Decisive strike wouldn't be an issue if this game wasnt so momentum heavy.

*disclaimer i play like 90% survivor lol but its good to know both sides*
Decisive strike is an issue for most killers since it punishes them for being efficient. A killer can hook survivor A, go and do a whole chase with survivor B, hook survivor B, come back to survivor A, do a whole chase with survivor A, then get decisive striked. It really hurts killer momentum for this to happen especially since it's an easy way to keep pressure up in a very strict time management game, but I do think survivors need a perk like this in existence just for breathing room and to stop them from losing all 3 hook states in 1 minute.
But killers wouldn't need to play like this if the game wasn't such a race to get their first hook and give survivors another objective besides gens. The game is decided early on by how fast the killer can get their first hook or by how many gens the survivors can pop before the first hook. In 80 secs of the game starting, a killer can lose 3 gens. Whether it be for the killer badly patrolling or the survivor just having an extended chase, its pretty detrimental to the killer for the rest of the game, and 9/10 the killer will try to tunnel cause it's the only way to keep pressure on the survivors up.
So here is one solution, all survivors will have 50% (number can be tweaked) repair speed at the beginning of the game until the killer gets their first hook, which then the gens return to normal speed.
Identity V (the other mobile dbd like game with the cute tim burton graphics) has a game mechanic where all gens are at 50% speed for the first 3 minutes of the game.
Well I personally cant chase a person, down them, hook them and go back to a person that was previously hooked, down them and pick them within 1 minute. But hey, if you are that good you can just swallow the ds and down the person lile 5 seconds later
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Usually happens when the survivor is stupid and runs into you or runs to an empty area, but you as the killer get punished for their stupidity/mistake.
Totally fair (if you play nothing but survivor and are bias af)
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Try waiting a few more seconds :)
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The devs need to put deactivate conditions on DS.
Repairing a gen, unhooking a survivor, or getting fully healed yourself should deactivate DS.
I'm on the fence about locker plays.
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How many more is a few? 5? 10? How many seconds until 60 seconds from them being unhooked is up? Do I need to run MYC or use a stop watch every match just to know?
I've been hit by DS when they had maybe one or two seconds left on the clock, losing all my momentum for it. After chasing/hooking other survivors, I'm focused on other stuff, not counting down the seconds in my head to realize that the person I see healing a few feet away still has DS up. There are four survivors, I can't keep track of when each one was hooked/unhooked. And if there are multiple survivors using the same character, I'm completely screwed on that, which is why I so often ditch lobbies with duplicates.
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Or, or...
stop tunneling.
You don't see me getting mad about getting hit with DS, because when I do get hit by it...guess what? i tunneled them.
wow. a perk. that counters tunneling. who woulda thought a perk like that would exist in a game like this.
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People still saying this in 2020.
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It does more than counter tunneling. It gives survivors a 60 second window to make reckless plays.
Devs need to put deactivate conditions on DS so it can't be abused.
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What if you're being tunnelled and the random survivors pop a gen?
Now you're being tunnelled and DS is useless
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You yourself would have to touch the gen. If you don't touch the gen then DS doesn't deactivate.
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Ah ok.
I personally find DS fine the way it is. The pressure can be high during some games especially solo queue, survivors need something to give themselves some breathing room.
Of course DS is stronger in the hands of an optimal survivor but nerfing it cause of the optimal survivors will just hurt less optimal survivors more.
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No, the devs do need to nerf it.
Survivors with DS are abusing the power.
It will still do its job mind you. Some survivors use DS to cover themselves while they heal. In cases like that, DS will still be quite good. They just won't be able to make reckless plays.
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It’s literally been 2020 for 5 days, chill.
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Just slug though. Even if the exit gates are opened and they have DS, just slug them. It's not like they are still invincible and can crawl out or anything. /s
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I'm not gonna try and start an argument here as I see how vicious they can get when it comes to this topic.
I'll just say we have our own opinions and leave it there.
