Decisive strike wouldn't be an issue if this game wasnt so momentum heavy.

*disclaimer i play like 90% survivor lol but its good to know both sides*

Decisive strike is an issue for most killers since it punishes them for being efficient. A killer can hook survivor A, go and do a whole chase with survivor B, hook survivor B, come back to survivor A, do a whole chase with survivor A, then get decisive striked. It really hurts killer momentum for this to happen especially since it's an easy way to keep pressure up in a very strict time management game, but I do think survivors need a perk like this in existence just for breathing room and to stop them from losing all 3 hook states in 1 minute.

But killers wouldn't need to play like this if the game wasn't such a race to get their first hook and give survivors another objective besides gens. The game is decided early on by how fast the killer can get their first hook or by how many gens the survivors can pop before the first hook. In 80 secs of the game starting, a killer can lose 3 gens. Whether it be for the killer badly patrolling or the survivor just having an extended chase, its pretty detrimental to the killer for the rest of the game, and 9/10 the killer will try to tunnel cause it's the only way to keep pressure on the survivors up.

So here is one solution, all survivors will have 50% (number can be tweaked) repair speed at the beginning of the game until the killer gets their first hook, which then the gens return to normal speed.

Identity V (the other mobile dbd like game with the cute tim burton graphics) has a game mechanic where all gens are at 50% speed for the first 3 minutes of the game.


