RIP Ruin
Just why?
All Generators are affected by Ruin; if a Generator is not being worked on, it regresses at [1/1.5/2] times the normal regression rate.
I think it is too op and too weak. Op. If the killer is hillbilly, the master of pressure, it will be to easy and boring. But if you are a trapper u will be genrushed in all games. It will makes ruin useless like me
17 -
Now we need the Devs to remove the exit doors...any minute now...😦
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I'm shocked they actually changed the perk came out of nowhere really
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Ruin was the only perk that slows down gen progression. Now killers don't have such a perk. Devs murdered most of the killers with this nerf, because the only killers that will be able to stop early game gen progression will be those with teleporting/fast travelling abilities. Top tier killers are still top tier, and low tier killers just got removed from competetive play.
37 -
Ruin is trash now ugh
16 -
Ruin was used to help prevent survivors from genrushing. The devs saw it was a "It's SO GOOD on killers it needs a nerf!"
In reality it's only used to help the Killers actually play the game with a chance imo.
Not a smart nerf- Almost like nerfing killers and buffing survivors in general.
26 -
People are going to start seeing a lot more corrupt intervention now I assume. Ruin stopped people from stacking on gens which ended up working in survivors' favor often, but it still slowed down all survivors effectively. New ruin now pressures...the survivor you just chased off a gen? While 3 survivors work unhindered still.
6 -
Just LUL... Twice the time of normal regression is still nothing.
Thanks for getting rid of Nurse´s pressure, instead of just reworking the stupid omega-blinks, nerfing Spirit, Freddy, Oni, and killing Legion finally, and special thanks for NO DAMN FOOTSTEPS for the last 1,5 months.
And now killing ruin. Probs.....
Looking at the time ruin lasts, it´s just funny to read that this crap version of ruin should be helpful during endgame. Survivors (and yes, i play both sides equally, every season in red ranks) just give a BADWORD bout ruin. Game finished after 6 minutes, and yes, i hooked 6 times.
Just reading my way:
"We took a close look at the perk to identify what makes it so frustrating (for survivors) to play against. Three key issues were identified:
- Its punishment of new players or those who can't hit Great Skill Checks. Newer players trying to help veterans with generator repairs tend to make the situation worse rather than better.
How´s about just waste ur time and search the hex? So gens require no "skill" at all, i guess.
- The passive nature of the gameplay pressure it provides means that there is a huge amount of potential with very little effort or risk on behalf of The Killer.
Of course, keeping 4 survivors away from gens is so damn easy. But, here u have the next 12.000 m² map, have fun running ´round the map....
Really, what the ######### r u smoking? Do u play ur game at red ranks? And i mean killer, not survivor, playing survivor at red ranks is chilled.
Post edited by MarksmanSpecal on21 -
remove the totem part of the perk, Devs clearly love survivors.
8 -
It's so bad. I play both sides equally and I personally have no problem with ruin. Why?
As a survivor: I don't think new players missing skillchecks is that big a deal. They run off anyways.
As killer: Your ruin is gone within 30 seconds anyway?? What's the actual point of nerfing it.
In conclusion: Dumb nerf, unnecessary, wasn't asked for.
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The funniest part is...
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This is an extreme rework. I don't know how to feel about it until I try it out.
I'm glad I removed ruin from my build long time ago...
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There's also Pop Goes The Weasel, Thanataphobia, Dying Light, and others to help you out. The new Ruin also helps slow things down by regressing generators, although you'll need to put in some effort to keep them off the generators. Whenever you hook a survivor, people have to make the choice between leaving the generator and having it regress or committing to the generator and risk getting pushed off (BBQ, for example)/the hooked survivor losing a hook state. I'd strongly suggest giving it a try, it's actually very good.
12 -
They said Ruin would now be stronger in late game. Since when is Ruin still up in late game? If Ruin actually lasted that long you'd have been better off just running Devour Hope.
The entire point was that it was good for slowing down the early game.