I personally don't run DS unless I face a consecutive amount of games when I'm being tunnelled, then I put it on for the chance I might get tunnelled.
You think it should be changed and I think it's fine.
Hope to discuss other pressing issues in the game with you in the future :)
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I'm not one of those people who becomes vicious during an argument. I know how to stay on topic and not let emotions get in the way.
Just to reiterate though: DS is 100% not fine. Working on a gen or rescuing someone on a hook is not getting tunneled. That's why I say the perk needs deactivation conditions.
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I'd be down for deactivation conditions as long as DS's timer pauses when the survivor is on the ground to compensate.
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Why would the timer need to be paused?
Either you use the 60 second timer to heal yourself or you can choose to work on the team objective, in which case DS will deactivate.
The whole purpose of DS is to prevent the killer from immediately coming back to the hook and downing the survivor who just got rescued.
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I would be fine with that. In return, if they are grabbed during a hook save, out of a locker, or in out of a trap that they stepped in their own damn self, they don't get to DS.
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The timer should be paused cause of scenarios like this.
An injured survivor farms you, they go down, you're stuck in an area with no pallets or windows, you go down too. The survivor who farmed you gets hooked and the other 2 are doing gens on the other side of the map. The killer can now just watch you for 60 seconds and place you on another hook.
This is how DS can be screwed over due to a teammate sometimes, the perk should always be in control of the survivor who has the perk and the killer to try and counteract it. The survivor's teammates should have no control over their perk
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I'd be down. I only use lockers to be an ######### to the killer if they're being an ######### to begin with.
Never bite off more than you can chew
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Then run anti slug perks. Or crawl away and hope that one of your teammates is brave enough to pick you up.
Aside from that, there's not much else you can do. There are many ways in which your teammates can screw you over. And that one specific scenario you mentioned doesn't warrant a timer pause.
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Or alternatively, you can wait before pressing spacebar.
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Maybe people who have ds active should have some kind of aura when they are down or in a locker?
So you don't need to keep a timer
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My honest opinion, keep it as it is but allow Enduring to shave off the stun timer.
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Doesn't solve the problem of being immune for 60 seconds no matter what.
Doesn't stop it being used against the killer to prevent downs or getting easy hook saves with ds/bt combo.
It needs to be turned off if you are saved from a hook and someone else is put on a hook, simple.
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The drivel is unbelievable.
Ok, reasonable scenario. You get unhooked, killer starts to make their way back. You pop onto a gen because you have injury perks on. You lose DS, but the killer comes round the corner and re downs you in 30 seconds? Yeah, no. Try again
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So what if a survivor uses his DS aggressively? He is running the perk, he can use it how he wants.
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Don't get on the gen while injured or move somewhere safe.
Is it really that hard?
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Yes, if the killer is coming back to the hook anyway.
Use the brain before commenting
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This idea isn't happening, because thisbis what killers will do.
They will camp, down the rescuer, which can happen at the hook. Hook them then go find the survivor that's been unhooked and completely vulnerable.
Or, some other camping kills tactic not far removed from the above scenario. In all, rewarding camping AND tunnelling.
It's not happening. If you're such a great killer, you can chase and down another survivor, then find the other one, chase and down them all in under 60seconds, then being hot with DS means nothing
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Honestly, the way I've seen a lot of killers play lately, DS is almost required. That comes from a mostly solo queue experience. I would love to run meme builds and have a good time, but knowing that my first hook could be the end of my gaming experience encourages me not to.
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I think if DS were to have no time limit but to deactivate if another survivor gets hooked and/or once the endgame collapse starts that may work. So then the perk would literally punish tunneling and not killers who play nice but are punished for doing so. It could still be a good perk but would probably fall out of the meta, and perks like we'll make it and second wind might be used more.
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Perhaps DS doesn't work anymore if it was a safe rescue? Doesn't seem they should still need it at that point.
