating to play as and not worth the time to master her.
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She’s fun for survivors now, that’s all that really matters. Don’t believe me? Just look at the reason the Doctor is being reworked.
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She is too punishing when you miss a blink to the point where people who are good with her dont want to play her. And to newer players, she is too difficult to play and learn which makes her undesirable to pick up. I do blame the devs for this because they nerfed her base power and arguably gave us worse addons at the same time since her extra blinks out did anything she has or had before. If they didn't nerf her base power or gave us something to compensate the power cool down that has made her like this then she wouldn't have ended up like this.
However she is still strong IF you can land most of your blinks but even then she is still not fun and is still frustrating to play. It's fine to have a killer that requires a lot of skill, but there is a limit where people won't want to play that character due to that demanding skill level.
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Shes still top tier. You just have to play her well consistently.
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I don’t wanna play her consistently, she is too stressful af, and I didn’t even play her at maps like Lery, Gideon, Hawkins. Her potential power is not worth.
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Did you actually play Nurse?
Of course you didn’t, you believe Killer is a power role, survivor main.
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It's okay if you find her stressful and not fun to play, but if you're not willing to put the effort into learning to play her properly, you can hardly complain with any legitimacy that she's "garbage".
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Honestly imo she is really balanced. Before the nerf she had almost 0 counterplay. Now it just punishes missblinks and I'm ok with this.
I still play nurse and she is imo more balanced than ever. Just harder to learn
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I find her extremely unfun now.
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Can you actually contribute? Thanks.
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Dead Hard absolutely wrecks her now if she's not running double cooldown.
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I'd absolutely love to watch Mathieu play her at red ranks, all of whom are using dead hard.
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Before her nerf I faced Nurse many times.
After her nerf I can't even remember when I played againts her last time.
She is still good in good hands but her popularity (prob because of un-fun factor and difficulty increase) dropped hardcore.
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she is pretty awful now. broken sounds and anyone of the stealth meta's and it's gg with a 3 man swf or even a 2 man with clutch survivor perks.
just another boring killer noone plays as or against.
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All things come with time
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You know the skill of a killer when as a PS4 nurse she does not miss a blink attack one time and survivors, as slugs, DC in unison.
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That is subjective.
I think she's still fun & v/ strong.
As I know decent killer mains the majority of them say "If you weren't good with her before, and relied on those addons, of course she's bad, but she's still very powerful to good nurse mains".
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The basement teleport definitely needs work, I have looked UP and still teleported down before. Deadhard is twice as effective on her because there is no baiting it out, it's a real issue, but I don't know how you fix it.
The blink forward, then return to original spot add on needs total rework or removal, it's beyond worthless, as is the one that grants you undetectable status. I get the idea, it was meant to counter people running right at you, but people don't run right at you, because of how easy it is to abuse her cooldown. The white nit comb, dull bracelet, bad man keepsake, and spoon are also worthless.
Her biggest problem is the lunge, it looks for all the world like it will hit, then barely misses. I can live with everything else, but that is the biggest annoyance for me. Her second biggest problem is map pressure, which could be easily fixed by removing the 2nd blink window, allowing you to fully charge two blinks. If they could fix that, she would be fine.
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My brother played the nurse for a little while and raged every time
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i main nurse at rank 1 and have most of the time gotten 4ks. Sometimes I’ll give survivors the hatch or they’ll find it but she is far from garbage, her mechanics are hard to learn and she can be frustrating to get used to. that wasn’t the case for me, i kinda just picked up on her and got used to her blinks. she is definitely the best killer in the game but can be boring at times.
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Don't disrespect Nurse! He litteraly can end a game in 1 minute
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I think it's more muscle memory than anything. Her post blink lunge is .333 meters shorter than a normal lunge and it messes with people. If she had a 6 meter lunge out of blink, it would be fine. 6 meter lunge and a longer 2nd blink window and I think they resolve 99% of her issues.
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Shes weaker than people think..a killer doesnt just vanish like nurse does unless there is an issue..just hoping the devs put her base kit back and adjust her addons as needed..and rework that 3 blink addon entirely..its a joke
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She's fine as she is, everyone fun is subjective, we can't balance around fun.
Some people fun is to 4k every match, should we get the old nurse back so those people can be "happy" ?
Cooldown could be decreased to 1,5 seconds or 2 but that's all, you failed using the nurse power's and you should get punished for it, cause it is a high risk / high reward, as HOW it is supossed to be, being able to ignore survivors defense SHOULD BE HEAVILY PUNISH.
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She doesnt ignore anything that's an ignorant argument, she just interacts in a different way ..and no she should have her base kit back..her addons have been quashed..she deserves to have a high ceiling as she is by far more difficult than anything else in dbd..
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Ignorant is thinking that nurse is weak, do you play in PC :)?
And yes she does, survivors most effectives defense are pallets and windows (looping) she ignores looping cause she CAN BLINK TROUGH pallets, and she should no have her basekit back.
One of the main problem was how little time you had to lose LOS against old nurse because the fatigue was really short and could be decreased by addons, so they added the cooldown.
Old nurse base kit was Medium Risk/ High reward
And a killer that can ignore survivors defense should have a high risk / high reward.
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Lol can she still get pallet stunned? Last I checked she still has to play around those..and her stats and playrate prove her weakness..pc is full of scrubs and even there shes unseen anymore..says all I needed to know to confirm my inquiry I put in to the subject..she also had 1 weak addon for reducing fatigue nobody even used lol..seems you know next to nothing about nurse from killer perspective..however I'm not surprised at all
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God forbid the survivors might have to come up with a strategy other than looping. She can be juked in the open, the 360 is effective, she has a real weakness against the larger obstacles, and she's very vulnerable to mind games.
