Double BloopPoints makes this community suck

do killers have any other playstyle during this event? I'm getting off until the next update or at least until the event is over. Thx for being the worst community like usual :)
Its almost like... They try the best strategy to win... And its the survivors rushing unhooks that makes it effective. Whereas if all the survivors ran unbreakable and stayed on gens efficiently camping and slugging wouldn't work.
Post edited by Cetren on41 -
It's almost like they are only playing killer to get the blood points and don't care about your fun especially when 9/10 there's a DC to make the farming faster for them.
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I agree, in fact I see survivors doing GEN GEN GEN... do they have any other play style during this event?
All seriousness, no one on either side is required to play any different than usual during double BP. Play as normal, do your best and accept double what you would have normally gotten.
Why do people insist on others farming during this event?
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Who said I was insisting ob farming.its boring. I havent had a game today where my mates have done gens because solo survivor doesnt allow good teammates. They haven't been rushing #########, but killers remain greedy
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I play killer a lot during this event and I never camp or tunnel. Yet the complaints is always addressed to all killers somehow 🤨
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You understand when a survivor DCs it’ll the killer isn’t required to go easy on the rest? In fact if one DCs they I really need to get maximum out of the remaining 3 players. Don’t blame the killer, blame your teammate. Although you won’t, you’ll rationalize them quitting because the killer wasn’t fun for them.
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How is the killer being greedy? By doing his best with the options available? You don’t want killers to slug, which is one of their stronger tools to secure kills? What are you giving up? Do you purposely work slower on gens, no you do your best.
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To answer OP question I don’t camp or slug either. As killer I get more points by 3 hooking everyone if possible so that’s my goal.
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Heres my latest screenshot for my "salty endgame chats" folder. This survivor didnt seem to understand why I "camped" by chasing her teammates who were ALL around the hooked area. If I'm actively chasing aint camping. Infectous fright lit up my screen like a christmas tree, so I started knocking em all down one by one after they got 4 gens done. If everyone survived THAT long...cant say anyone was tunneled out of the game either.
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I don't get why survivors have such a problem with slugging. You're not getting hooked, that's a good thing. I can understand if the killer slugs like 3 or 4 of you at a time, but if the killer leaves you on the ground to chase someone else that's 1 less hook for you in most cases. I slug people all the time just so they don't die because I'm nice like that.
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I have been accused of tunneling the last person in a four kill game... logic doesn’t apply in DBD
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When did I say I wanted the killer to go easy on me? I said killer doesn't care about your fun. And you've assumed that I'm mad about it. If a survivor DC here's what I don't do, waste my time and thoughts crying about it. I go to work to try and get the rest out to prove to the rest that that survivor was ass. And you know what it might not always work but I was fighting a losing battle so I can see why Ppl would be mad about it.
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Honestly I never run into this. Slugging is obviously gunna happen it creates pressure. The camping and tunneling is down to interpretation because what some people i have seen called tunneling is when the killer goes for them the 2nd time. Even if he hooked someone else in between. Thats not tunneling. And camping, well if your team is altruistic or he has a belief that someone is nearby then searching for that person isnt camping. You dont just let them get an unhook for free. You lose all your pressure to keep them off gens
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What do you expect? Everyone is trying to squeeze out bloodpoints where they can because killers are either bringing moris and such to have games last longer than 5 minutes and survivors are bringing SWFs with toolboxes and key with a map offering.
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If you hook them you're a tunneler, if you leave them on the ground you're slugging. Obviously the only option is to let them wiggle free and have hatch
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I stick with my tunneling. It helps me out. So i dont care if i ruin somebody elses game. It not my fault that they want to take the game seriously. Its just a game. But i will play the way i want to play as a killer. And ne ways. Survivors keep forgetting. Its the killers match and not theres. Cuz the killer is the host and not the survivors. So the survivors really dont have the right to say ne thing at all
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Killer isn't the host on PC or Switch :)
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Slugging doesn't bother me camping and tunneling annoy the ever living crap out of me tho, but it has nothing to do with the event lol face campers and tunneling happen damn near daily
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Maybe they're doing their job and trying to win...?
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You should play how you want, tunneling can be effective, once the game becomes 3-1 it is indeed a lot easier for the killer.
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It's everyone's match. Even when killer was host. Survivors paid for the game, just as much as killers. Be less entitled.
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Today, I have played 4 matches and only finished 1. The other 3, the killers decided to quit when the last gen was done and before we could escape. And I mean quit where no one gets points. t makes me mad to be losing so many points because they could not just accept a defeat.
