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Coordinated 4 man swfs

How am i supposed to win them? First of all i got nothing against playing with friends. I always play survivor with 2-3man party.

But its so frustrating as a killer when everytime i start to chase someone i know that theres 2 or 3 people working on a gen then. And when the maps are so huge and half of the players are on the other side of the map its just impossible to patrol the generators because it takes so much time to move from side to side.

Im thinking to derank away from red ranks. I shouldnt be up so high. I just get easy bips sometimes since there alot of bad players up here too.

And i know that there is ruin and other gen regressing perks in the game.

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  • Member Posts: 78

    Take a Mori ;)

  • Member Posts: 1,929

    Just accept that in this game, no matter what you do, you're gonna lose some matches.

  • Member Posts: 78
    edited January 2020

    That is just bad thinking, it is very unfair, that no matter how skilled you are you will lose... Like being in a running competition, but some guys are allowed bikes, would you just accept that?

  • Member Posts: 306

    Check steam profiles before game - more than 3+ SWF in friend list - dodge. 

  • Member Posts: 16,663

    And why should the other side, who can also be skilled, not be allowed to win?

    You wont win every game just because of playing in a SWF.

  • Member Posts: 2

    I agree. I had to do a Challenge to hook 2 people in Basement with Agitation. So, I played Trapper because he’s Level 27 with Lvl 3 Agitation. Well, it would’ve been easy to do if it weren’t for the 4-man SWF which 3 of them constantly ran around doing all the gens while someone kept messing with me and disarming my traps near Killer shack. I’d constantly have to multitask which was impossible given that I got gen rushed completely while having to chase the guy disarming my traps, getting looped by him, giving up and patrolling gens, my traps still being disarmed and 2-3 people bouncing between the last three gens to finish them, therefore losing the game and only hooking two people once (not even in basement) and some unnecessary tea-bagging at the exit gates by all four of them. I even brought NOED which did nothing because they got rid of all the Totems.

    I’m just tryna get some Putrid Serum :[

  • Member Posts: 1,929

    I know, but the math is against you. What can we do? Every answer we get is either "know issue" or "soon".

  • Member Posts: 651
    edited January 2020

    To beat sweaty SWF, you have to play perfectly and hope they make mistakes. Playing a top rated killer on a not too unfavorable map help a lot. Thats about the end of it.

    I've had one of thoses games recently. I was playing Legion, but doing actually pretty well. Keeping the survivors busy, healing, scattering them away from gens, etc... My Ruin held for a couple of minutes wich is nice. I was chasing and hooking them at a steady pace too.

    And yet I still lost by a wide margin. They where very efficient on gens and had an Object of Obsession monitoring what I was doing at all time for the team. It didn't really matter how good I was doing, because I couldn't be at 4 places all the time. And they all had Adrenaline too so the moment the last gen poped, all my pressure was instantly canceled.

    And theses guys where nothing special. They where no looping gods. They did not try any weird jukes, they dropped pallets pretty quick... Still didn't matter.

    Could I have done better if I was using a stronger killer and played every loop to the asbolute perfection ? Maybe... But not by much I'm afraid.

    Could I have done better by going full tryhard mode, slugging and camping left and right going for the kills without any other consideration ? Possibly. But I don't enjoy playing like that. Its stressfull and not fun for me or the survivors.

    So yeah... There is no miracle recipe to beat tryhard SWF. Do your best if you feel like it, but don't feel too bad if you lose. The game was rigged from the start.

    Post edited by Decarcassor on

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