Should gen speed be increased to 3 minutes?

I play killer and there’s nothing worse than watching survivors breeze through gens with their nifty toolboxes. Should gen time be increased to 3 min for regular repair and 1.5 minutes/90 seconds when using a toolbox?
I also saw devs mention creating “dummy” gens on map that appear to be normal gens, but once completed fizzle and explode, and do not count towards an actual completed gen. So each map starts with 9-10 gens and 3 are not real, thus fooling survivors. Thoughts?
Personally, I don't think increasing generator times will solve anything to be honest, and it will just make playing survivor that more boring.
We need a second objective that occurs after generators are powered that's before opening the Exit Gates. Perhaps, there could be breaker boxes survivors must use to reroute power to the Exit Gates? 😁🤗
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yeah i would love to hold 3min m1 to complete a single generator lol
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The 5th forum I got this weekend that complains about gen speeds XD. My opinion is to make the maps smaller and keep the Gen speeds the same. Also the green toolbox should become red
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Imagine this with Ruin, PGTW, and Thana! 😉
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And survivors should die from the explosion if they miss a skill check
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You’re hired
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Honestly, increase the amount of gems needed to be completed, but decrease the time it takes to complete 1.
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Perfect idea :-)
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I will finally bring some balance to this game
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You’re the hero we need but don’t deserve!
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This would just buff camping, giving camping killers all the time they need to 4k. They probabably would not even need to camp me in the first game. I'll just want to die anyway followed by an uninstall.
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2 gen strat, heck yeah!
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The short answer is no, absolutely not.
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No. 3 minutes is excessive. They honestly just need to make the maps smaller.
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And a bigger uninstall button if they do
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Can be buff technician though so you don't die from the explosion but you merely lose an arm or two disabling all types of vaults and pallet drops? That would be the "balance" most killers need afterall! Make survivors run around like headless chickens once they miss a skillcheck!
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I think they should increase gen times to 10-15 minutes. 3 is not enough - if it were only 3 minutes, survivors might eventually be able to complete a gen. We can't have that
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Map design and weak killers a big reason why gens fly by
Take spirit or billy on a smaller map and compare them to someone like Doc on Red Forest Maps
killers who have high mobility are the only ones who can consistently patrol hard enough to slow down progress, yet Devs keep adding massive maps which only work for those few killers
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I don't think the base gen speeds are necessarily a problem. I think being able to drastically shorten objective times with toolboxes is an issue, and I think the maps are a gigantic elephant in the room problem.
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Gen times are fine. Stop complaining without any destinctive logic.
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What the actual ######### man, are you delusional? Were you drunk when you thought this was a legitimate idea?
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I would like for them to fix map design and go from there.
Although, SWF could use a repair speed penalty.