Ruins totally gone from the meta now, no one's gonna run this.
37 -
I'm stunned, Ruin is now almost a gimmick and they did nothing about Gen speed and/or overtuned Survivor staples.
This may be the darkest patch of DBD for higher ranks, many people will derank because nothing will stop Survivors from destroying gens will toolboxes before the Killer can ever reach them.
I also strongly doubt they even thought about the possible synergy with Surveillance and I think it won't work.
Soft nerf for Trapper btw lmao
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PGTW is good, Thana is awful, Dying Light is alright.
So I have to take 3 gen perks in order to have the same effect as Ruin and the game will still end faster.
29 -
I love how you guys just brushed over the fact that ruin is usually down really quick. So that "end game" usefullnes NONSENSE listed in those notes will only come to play in like 10% of matches with ruin. You also ironically encouraged gen rushing as there is that much more incentive to just finish off a gen already being worked on
When I read that 80% of red rank games have it I actually thought a better functioning version might be coming. Ever consider its this game HORRIBLE balance that forces killers to use a gen slowing perk that is normally REMOVED in 1 minute?
16 -
This is an atrocious nerf. Not only did they just hang, draw and quarter low and mid rank killers in high ranks. They act like double regression speed is worth giving a ######### about when thats still only 1 charge per TWO seconds compared to a charge per one second.
I usually try to see the positive in these changes but this is just trash.
Remove the hex totem reliance and it might be useable outside of babymode urban evasion rank 20
10 -
Exaclty, who the hell still has ruin after the first few hooks, if that against a remotely competent team?
The regressive skillchecks were there to let you get some pressure with a hook or two, destroy a couple of pallets and get the ball going before 3 gens popped.
6 -
Exactly, this is a COMPLETELY useless perk if its still a Hex Totem
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RIP to the rest of the red rank killers who decided to stay with this game
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Only a matter of time until they nerf BBQ & Chili too
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It's not still good, it's slightly weaker in exchange for what? Nothing, it's still going to be broken by RNG in the first like minute or seconds of each game at mid to high ranks.
Honestly, it's like you guys just wanted to actually avoid solving the actual problem.
Then you talk about how everyone is using it in most of their matches and indicate you very much think it's too strong and that this is intended to be a nerf, then try and claim it's not.
Listen, I want to be clear I have no problem with you nerfing ruin against lower ranks, and this does that job fairly well while being useful in higher ranks too a little bit. Here is the problem though, it's still going to be gone in like seconds a lot of the time which was the problem with Ruin on the killer's side. You should make it not be visibly activated until after like some gens are done or something at least, so if they decide to break all the totems that still gives you some time.
This is bothers me because people were VERY clear to you about what the problems actually were, and you ignored them entirely to do what no one asked for.
17 -
I don't understand why gatekeeper was given as a reason for the nerf. No one used ruin to help with their gatekeeper emblem. Ruin is used because if you don't have it, after your first chase is done because you have to fight broken maps, 3 gens are pretty much done. 3 gens done and 1 hook, and a killer simply cannot recover from that level of a loss in most cases.
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Tbh it shouldn't even be a hex perk now, it isn't good enough.
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I’ll just use corrupt Intervention instead.
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Basically, if people are going to use ruin, they're going to want to use Thrilling Tremors, or surge with it. But at this point, why even bother? If anything, this will make killers want to slug more. Keeps people off gens when you slug. Did Ruin need a change, sure. But this is basically butchering the perk. And it's STILL a totem. I believe Huntress lullaby got stronger. Omegalul
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Sounds awful. Ruin needed a small buff, not this.
And why would you think ruin becomes useful later? It normally doesn't last for more than 2 minutes.
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Cool lmk how it goes when the final gens are left and you have to cover 3 gens spread across the map.
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Ruin was nowhere near a good perk to begin with. Hopefully some players will now understand this and just get better instead of relying on something inconsistent as ruin. Also its is right that its just frustrating for new players.
