Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

Closing the hatch needs to open a door

I'm all in for being able to force the endgame collapse to start. It's a perfectly fine part of the game that frankly, needs to stay. That being said, when there is only 1 survivor and the killer closes the hatch it makes it almost impossible to escape. On top of that, the number of times I as the killer have closed the hatch on a survivors face WHILE THEY ARE STANDING ON IT is stupid (I always let them open a door and escape when I do). The hatch will ONLY OPEN if there is 1 survivor remaining. If the killer closes that hatch, it should really open a door at random. It gives the survivor a chance and adds some risk to closing the hatch. On some maps the hatch is next to a door and if it opens that door, so be it. But the survivors deserve a chance.


  • BasedMorlis
    BasedMorlis Member Posts: 29

    I'm writing this from a killers perspective man. It's boring that when I close the hatch, its game. There's no chase after. And there wouldn't be a stand off this way. Either the killer leaves the hatch open and patrols, survivor has a chance to get it. Killer camps it, survivor can get a door. Killer closes it, a door opens and the survivor can get out if they pick the right door. I agree the doors can be too close however when you have killers like hillbilly that can cross a map in 5 seconds, distance isn't the issue. It shouldn't be THAT much of a disadvantage for the last survivor.

  • BasedMorlis
    BasedMorlis Member Posts: 29

    Additionally, like i pointed out, even if the survivor finds the hatch, I can close it in their face if I get there before it opens. It's lame and should be changed.

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246

    Doors should be open right from the start.

    If the killer plays the game and survivors fail at everything they should be able to get out because they deserve it.

  • BasedMorlis
    BasedMorlis Member Posts: 29

    Perks designed to prevent slugging. Giving the survivors a reason to finish the game instead of DC. One map that has distant doors. Items that can be lost or removed with Franklin's. You clearly thought that argument out there bud.

  • BasedMorlis
    BasedMorlis Member Posts: 29

    Cool sarcasm bro, really added to the conversation. /clap

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246

    Glad you like it.

    Your idea would only lead to a completely free escape. Either the killer guards the open door or he lets the survivor just walk out. GL patrolling, guarding anything on the game. Sorry the idea is bad.

  • BasedMorlis
    BasedMorlis Member Posts: 29

    You all keep saying the hatch spawning is a chance as if it's hard to counter. I almost always get to it before the 2nd to last survivor is down and am able to get to it before it opens. Then I close it. Even if the survivor is on it. I can still close it. Thats not fun. There's no challenge in that. I'm not sure what part of that you all aren't understanding.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    edited January 2020

    Not every survivor runs those perks, and sometimes that survivor had no control over their teammates getting destroyed by the killer (I seen this happen very often with Kindred when the killer does the basement challenge).

    Currently, without both players using perks, items, and add-ons. Assuming the killer is 115% and they don't use their power at all, the survivor has a 16% chance of survival during the EGC. Most sacrifices are due to Exit Gates spawning on the same wall, which renders the survivors odds to 0% for most games. Do you think that's fair? Do you think the killer should get the last 25% of their objective because they sacrificed 75% of their objective?

  • BasedMorlis
    BasedMorlis Member Posts: 29

    I see it too frequently as a killer. I've had people try to sell out other survivors for whatever reason, I've seen people just stand still and T-bag without moving or running. It's lame and it ruins the game for everyone else, myself included. I've seen games where 3 people just DC after the first hook and leave the 4th hanging. And I think it's stupid that I have the option to close the hatch and seal the last kill. It's obvious at that point I'll get it if I want, which is why I always let them open a gate and get out in those situations. They didn't deserve that abuse by the other survivors.

  • ABannedCat
    ABannedCat Member Posts: 2,529
    edited January 2020

    If the survivor runs a suboptimal perkbuild, thats on them, not the killer.

    But regardless its a team game. Your chance of survival should be tied to your team's ability to do the objective. If your team fails on that, you still have a slim chance to escape, based on RNG, but overall you are going down with them, because you are part of them. Doesn't mean you won't rank up, or you won't get a fuckloads of bloodpoints. You are just not gonna escape. Its not the end of the world.

    If you as survivor don't like being at the mercy of randoms, you have 2 options: Play killers, or play survive with friends.

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786
    edited January 2020

    I don't think opening a gate would be a solution, but I agree something should be done because the 1v1 endgame is so biased it becomes dull.

    What would help imo would be to add LoS blockers around the gates, or else, when the hatch is closed light up the lights on the gate lever. In both cases it would force the killer to actually patrol the gates instead of peeking from afar to see if the lights are on.

