Feedback | Disconnect Penalty Test



  • SpicyTopRamen
    SpicyTopRamen Member Posts: 68

    Game crashes shouldn't count, but hitting escape and confirming that you are leaving the match should. And maybe a slightly longer penalty for the first intentional DC.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    If you're in the queue at all, it has nothing to do with DC penalties. The queue times are just long for you, for whatever reason. Usually, it's either because there aren't many players playing in your region or around your rank at the times you're queuing, or there are not enough players queuing for the opposing role.

    Pips don't get taken away for anything other than depipping after a match. If you think that a pip got taken away from you for cancelling matchmaking, it's likely that the pip wasn't actually there in the first place and it was just a visual bug.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342
    edited January 2020

    Game crashes should count, because otherwise it's too easy for players to circumvent the penalty just by shutting the game down manually.

    Accidental game crashes don't often happen many times in one day to the same person, so being locked out of the queue for a minute or two isn't a big deal in that case, since it takes about that long to restart the game anyway. It's worthwhile for the sake of punishing those trying to game the system.

  • FunCat
    FunCat Member Posts: 27

    dc must be count in the length of 1 day.

    If in 1 day there is too much dc, next penalty will be applied.

    Because right now i think (maybe i'm wrong i don't know the penalty machanic) that if a player dc 1 match and not the following, it reset the count, so he can dc 1 match on 2 and never get more than 1 minute of penalty.

  • FunCat
    FunCat Member Posts: 27

    or u can do like in lot of survival game and put a long timer to dc

    SO the killer have the time to hook the dc player and maybe the player will calm down and chill out before the timer.

    i think that when players dc it's often because of a rage quit, and rage grow up fast but slow up after a couple of seconds generally.


  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    The count doesn't get reset immediately if the player stops disconnecting, the timer just resets gradually over time. So if you disconnect once and get a one minute penalty, and then don't disconnect at all the rest of the day, you might DC again the next day and still only get a one minute penalty because the timer had reset in that time. But if you DCed again two hours later, even if you played a bunch of normal games in that time, you might find your penalty increased to 5 minutes.

  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061

    Once disconnecting is made a punishable offense, do you think the leave match button should be changed into a Surrender button?

    How could this be implemented fairly so it's not exploited by those very angry survivors wanting to wreck havok💀

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262

    People leave so much during this game its wild.

    If you give me xp, shards, And aura cells as a bonus for when people leave it wouldnt bother me as much as killer

  • SquidFacedMan
    SquidFacedMan Member Posts: 148

    The leave match button should be removed or changed to "concede".

  • RainbowPatooie
    RainbowPatooie Member Posts: 322

    Please bring it back soon

  • ImTipToe
    ImTipToe Member Posts: 3

    I think this penaly should be only for those people that hit "exit" button.

    A lot of times I have to restart the game because it crashes and it's not my fault. I mean I have a good pc and Internet connection. And as in any software, errors occur.

  • HexMoriMeMommy
    HexMoriMeMommy Member Posts: 192

    Oh yeah, please put in a disconnect system in a bug that aspires to be a game.

    Look, real talk, if survivors don't want to be in a game they are just gonna suicide on hook.

    So either your aiming this at killers, which would be unsurprising tbh, or you fail to understand just how jank this game is.

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