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New rank reset = longer queue times?

So I recently watched this video:

And I think it's an important one to note, especially where he talks about the new rank reset system. Since red ranks can now only get pushed back to purple they will eventually only stay and go between red & purple. But what if the current purple ranks (that would go back to green) enters the red as well? If you spend enough hours in the game you will eventually get better, which may lead you to climb higher in rank meaning everyone that is not yellow or brown will clump together in red and purple (aka longer queue times for survivor which is further explained in the video.) But also that yellow/brown (the new people getting the game) will also have longer queue times because its like an empty desert since it's not that many people since the majority who owns the game has probably played awhile.

I don't really know what the devs are thinking but maybe in a couple of months we'll be seeing even longer queue times because more and more survivors are reaching the high ranks.

So please, may consider going back to the old rank reset system to specifically make red ranks go back to green. It's a good thing what the devs did to swf groups matchmaking system but we need to fix these queue times.


  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 3,426

    This is why many people call for a ranking rework. It seems that it needs a change in some way. You'll often see green rank survs playing like red ranks and red ranks playing like yellow ranks. This may because of carrying in swf, but the ranking definitely needs a change.

  • B3llee
    B3llee Member Posts: 26

    Yeah the rank system could do with a rework, question is how? I mean maybe they should consider matchmaking based of off hours but even then I've seen many with 1000h that has made some really questionable plays. They can't scrap ranks that's the thing though.

  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 3,426

    The main problem is the emblem system. It's very inconsistent and often you can get no medal or as bronze/silver because you were working on a gen the whole game without the killer coming for you.

  • The_Second_Coming
    The_Second_Coming Member Posts: 1,110

    A skill based, dynamically changing queue. Base it on the amount of wins (whether that be escapes, or pips, or whatever in a match) that a player averages. Match them with people of similar statistics. If they go on a losing streak and their average changes, so does the matchmaking. Etc etc.

  • JC316
    JC316 Member Posts: 693

    Hours won't work either. I have 132 and I can 4K against 500-1000 hour survivors. I don't get nervous until I see 1500 hours. Someone like me would DESTROY 130 hour survivors.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,309

    Its also kinda head scratching on the other end. If I chainsaw too much as Billy or Bubba for example, I might do GREAT in the game at keeping gens from being done and get plenty of hooks...but my chaser is gonna suck because using the saw awards half the points to chaser as 2 mallet hits.

    A Billy can 4k and black pip, while a legion due to constantly getting easy feral frenzy hits...can have 4 ppl escape and still pip.

    I also never understood why the pipping system punishes killers for being TOO efficient. I'm not even talking about tunneling people off the hook and all that, but if a killer kills all 4 ppl TOO quickly, emblems get hit again. If we dont down ppl quickly, the gatekeep emblem takes a hit, whereas if we DO down and kill ppl risk your other emblems.

    Heres an example of a game right before Freddys rework where I 4ked a team in roughly 2 minutes. Didnt lose out on chaser points from camping or anything, but because I didnt LET them recover and heal up over and over again (which hits malicious emblem everytime they heal) so I could hit them more...

    So yeah...if I show I can stomp a team at my current rank, the game sees that as reason to KEEP me at said rank so I can stomp the next teams too. Imagine if you get TOO many headshots as Widowmaker on Overwatch, so the game wont get you out of Bronze because the people you play against cant leave spawn without dying. The Widowmaker that is shooting ppl 5 times as much as you though, because they're just nailing bodyshots that get healed up right away...THATS the top rank player potential...

  • bgbomb
    bgbomb Member Posts: 434

    How about no?

    Why should killer got punish by match with higher rank survivor for survivor are way more easy to pip than killer?

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,309

    The point was that the entire DBD community would end up being in red ranks, making matchmaking for anyone coming into the game ridiculous with queue times taking forever. A matchmaking system simply doesnt work if EVERYONE is the same rank, and the current matchmaking system mkes it too easy to pip and safety pip vs depip. If you play 10 games, even if they're on average with you winning 5 and you losing 5...You're still more likely to have gained more pips overall.

    The new rank reset limits the amount your rank will fluctuate at the end of the month to AT MOST 4 ranks, which is too easy to gain back within a month, even for ppl who play the game casually during that month. This'll simply cause everyone to be the same rank, making matching ppl up by rank completely pointless.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    The new ranking system isn't the only thing that causes long queue times. At least on PS4 (where I am playing), there is a general lack of people playing killer. Doesn't matter which rank you play killer or survivor on, you have instant killer lobbies and to wait as survivor.

    Even now with the double bp event, killer lobbies are still instant, which is super unusal. (With 2x bp events, a lot more players used to play killer in order to benefit more from the increased bp. In the past, bp events meant longer killer queues.)

  • JawsIsTheNextKiller
    JawsIsTheNextKiller Member Posts: 3,360

    On PS4, it seems to be quick lobbies for low rank killer and high rank survivor. Slow lobbies for high rank killer and low rank survivor.

    Could it be that most survivors are purple/red rank and most killers are at green/yellow rank causing the disparity?

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    It's also instant lobbies for high rank killers on PS4 EU. As I said, it's not relevant whether you play high rank or mid rank, it's a general killer/survivor thing, at least on the platform where I play.

    Are you playing on PS4 NA?

  • kreeper124
    kreeper124 Member Posts: 492

    I'd much prefer the old rank reset come back. The way it is now, once you're in red ranks you're stuck there, unless you stop playing for a couple months. If the emblem system was fixed then sure this would work fine. But I'm a rank 4 surv and I feel like I should be rank 10 at most since I suck at chases

  • B3llee
    B3llee Member Posts: 26

    That might also be the reason combined with the rank system and emblem system.