Why was Enduring nerfed again?

I'm just wondering, why exactly was enduring nerfed again?
I remember that before enduring was nerfed, I used it in most builds (no spirit fury or brutal strength) and usually did pretty well with it.
Now when I see enduring, it's left where most of the other perks that I don't use much like bitter murmur, hex: devour hope, rancor, etc. Currently the only time I use Enduring is when I use spirit fury/enduring combo.
I don't get why it was nerfed, it wasn't op at all what so ever, so what exactly was the reasoning to make it so that enduring only affects stun time for pallets, but not like for DS or when a survivor escapes from your grasp?
They nerfed it so DS and Head-on weren't made completely useless by it. Wish they would have buffed it a bit more as a trade off. That's 66% of its usage gone.
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It was too op. Much like the usual meta survivor perks ( hope, vigil, slippery meat, etc). The devs heard our complaints and acted accordingly to improve game balance. I see no issue.
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Their reasoning was that it was becoming too much of a hazzle when designing and updating perks that cause a stun effect on the killer. They would not only have to balance the base of it but also balance for Enduring, in so doing they would have to constantly find the right balance that wouldn't punish the player for not running Enduring. But also not making Enduring override the survivor perks
Personally I can understand this, but when they did it I assumed they were going to change the eternity long decisive strike stun
They haven't
Even though its been a year it still bothers me!
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Head On probably shouldn't be countered by it. But reducing the DS timer was quite nice. I'd like to see that make a return.
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The reason most people even ran it was to soft counter DS. Without that it's pretty nonexistent, and if you see it you know Spirit Fury is coming.
I get the reasoning for it because it would belittle any stun based perks like head-on but at the same time it destroyed its most common use and this is why DS is so rampant and a problem nowadays.
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How exactly was it op, there were no complaints about Enduring being "OP". All enduring did was reduce stun time by 50% max. This nerf essentially only made enduring useful for Enduring+Spirit fury only.
Yeah Head on, should be the only exception to Enduring, if they made so it affects stun time on perks like DS.
Wasn't it also nerfed because it essentially made the old stun for DS (which was 3 sec) 1.5 seconds, and wasn't effective at stopping tunneling. Currently, Enduring should be able to reduce the stun on DS.
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Whoa. Settle down man. I think we can agree slippery meat and no mither are indeed op, correct?
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I hope this is bait.
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Enduring had the effect removed for DS and Head-on as they felt it was a perk which needed values changes to be easier to work with. It also negated the usefulness of what those are designed to do which is to give distance and a chance to the player for using it.
They made it a reduction percentage instead of recovery.
The other change to pallet stuns was a slight buff as before it increased stun recovery up to 75% so with a 2 second stun it reduced the stun to around 1.14s at tier 3.
Now it's an actual 50% stun reduction so its 1s.
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What I don't understand is what they kept the 5 second stun of ds after they nerfed enduring.
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They didn't like it cancelling most of the stun time on stun Perks, but they couldn't just nerf the number or it'd be mediocre as hell on Pallet stuns.
Still funny how the stun time of those stun Perks is still like this, which were made this high as a first attempt to fight Enduring.
Now with Enduring not even affecting them anymore, you'd think they'd go down again...
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Thou the fact it doesn't affect perks like DS makes the very slight buff against pallets essentially useless.
Playing as a survivor, I barely see any killer run Enduring. If I see a killer running enduring, its mainly for spirit fury.
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Because it countered DS. And now you see why every survivor runs DS.
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I run it on my trapper without spirit fury. It's still a great perk as it allows you to herd a survivor round the unsafe side of a pallet before breaking iy rather than them having time to run to another.
I dont think its quite that simple to just reduce the stun timer for DS as its now an anti tunnel perk. The stun duration itself actually should dissuade someone from tunnelling so in theory it needs to be high.
The issue with DS I don't think is The stun time but how it punishes non tunnelers and can grant free escapes at end game.
Maybe the stun time should be reduced if they are not slugged and another is hooked in the time and also at the egc stage the timer is reduced or something else happens.
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Classic 😂😂
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Ds is rampant bc tunneling is rampant. Seems fair to me.
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This is probably a good time to inquire as to why that buff to the DS stun time to account for Enduring was never reverted when Enduring was changed to no longer affect DS.
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Because if you hit the killer with D-Strike or Head On, they at least need a chance to escape...
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You questioning it concerns me even more
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DS is not anti-tunnel. Its anti-momentum, like it has been since 2016. It can be used as anti-tunnel, but so could be old DS (albeit less effective), however thats not its main purpose.
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That's probably becasue thanks to dedicated servers pallet stuns are free hits most of the times.
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I miss having a chance of catching someone that DS'd me, now they are in another map by the time you have recovered.
