You're joking right?

"very useful in the late game"- It's a Hex totem they don't last more than 30 seconds, what "late game" are you talking about please come back to Earth. Survivors get all the second chance perks in the world but we can't have a perk that let's us find and (quickly) down someone before a gen gets popped by 2 guys who spawned on that gen. I'm not gonna lie there isn't much that would make me leave this game, this is one of the few things that would. Godspeed to any 115% killer without a mobility tool on the many gigantic maps that plague this game. Here's an idea maybe buff the weaker side of the killer roster before nerfing a perk they rely on because they're stuck without a mobility tool to properly gen patrol at the beginning of the game.
This perk is actually worthless and I'll explain why, this perk will no longer stop gens from popping before the killer even has a hope of starting a snowball (especially on the Omega corn maps), this totem won't last longer than a minute meaning there will never be any "very useful in the late game". The only people who say this perk will be useful late game are either lying through their teeth or complete morons, run Huntress lullaby and you tell me how long that lasts before you drop the perk entirely (There's a reason nobody generally runs that perk).
Further proof that if a small group of survivors cries enough about one thing long enough BVHR will listen, but by God us killers (and survivors, I strive to get rank one in both every month at least) want weak killers like Clown, Bubba, and Legion buffed nothing EVER gets done. Patch 2.7.0, you reworked Legion about 8 months ago and you still haven't finished polishing him, half of his addons are completely useless but don't worry guys we're nerfing Ruin.
If Ruin does get changed like that (before the weaker killers are buffed to what they should be) I will be leaving this game and I know others will too. Can't wait for the "wait and see" losers to come around and tell me nerfing the most useful killer perk in the game with an easy counter is good for the health of the game. Yeah wait and watch useful things for killer get completely obliterated meanwhile sound for killers has been a trainwreck for over a month and you still haven't fixed that yet. Basement bug gets fixed in days and people who abused it are banned meanwhile Wake Up wasn't fixed for weeks and nobody who used it was banned even though it was completely obvious they're running it just to abuse it, because otherwise wake up is completely useless. The only time at rank one I've ever seen it ran was when it was bugged but at the same time double mend Legion abusers were banned. Really makes you think where the devs lean.
Nobody cares if you leave the game.
80%+ of players using the perk, just as Self Care did. It needed to be nerfed, sorry to bring you back to reality.
17 -
I'm sorry but you have to be the most delusional survivor main to defend this change lol.
52 -
Yeah why did it need to be nerfed, because it slowed the game down for 30 seconds? That's about how long it always lasts because totem spawns are garbage. There's a difference between nerfing a perk that can heal you about as fast as getting healed by another person and made medkits almost irrelevant if you ran the perk and nerfing a perk that lasts 30 seconds and you're left with 3 perks the rest of the game (which as weak as ruin will be will still be plagued with the same problem). You're delusional bud
19 -
How about feedback in Legion in last time? Answer: meaningless
This time will be the same.
15 -
Why would you care about this change if it only lasts for 30 seconds anyway?
1 -
Because that 30 seconds gave you time to try get the ball rolling without worrying too much about gens flying.
12 -
Then use corrupt intervention, gives you alot more than 30 seconds.
0 -
28 -
Corrupt doesn't stop people from walking 20 feet to the next gen and getting to work immediately. So by the time it runs out you'll still have decent progress on other gens and now those three gens are open. Ruin stopped people from doing gens almost entirely with usually only one person working through it. As short as it lasts it did corrupts job much better
6 -
this man REALLY just said "it needed to be nerfed"
13 -
Well duh, of course. He was no argument to actually nerf it considering it only lasts 30 seconds anyways. His best counter was "Just use corrupt"
5 -
If it doesn’t last more than 30 seconds, why #########? It’s technically useless then.
0 -
It needed a reowork imo because it would just stomp on the new players trying to play the game and barely affected the actual good survivors that would "gen rush".
0 -
1 -
I'm a survivor main, only play killer occasionally for fun (I love Michael) and dailies, but I think this ruin change sounds awful. The argument seems to be it will be useful late game. Devs need to watch some matches and see how long ruin lasts til the end of matches, because it is rare.
Ruin was never great anyway, but it helped killers get a start. Especially ones like Trapper, Hag, Michael who need the early game to power up.
19 -
As I said, I'll take 30 seconds of people running around looking for a totem rather than have the same people just sit at a gen. Btw if it was useless they wouldn't be nerfing it, would they
7 -
just use corrupt? nah, my friend... use noed, bloodwarden, remember me, and stbfl....
7 -
New players needed to experience ruin if they wanted to be better.
Taught them to get better at skillchecks and hell if they wanted to get better at the game and rank up they're gonna experience a lot more ruin.
10 -
I’m not sure how many games I’ve played, but all 4 survivors are not running around looking for the totem. As a survivor and as a killer.
2 -
Not all 4, usually one or two people will just power through it while 2-3 people instead look for the totem. It's a great perk because it slows down early game progress while putting others who are looking for the totem at risk rather then just sitting at a gen like everyone will now.
3 -
DBD already has a pretty difficult learning curve, not allowing gens to progress because they don't have 100's of hours and can't hit greats isn't needed on top of that. Relying on a survivor not being able to hit great skillchecks is a pretty mind numbing strategy anyways.
1 -
then find the totem?? bruh
6 -
2 perks HARD counter Ruin (Small Game and Detective's Hunch) and 1 (Stake Out) soft counters it. Not only that, but its easy to hit great skill checks, even on PS4.