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Just gotta switch to killer and BBQ during event
Sucks I just wasn't forced to start over because a new Xbox gamer tag. Guess all my work is non transferable and purchases also 🙃
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Damn sounds like you have no confident in ur skills
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And survivors gen rush in 3 min . I got a cocky perso who i messaged if they wanted to farm and didn't reply at all. And this was team that gen rushed way too fast none wanted to get chased , nothing..
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Same here! But some survivors also get greedy an dont wanna give up infinite loops .like bruh let mw hook u once😂😂😂
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So true i hate when ppl say hook camping ...when i clearly had ppl get unhooked almost as soon as i hooked em. So idk and sometimes this is w/o alturistic offering for 2xp
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Yeah i understand lets just do our best as killer. Cuz some ppl (survivors) also dont care about killers having fun. Like ######### guys get your crap together..jesus its just a game!!!
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gah.... I can't read all the posts...
But what do you expect? The same every other night. You just wanted it easy during double BP so you could get a bunch of points.
One thing is simple.... You want the points... Play killer and take them. Get those points.
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Yeah, just had a killer DC after we did 3 gens. He failed to get one if us in a chase, the went to top of house and was staring at everyone doing stuff, got into another chase, stopped mid chase and left. Watched him leave. I'm not trying to be salty or have a killer be nerfed, I love the game, but lost my key even with white ward because of it. I just dont understand the point in DCing.
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I've been playing during the event and have never faced this type of behavior (more than usual that is). As a matter of fact I've seen killers and survivors simply being friendly and farming together. I've mostly been playing killer and farming with my fellow red ranks, since BPs are the only thing we both love very much. We may not like each other, but boy do we love BPs.
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Its a doble bloodpoints event and a double camping and tunneling event :)
I always quit dbd in double bloodpoints because i dont enjoy the queus times and being camped and tunneled every match.
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I've had a few that farm. I love when killers get in on the shenanigans as well with us abr we dance and spin together. LOL I'm thinking maybe more toxicity on PS4? I dont know how it varies by platform.
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I play both sides but survivor more frequently. I dont expect to farm, but I welcome it during bloodhunt. If a killer is gonna be an ass, they're gonna be an ass regardless. Extra BP doesn't mean they care or that they care about you. Unfortunately.
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Double bp makes it worth it to me though.
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I play on xbox but I've noticed more people on PC, including survivors, not liking the idea of farming. Guess it's different between console and PC
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I usually just try to max out my points during double bp and let everyone go. Not always, but usually. Why not? Don't get anything for rank anyway.
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I love farming, especially during double BP. I don't understand why anyone wouldn't. We also will message killer like hey, we need challenges, you have rituals? And kind of go from there. Game doesn't have to be so toxic. We can all get along.
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Buh bye
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Exactly, survivors are the most greedy, screw what we have to do like gens, let us all be easy hooks for the killers and then b*tch here that killers are unfair.
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If I have streamers, I'll attempt to farm. However, I've had games where they didn't want to farm, so I'll play normally. But the thing is, if you know they're camping, don't go for an unhook
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Just DC. You're not forced to play a game that's not fun. If the killer is being toxic face camping or tunneling just disconnect and join a new game. Even block the killer if it makes you feel better.
But coming on here complaining about killers to killer mains isn't gonna get the job done. Get your double bloodpoints and move on
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Face camping is funny to me! You sit there getting camped and all 5 gens pop before you die so 3 ppl make it out. I was doing SWF with my son tonight and a hag face camped him because he popped her hex totem. I slipped in and grabbed him with BT and she just tunneled him. He laughed at it the whole time saying she knew he was the best player!!! Sometimes you have to enjoy the dumb people on DBD!!!
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You can farm and I know lots of people enjoy it, but as to why we wouldn’t want to as killer...
Once you show you aren’t going to be cutthroat survivors take it to super farming level, like forcing you to hit them so they can heal over and over, running to every pallet, etc.
I don’t wanna play a half hour game for 32k points times two... is rather play a ten minute game for 30k times two
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All I get are farmers. It would make more sense to farm, idk
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First of all it's not your match, and second of all wow there really are some entitled shits in this community. If you like tunneling, good for you, don't be an entitled brat and think just because you're the killer your fun is somehow more important than theirs.
Hopefully when you rank up, if you ever do, you'll understand there's people on both sides and this game will never be the best it can be until we understand that.
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I have been camped and tunneled all day. A lot of killers seem to bring Moris as well (more than usual). I hate playing survivor during these types of events.
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encouraging disconnecting isn't the way to go, and is in fact, against the rules. please don't.
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I play both side, and when I play as killer, I won’t face camp. But I will patrol the hooked one if I can’t find anyone else from BBQ. I will “tunnel” if the injured one is just in front of me. This is how the killer play.