This is a typical entitled survivor mentality. "She's supposed to be hard to learn, not every killer should be easy to pick up and play".... "I don't want to learn new methods of evasion, she shouldn't be able to defeat my defenses"..
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Yes, she can but she can still blink, it's just weird, I get the nurse stun score event, but she somehow is able to blink.
And what region do you play? cause literally all my games are spirit/nurse and pigs (I dont complain about them anyway)
And there was a yellow addon that every nurse used, so idk what you're talking about...
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Bye bye, try harder bud, I play both sides, not gonna argue with you if you think im a entitled survivor main :)
Translation: Muh!!! if you dont agree nurse is weak you're a entitled surv main!!! now it is a 2k!! it should 4K OR NOTHING
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Maybe on pc but on any other platforms she one of the weakest in the game.
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Nurse main here.
The feeling of being overwhelmed sometimes can be quite frustrating to deal with... I noticed that as long as I don't carry a charge add-on I will struggle in chases if I don't get a lucky predict or just win a mind game (not including dead hard, which is very common).
The devs can perhaps consider lowering the recharge cool down from 3 seconds each to 2.5? Or keep it at 3 but the cool down starts immediately after blinking instead of during fatigue.
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Nurse is still strong in capable hands, but holy cow is it not fun to play her anymore. I've dropped her completely despite previously considering myself a Nurse main because, while I can still 4k, I straight up don't have fun doing it anymore. A 0k with Legion has been more enjoyable than a 4k with Nurse since her rework. Not worth the stress, frustration, and micromanaging blinks. And seeing as the number of Nurses has plummeted since her rework, I'd imagine my line of thinking isn't uncommon...
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It does. Initially I tried to convince myself that this was needed for the health of the game but the management of the blinks gets very annoying fast. Maybe we'll see a change next patch and I really hope it helps her become less clunky
Post edited by NurseMainBTW on2 -
The blink cool down broke the nurse completely. The killers should be playable without addons and those should be used to spice up or change the game, not to make it not suck
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I don't think you're an entitled survivor main and I never said that you were. I said that you have an entitled survivor mentality. Basically telling nurse players to git gud, while not wanting to git gud yourself.
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The pocket watch literally did so little I called it her training addon..and I'm sorry but if several fog whisperers and streamers who play this game for a living dont see her...yeah I'm gonna call nonsense on that one
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Pretty much yes, its frustrating cause a bad read or a miss can potentially set her back against top tier swf, but still i think shes the only one along with spirit and maybe wraith who can pull it off.
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If you're a good nurse, she can still destroy people. But the problem is, I don't think most people who played her previously were as good as they once thought. That being said, yes nurse is kind of garbage right now
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You must not play her enough, because the recharge punishes more than missed blinks. The nerf has severely hurt her map control, which means she has to rely more on patrolling, camping, and slugging. She is actually less fun for survivors now imo.
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Asthma simulator.
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So if X streamer dont play / see that much X killer it is weak.
So by your logic:
spirit is weak, since people dont play she that much because of the sounds issues...?
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She can still be good.
Just a lot less fun to play because the devs unjustly nerfed her base kit.
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You kinda miss out on something, the only thing that nurse is good at is slugging. Put on infectious fright, put them down. One hook and end the game. No idea how this is considered healthy for the game, fun for survivors or fun for the nurse player. Utter snoozefest.
It is so easy to play against nurse by now.
Whole dev team should play this killer with her meme addons for moderately decreased, blink + lunge 1000 games straight on the new map they made. Just against skilled survivors pls.
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I agree with OP. Nurse is garbage. Haven’t faced a single competent nurse since rework. I played her a few times since rework and I wasn’t great but could get a pip in matches. Now I depip every game and have a hard time keeping chase. Might as well delete her.
edited to fix spelling
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She's not the best killer anymore. The rework is awful just from a gameplay design perspective, even if we ignore power. She has to use her power to perform basic killer functions at an acceptable level. No other killer is required to do that. You wouldn't design a killer from scratch that gets stuck in place, looks at the ground, waits for the power to come back, and then moves at 96% unless they used their power. That would never make it to an alpha test phase, because most reasonable people would say that's an awful idea. They thought way too hard about this.
The added cooldown also ignores basic realities of playing Nurse against good opponents. There's this assumption among people who don't play Nurse that blinks are binary right or wrong things that are 100% Nurse-sided. When you're in the school in Badham, or playing Lery's, or at any LOS break, you're guessing to some degree. Putting a player on cooldown because they lost rock paper scissors isn't good gameplay.
The other overlooked thing is the reappearance change. Nurse players might notice that players are juking as soon as you release your blink charge in the open. This would be fine if you weren't being put on cooldown because someone else had good reaction time. This is something you put in a single player game against an AI opponent, not a PVP game with a player on the other end.
In terms of strength, I caution against judging any killer by the top percentile of performance. I 4k more often than not with Clown. That just means I'm bizarrely good with Clown. I still have games where I wreck people with Nurse. But I feel like I'm playing against the survivors, against the game, against the servers, and against the numerous unique bugs she has that I didn't go into.
Edit: I just have to ask, because we can't seem to get an answer: What is the justification internally behind putting the final say in the blink interaction firmly in the hands of survivors, and then giving the Nurse player a power cooldown on top of it? Why was it determined that saying "The Nurse is going to land in this spot" and then punishing the Nurse player if the survivor acknowledged the telegraph was the way to go? I know Nurse players have been...vocal about this, but it legitimately doesn't make sense to many of us from a logic perspective, and we feel like we were the last people considered in any of these changes.
Post edited by edgarpoop on5