On top of ALL that, you usually spawn on top of Ruin so it lasts a good 20 seconds. So this nerf is 100% uncalled for.
16 -
Well, I mostly play killer and i don’t care about this. I stopped using it a week ago or so anyways. It’s not that big of a deal. The problem with this community, survivors and killers, is everyone expects to win EVERY SINGLE GAME.
0 -
WHY did 80+% players use it?
9 -
Nobody cares?
Likes those nurse mains who dropped the game now, those players who bought oni and got immediately disappointed with a nerf, every solo Q survivors who gets pissed about the current state in red ranks and now ruin.
Like, don't think he is the only one who is leaving. Bhvr is doing a lot of bad and very questionable decisions lately. U really think he is the only one who leaves? It's in your own interest to keep players playing DbD.
12 -
So now it does nothing and is still a hex perk? Besides new players need to learn to hit skillchecks.
4 -
Usually, new players wouldn't know the totem spots either. Old ruin literally thrived on smacking down newer players the most and barely affecting the good players it's supposed to slow down.
I can pretty much hit all of my greats regardless, so I just see this change as healthier for maintaining getting and maintaining new players without frustrating them too much too quickly.
0 -
You're sure as sh-it going to care when killers stop playing killer. In case you haven't noticed, this game needs killers, otherwise it's not a game.
8 -
I'm soooo happy I didn't get attached to this perk 😂
3 -
imagine thinking this change i healthier for the game.
Good thing killers new to the game will get frustrated about the generators being done to fast
11 -
I think there will need to be a little more change to make the perk good, but I think it's taking the perk in a better direction than what it was.
1 -
Nah there won't, they never touch things after a nerf or a buff. Just what BVHR does
5 -
Survivor main here.
Yeah, this change is really bad. First, it does not remove the problem with totem placement, which makes this perk a lottery - just as before, only this time without even a good payout. Hex will either spawn in a good hidden location to be moderately-to-slightly useful in lategame, or it will be cleansed two minutes in. Second, if I understand the mechanics intended, it breaks regress-on-kick perks, making them useless. Third, it does absolutely nothing to actually slowdown gens, it actually worsens chasetime-to-gen ratio for killers and encourages survs to gang up on 'em.
There are many better alternatives to ruin/hexes rework. Examples:
- Keep random dull totem placement but make killers manually activate a hex on a dull totem of their choosing. That would slightly limit passive effectiveness of all hexes but at the same time allow killers to choose more advantageous locations to place them, while at the same time punishing careless killers activating hexes where survivors can see them - sort of the way Trapper works with his traps.
- Allow autorelighting of cleansed hexes on random standing dull totems and autorepair of clensed totems, with times of, say, 30 and 120 seconds.
And my favourite:
- Hex: Ruin blocks toolbox use on any gens while related hex totem is standing AND providing passive regression of 1 charge per any totem standing, with that doubling on kicked gen, even when hex totem is cleansed.
Choose any.
4 -
it shouldnt be a totem perk anymore
3 -
I don't want to even think of Freddy with that perk not being a totem lol
1 -
I care. If this change goes live, then 45% of the community will just stop playing the killer role = more longer queues for survivors.
12 -
I came to this thread for the entertainment value. Imagine people whining about changes before they even try them. Some things will never change.
And let's be honest, you're not whining because this gets destroyed in the first 30 seconds, you're actually whining because sometimes it isn't found late game anyways and sometimes never found or found too late. At least be honest why you're having a conniption.
0 -
Regardless of the bias clearly at play here, it's more detrimental to the game if killers leave than survivors. If one survivor leaves, only one needs to take its place and there are already a ton of survivors (hence the long queues). If a killer leaves, that means four more survivors have to wait for a game.
2 -
Wrong thread!
Post edited by GodDamn_Angela on0 -
3 -
Oh wow.
I posted this in the wrong thread. Sorry!
2 -
It's all good
3 -
You entitled survivor mains know no ######### shame!
2 -
It sure as hell didn't need to be nerfed. If you couldn't hit a tough skill check, then your option was to go find the totem, and cleanse it. Its a time sink that is required in red ranks in order for the Killer to not have to be balls serious if they want any kind of advancement.
80% of the games had ruin because 80% of the people wanted to have a sliver of enjoyment in the game. The other 20% comprise themselves of truly awesome players, hex haters, and masochists.
4 -
0 -
As a killer main with almost a 1000 hours, I can say that this nerf was justifiable but I do agree that this is a huge nerf to weaker killers whom I love to play. Now that the only thing balancing them out is gone I am really upset. Ruin was like a must have perk that everybody ran, there are a lot of other amazing perks to run. Please check out Otzdarva, he is the best killer in the game. He does not use ruin, he uses generaly underrated and good perks and makes them God tier.
2 -
Even killers with a lot of hours struggle with gens being done too fast. What hope does a poor newbie killer have? And it's not like new killers are all going up against inexperienced survivors who take ten minutes to do the first gen; matchmaking is fudged these days and new killers are going up against survivors way out of their league.
Considering that the tutorial for this game doesn't help new killers at all, and pressuring gens rather than focusing on the first survivor you find is not intuitive, I am amazed this game gains and keeps new killers. I really, really am.
2 -
If it only lasted 30 seconds anyway it sounds like it's functionality won't be changed.
0 -
Why are you in a cell?