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You can't just say "you don't see me complaining" in a scenerio where you're in a very small minority who don't think it needs to be fixed, when you can get 2 after someone is unhooked and still eat a ds without slugging the person off hook there is an issue. DS isn't used as an anti tunneling perk it's used as a perk that lets survivors do whatever they want for 60 seconds or you get punished for "tunneling" when they block your path from chasing the unhooker. The problem is that people abuse the perk in it's current form because it's literal invincibility from being hooked. I think it's a great idea for a perk change in theory but it doesn't work when put into action and that's why 90% of killers think it's unfair and just because you don't think it needs a change doesn't mean other people's opinions don't matter.
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Okay but, you can down them again in like 10 seconds
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IMO, if your working on a gen, cleansing a totem, unhooking a teammate, ect...Your not being tunneled. Ive had cases where I'd have ppl instasave as soon as I hook someone, so I down them and let the freshly unhooked guy go...and still got DSed because I didnt run a stopwatch to know that the Bill who threw himself infront of me got unhooked 59 seconds ago. Sorry for tunneling you Bill...the guy who followed me.
If you trying to get away from the hook and recover or get to a stronger area...sure, it can be a good tool to give yourself room to do that. BT is in a similar boat where it gives you enough room to get to a better position but doesnt have a crazy time on it, not does it stop killers from grabbing you if you decide to try unhooking a teammate infront of them.
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This could work to a point, but I'd also add in being disabled once said survivor starts working on an objective. Being completely safe to work on gens as long as you were the last person hooked, no matter how long ago that was... can be kinda busted.
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That would make ds totally useless. Especially killers like spirit and billy can quickly come back to the hook after leaving and down you again, it's not a unsafe rescue in that situation.
Post edited by arslaN on1 -
DS is absolutely fine the way it is. Just slug them or eat the DS, I don’t get why ppl act like getting DSd ruins their whole game. It’s just 5 seconds. When I play killer and someone jumps in a locker I immediately open it and eat the DS. Means nothing to me and I know they won’t have DS anymore. Getting DSd is only terrible at end game. That’s when 5 seconds actually make a huge difference. I like the idea of gens being slower though. Gens should absolutely be slower for red ranks. I think gen speed is fine for other ranks though.
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What if the survivor doesn't have anti slug perks? What if the killer follows the survivor when they crawl away? What if your team dies and you don't have Unbreakable or Flip Flop?
The survivor deserves another chance. That's just my opinion
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I find these are good idea, and even think if DS is a built-in mechanic with these conditions (full heal, heal other, fix gen, unhook ect; and active after both unhooked) that will get rid of tunneling.
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If it wasn’t momentum heavy - killers couldn’t 4k... survivors couldn’t 4-man escape.
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If a survivor works on their objective and is found by the killer then that is their fault for making themselves a high priority target. If a survivor chooses to work on a gen in front of the killer then they cannot complain about being tunneled.
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What? Survivors aren't supposed to do objectives now? Do you know what context is?
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Ds already had a nerf which was better cause it made it more effective against tunneling and anyone can use it. If anything it could use a buff cause good killers just leave you on the ground after first hook anyways. Therefore if you're being tunneled DS timer should pause same way pig traps do. Tunneling is tunneling if camping and tunneling is all you can rely on to be a good killer than maybe you should play survivor if you cant handle that pressure
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Wait ds is a issue? Since when? Suck it up buttercup take the extra 10 second n down them again... I bet u want it how it was the old ds.... That was annoying lol..... Bring back old Freddy js
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Fully healed, start working on a gen, unhooking = ds deactivates.
This would also help to deal with no healing meta/genrush issue.
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What? Killers aren't supposed to do their objectives now? Do you know they are supposed to stop gens from being completed and kill survivors?
If a survivor works on the objective, they are NOT being tunneled so if the killer defends their objective why should they be punished?
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Why not? The game counted it as a safe unhook which means you were safely unhooked. If you were smart you wouldn't STILL be at the hook. I think after the game counts you as safely unhooked DS shouldn't work anymore as it was changed to be punishment for camping killers.