  • YaiPa
    YaiPa Member Posts: 1,929

    And most of the times killer has no control over the loops or the game progression.

    Yes is it fair. If you somehow fail to survive you don't deserve to win the game, accept it. Just like as killer you should accept to lose some games.

    CLAUDETTEINABUSH Member Posts: 2,210

    Imo,no. The only things that need change are the doors to be in two opposite sides 180° and if you think it is unfair I would also change the time to open an exit gate on the egc (by 5-10 seconds perhaps) but add more time to open them in any other scenario (by 5-10 seconds)

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    Survivors already have a chance. It may be difficult to escape at that point, but it's rarely impossible. Perhaps something else about the gate spawns or the visibility of lights could be adjusted to make things fairer, but what you're proposing isn't a mere chance, it's practically a free escape.

  • Yuyukoyay
    Yuyukoyay Member Posts: 50

    Yeah, completely disagree with this. lol

    I think if any change is made it should be that survivors need to do 3 gens for it to even spawn. The game is already unfair for killers in almost every other capacity. This is the one thing in the game that should feel unfair for killer bias. It shouldn't essentially be an autowin for survivors. You should have to work for the hatch. From the killer point of view, you are working for your 4k. From the survivor point of view you completely got destroyed, but if you do these specific things then you can still potentially win. It's more of a 50/50 chance to get the hatch. The killer just has the advantage because they removed catching as they jump in the hatch. So standing on it has to stop them from using it.

  • haspience
    haspience Member Posts: 12
    edited January 2020

    The game is already unfair for killers in almost every other capacity.

    Do we really play the same game? I guess not, because even recent stats(link) showed that in general 3 out of 4 survivors are killed, and we are talking about high ranks here. How is that unfair?

    Whenever I close the hatch, survivors just stop playing altogether, because there is really nothing they can do at this point. I remember when devs where reworking the end game and they promised (ha-ha), that gates would open automatically after the hatch is closed for 2 minutes or so, but it never got implemented, lame.

    Now, if at least one gate opens when the hatch is closed it would give survivors the incentive to continue playing, which is always a good thing. And even if they do manage to escape, remember you already got 3 kills, and that's one kill more than a balanced game should have, so why complain?

    Also I wish green keys were able to open a *manually closed* hatch. Because now you really can't use them for anything.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    I remember when devs where reworking the end game and they promised (ha-ha), that gates would open automatically after the hatch is closed for 2 minutes or so, but it never got implemented

    Could you refer me to where they promised that? It's a bit off-topic, perhaps, but there are far too many people that spread misinformation and criticise the devs for breaking promises they never made. It's harmful to the community and to the players' relationship with the developers, so I think it's important to make sure that information like that is accurate when it is brought up.

  • Yuyukoyay
    Yuyukoyay Member Posts: 50

    Their incentive for playing is they either don't and pip anyway, or do and possibly double pip if they escape. For killers not getting the 4th kill can sometimes mean they don't even pip. Also you get bonus bloodpoints for escaping through the hatch.

    Getting 4k on killer should be a shutdown option. Just like not getting a single kill is a shutdown option against killer. There should be a punishment for not working together as a team. The hatch system being hard to activate is that punishment. Plus there are challenges that require 4ks to do them.

  • haspience
    haspience Member Posts: 12

    Sorry, I spent some time trying to find it on devs streams (sadly most of them don't have any timings nor summaries attached to them) and I'm not really willing to waste more of my time, but here is what simple google search did find:

    It's not official or anything, but if you are willing to you can rewatch streams which were published around that time for more definite proofs.

  • haspience
    haspience Member Posts: 12

    There should be a punishment for not working together as a team.

    Let's just read the game description, shall we?

    Survivors can either cooperate with the others or be selfish. Your chance of survival will vary depending on whether you work together as a team or if you go at it alone.

    Who are you to tell people how they should or should not play the game?

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    I watched the livestream that was released around a week before that comment was made, meaning it was the most recent information that commenter would have had available. Endgame gameplay was discussed in that stream, but what they said was that the hatch would be able to be closed, and they were looking into ways to balance around that. So that user's information was either outdated or wrong.

    Either way, since the devs are very clear that even features that make it into a PTB are subject to changes before going live, I don't think it's fair to consider anything that the devs say they're working on in a livestream a "promise" that said feature is going to make it into the live game.

  • Yuyukoyay
    Yuyukoyay Member Posts: 50

    Game descriptions are complete marketing garbage. That isn't really a viable argument against my previous points. The core argument is still unreasonably punishing the killer so the losing survivors can still win.