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Because it is "FUN" for the highest paying customer to be invincible for 1 minute and stun the killer long enough to reset any chase to a safe location
TLDR survivors buy more cosmetics so the game is handed to them to keep them happy.
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I get the windows(reason why i run resilience always now),but if you get hit through a pallet you probably deserved to get hit for dropping it to late.Unless you mean you drop down a pallet and then you get hit when the pallet is already dropped which is dedicated servers infact.
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I mean, if someone uses DS on the Killer, they should at least get a use out of it. And tunneling someone because the DS Stun is meaningless because of Enduring is also not really the solution.
Enduring is still a very solid Perk, even without Spirit Fury. I use it on pretty much every M1-Killer.
Sometimes it looks like the Hit only connects because of the thrown Pallet. Even vs tall Killers with large Weapons (so no Freddy-Shenanigans here), the Swing clearly missed and is miles away, but when putting down the Pallet, it suddenly Hits. Might also be Dedicated Servers, but it is REALLY uncomfortable.
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Because survivors starting crying
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Spoken like a true survivor main. You lot need to stop whinging and start practicing and getting better. Other than relying on n the developers making the game easier for you.
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I was referring to the second case. I see it happen very frequently.
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yeah its dedicated servers then
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I know what you mean,its cause the character is locked in animation and put into the center of the pallet pretty sure.And then dedi hits happen,i know what you mean.It is scuffed,but most of the times if you get hit,you deserved it.Not always tho sometimes it is truly Dedicated servers :3
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Because we can't have killer perks countering survivor perks.
Meanwhile, entire killers' kits get hard countered by a single survivor running a single perk.
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If you do a quick attack instead of the lunge you are more likely to hit the survivor who drops a pallet. Works better when you see the survivor camping them. Sometimes it has nothing to do with latency, it's just that you got greedy and didn't throw the pallet when you should've.
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It's now anti tunnel as it needs an unhook first. The whole concept of it now is to give someone a chance to not go straight back on the hook if a killer decides to go after them within the timer.
Yes it needs a slight change as I stated but its a far cry from what it originally was.
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Its not anti-tunnel, since it can be (and is being) abused to stop the momentum of a killer that capitalises on survivors mistakes. Survivors instantly hoping back on generators, or unhooking infront of the killer face, because they have an active DS is what I am on about.
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When was it nerfed?
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Using something other than the intended design doesn't mean it's not what it is.
If they instantly pop onto a gen after being unhooked or they instantly unhook in your face slug them and go after go unhooker you have that option there. It still wastes time for then and the others. It's one in a chase, one on the ground and one going to pick them up. That can be quite advantageous to yourself.
I keep saying I think it could do with slight changes for those who don't actually tunnel and the egc scenario.
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Tunneling is rampant because Ds is rampant, seems fair to me.
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@Peanits and @not_Queen, or any Dev for that matter
Could you explain why nerfing Enduring was necessary despite the fact DS was going to be changed from 3 sec to 5 secs anyway because of Enduring?
Because if you nerf Enduring, there was no need to change the stun time from 3 sec to 5 sec.
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Things are what they used for, not what they are meant for. Rockets were initially used for celebratory purposes in China, but were quickly adopted for warfare. But no one was just like "No, we can't touch rockets, because the majority use them for killing, because their initial purpose was for celebration!", No, people accepted its new purpose, and moved on.
The same is with DS. Initially anti-tunnel, now anti-momentum. Slugging doesnt change anything, because the person you hook is now a fresh hook. 2 more minutes before anyone can die. DS means that ontop of those 2 minutes on the hook, you are also 2 additional minutes invulnerable. No survivor can die before the 4 minutes mark. And you get zero more pressure when the DS user has Unbrekable.
Anti-momentum. Punished for downing and hooking too fast.
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Ds is not a problem ,Its to stop stupid killers from tunneling after you've been unhooked
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You clearly have never played killer enough when saying this comment.
When a killer does to well, he is punished because even after hooking someone, he could down someone with an active DS without knowing it.
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What about killers, why don't they nerd more survivour Perks and less killer Perks. Only killers get nerfs
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Killers don't only get nerfed, survivors also get nerfed, such as the instaheal nerf. BUT survivor nerfs aren't as drastic compared killer nerfs such as the Nurse, Oni, and Legion.
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Rockets are still used worldwide for celebration. The rockets for warfare were adapted over the years from the original design.
People accept rockets in many forms not just one and each one has its own purpose.
DS is still anti tunnel as it is still used that way. Everything this game is about changing momentum with perks on both sides from exhaustion to ruin.
It seems strange to argue about 1 min of time when most argue a chase takes longer than 30's and tou still need to take time to hook.
As I said I'm for a slight change. My idea was to half the timer which is left once someone is hooked but in return slugging slows the timer down. This makes it more an anti tunnel perk imo and in return makes slugging less viable.