New Perk Idea: Survivor's Blood Warden

A survivor version of The Nightmare's Blood Warden Perk:

"As soon as the Exit Gate is opened, Survivor's Blood Warden is activated. The Auras of any Survivors located within Exit Gate areas are revealed to all other survivors.

Once per Trial, entering an Exit Gate area while using this perk blocks the Exit to the killer for 5/10/15 seconds."

The time the Exit Gate is blocked is significantly less than the original Blood Warden perk (30/40/60 seconds), and works only on the one gate the survivor is in. This could be used to give you a chance to heal, or used as a strategy to help a crawling survivor get to safety. Discuss below


  • Saitamfed
    Saitamfed Member Posts: 1,623

    I think the perk encourages behaviours like t-bagging. Don't missunderstand me, the idea might be good but with how toxic the community is... it would be used to annoy a lot of killers.

  • Zumz
    Zumz Member Posts: 67

    It sounds a bit toxic, honestly, but doesn't actually seem that bad? You should have to do something though. Like unhook a person for this perk to activate. It shouldn't be able to stack. Personal opinion, though.

  • immortalls96
    immortalls96 Member Posts: 4,652 stated its be used to bm...killers already have little end game power..lessening it doesnt seem like the right move in the current game state

  • lacirmosaangel
    lacirmosaangel Member Posts: 17

    Yeah, no. If a survivor is in the exit area, why do they need to block the gate for the killer? Unless you're the type to sit there and t-bag in the exit gates.

    If you're there, just gtfo already and don't waste time. Survivors don't need any extra end game/second chances, they have more than enough as is.