  • BasedMorlis
    BasedMorlis Member Posts: 29

    Reading these, something came to mind and I want y'alls thoughts: Adding a third door to each map. No door opens, however the Killer now has to patrol a third gate giving a survivor enough time to open the gate without having to hope the killer checks the gate at 30% without seeing the survivor or camping a gate on a hunch. I think that might be a solid way to 1) Spread doors out so that even if two spawn close together, there is a third option. and 2) When they end up alone, there is still a challenge to surviving without making it idiot-proof for killers. Thoughts?

  • BasedMorlis
    BasedMorlis Member Posts: 29

    Where is this "Survivors" coming from? It would literally be 1 survivor. Where is a line drawn? They got rid of SWF for what, two weeks? Look at what happened to the game. The survivors are quitting after a third kill and I don't blame them. If you get 3 people killed its a wrap, and you still want to punish someone?

    I'm not saying make it some kind of easy game for survivors, but there are rarely games without at least 2 sacrifices, and recently I have had a massive increase in 4 sacrifices since the "Close Hatch" was implemented. I'm not saying killers shouldn't get 4 kill games, but in the current state, a 3 kill game is the same as a 4 kill game. Playing as a killer has gotten boring and stale because of this. Survivors have been DC'ing way more if things go south early in the game and I have a hard time blaming them when they have little/no chance of surviving after 2 sacrifices.

  • Prex91
    Prex91 Member Posts: 764

    Not agree. After killer closing hatch surv can reopen it with key. Killer have to patrol 3 exsits that can be opened yet.

  • Yuyukoyay
    Yuyukoyay Member Posts: 50

    DBD is a 4 player game for survivors. It is objectively a team based game. It is all 4 players fault for losing. You just shouldn't get a free pass to win and potentially have done little to nothing all game. The changes brought forth basically can reward people with a pip for sitting in a random locker all game. If you make hatches or the end game easier then you will see a lot more people play with that as their goal. This means more games with useless teammates.

    This change proposal just isn't good for either side. I will continue to disapprove of the concept as long as I'm replied to though just so I can provide opposition.

  • slipttees
    slipttees Member Posts: 846

    I think the exit gates shouldn't be that close or their hatch.

  • swager21
    swager21 Member Posts: 1,019

    or the hatch should just open after 20 seconds and the killer isnt able to close it again

  • Grandpa_Crack_Pipe
    Grandpa_Crack_Pipe Member Posts: 3,306

    And the only reason this is an issue is because of how ridiculously goofy gate spawns can be.

    It could be literally opposite sides of the map, or it could be so close there may as well not be two gates. Like, some games I can actually watch them both from the same spot.

    Good luck getting out of that one!

  • ChurchofPig
    ChurchofPig Member Posts: 2,785

    The only reason I disagree with this is because as the killer, if you got that 3k and found the hatch first, that's basically your reward for doing well. The only reason survivors are still given the option to open a gate after the hatch is closed is to at least give them a chance to escape instead of it being like "Welp game over."

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669


    thats literally just asking for a free escape at that point...

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Technically, it powers the Generators so YOU can go open a gate; this is more than you deserve. Asking for more is kind of ill-advised. Up to this point, you clearly didn't get the Generators up and you are the last person. That means you failed as a team. The game, kindly, opens the hatch to give you the option of getting out that way. If the Killer still beats you to the Hatch, the gates are now powered up to give you a "chance" to try and open one and get out. Just how many second chances do you think you rate? :)

  • Aquamarine
    Aquamarine Member Posts: 207

    The last survivor had a chance to find the hatch first. And still, after the killer closes it, they still can escape through the gates. it's difficult and it should be, but by no means almost impossible. I've done it several times as survivor and also my last survivor has managed to do it when I was the killer.

    If chances to escape as the last survivor were increased greatly, players wanted to be the last survivor no matter what. We already see that if there are only two remaining survivors and not many gens are done, one of them often hides and just waits for the other die. This game doesn't need more of that.

  • Exerath1992
    Exerath1992 Member Posts: 1,035

    Oh hail naw. No way. Uh-unh. Nope. Never. No thank you. Sorry, your call found not be connected, please hang up and try again

  • AnnoyedAtTheGame
    AnnoyedAtTheGame Member Posts: 539

    I my last game I've just played right now. I closed the hatch and the survivor escaped through the gate.

    This is not even a good idea. It's just an idea to make the survivors even stronger.

  • kaijudane
    kaijudane Member Posts: 139

    On some maps that gates are so close to each other that a killer can just stand in one place and wait so I think it's a good idea and speeds up the end game even more.