Upcoming Doctor rework

Are they gonna do a stream to talk about all the changes to him or do a ptb before the rework goes live?
They'll most likely have a ptb 2 weeks before release. My guess is the rework will come in the mid chapter patch, which may come late January to mid February.
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They will do a stream, then give everyone a PTB that has the Doctor nerfed preemptively, and then nerf him even further on full release.
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We might get the PTB this Tuesday like they did with Oni who too had no dev stream.
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Why do you think this is a nerf?
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They're saying they're going to find a way to give Doc a nerf when he hits PTB and then again when the changes go live.
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Because of what they spoke of previously. Which basically they're changing it to where he doesn't have a stance (I'm in favor of that) for a shock that is from my understanding his terror radius that has a 60 second cool down but is an instant madness tier up. His iridescent king add on won't give exhaustion anymore but instead will do a counter clockwise skill check. But they did say none of the changes they mentioned are finalized and that they may do other tweaks. Honestly, I'm kind of excited to see how the doctor will play out. He's not super weak, but more annoying like legion was in the past. I've actually been playing a bit of legion and not as bad as I would've assumed that it could've been. Definitely fun to play as.
TBH I think people always assume that the killer is getting nerfed...if you're honestly good at the killer, or have a good understanding how the powers work and how they interact, any one of them can be viable. I don't want to see easy mode killers, I enjoy playing killer and enjoy a bit more skill while playing them.