1 -
Overall I don't hate the change, but with the only early game slowdown perk gone, I fear that every match will have 3 gens done after the 1st chase.
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I don't use ruin on trapper, not really a soft nerf for him.
I can't speak for everyone but, I think most trapper mains would agree that corrupt intervention is better on him than ruin anyway 🤷♂️
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No. Just no. A killer without ruin will see 2 gens pop at the same time at the very start of the game if he was unlucky enough to walk into the wrong direction. Unable to protect gens in time. Maps are big, toolboxes many and genspeeds are laughable. Before unhooking someone I equip kindred, notice someone heading to the hook and keep doing my gen without sweating about it. And if I don't use kindred and play with SWF the communication will help sorting this out. The only killers kinda able to deal with this nerf are Hillbilly and Spirit. Because since Nurse got nerfed I barely see her anymore, so no clue if she still got it in her to do so.
Please BHVR, this is NOT the right way to handle the problem which symptom is ruin. Don't cure the symptoms, cure the actual problem!
25 -
Well, at least legion might be more often used now!
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Ok, so:
Pop Goes The Weasel is a perk that can be effectively used in during midgame and lategame. Ruin was something that helped killers in early game, now it helps in midgame and lategame just like PGTW (if the totem survives that long). Thanatophobia and Dying Light are both perks that just don't work well. Thanathophobia is easily countered and Dying Light needs too much time to actually to pay out for obssesion's altruistic action speed.
Now the only killers that will be able to use effectively Ruin will be those that have high map pressure, like Freddy, Nurse or Hillbilly. Killers like Clown or Myers will have no use of Ruin, and that's not bad, not every killer has to make use of certain perk. The problem is all other perks that slow down the game do not work in early game (maybe expect Corrupt Intervention, with which new Ruin could be used to make it easier to put pressure on survivors, but requires 2 perk slots for some early game advantage).
In conclusion, many killers are left without a tool that could help them with early game pressure, especially those without any travelling abilities. New Ruin has potential for some interesting builds and synergies, but I don't think it will see too much play because it is a hex totem, it doesn't have effect in earlygame and because of PGTW doing the same job better,
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It works for me 🤷🏼♂️
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leaving the "gen" would only apply if the survivors didnt last so long on the hook. by the time the killer gets a hook the gens are alrdy half way done and by the time the hooked survivor gets the the second stage then that gen would alrdy be done.
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I think it is too useless now. Either make it a normal perk in its new state (no longer a hex perk) or encourage survivors to get it cleansed asap like the other hex perks. I think BHVR went too far with the nerf.
3 -
I am one of the people who relies on ruin, but im down to try this change
I expect a lot of complaints once it's up and running tho because most people won't find it useful, especially lower levels where killers spend a lot of time chasing one person and used to rely on ruin to not get gen rushed, but it will probably work better for red rank killers.
1 -
So instead of identifying the reason why 80% of killers run it, they choose to nerf it because new players cant hit great skill checks? And on top of that its still a hex perk. Im speechless. They dont even understand the concept hex perks anymore. Its high risk high reward. Now its high risk almost no reward.
12 -
I think that new ruin with Hillbilly will be OP. Can't wait to try it.
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100% of ALL red ranks will be like 3-4 minutes while killer will be trying to somehow stop surv to genrush him.
Thanks devs.
(killer mains opininon doesnt mater :c )
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The argument of ruin being effective in late game sounds rather redundant. Ruin rarely last til late game.
7 -
Wait a minute, for hex: ruin doesnt the description literally make it useless at rank one, games regress at 1 times normal.rate? Or am i missing something. Besides of course ( KiLlErS ArE 2 Ez PlS NurF)
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Is anybody actually really surprised? This has been BHVR's "design phylosophy" since 2016, when it comes to Killers and Killer perks. Instead of giving us new options to play, they keep narrowing the few we already have.
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None of those perks will stop 3 gens being popped before you down one survivor.
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I love the fact that they use stats for red ranks then balance for ranks 15-20, even if the stats they use are partial and only serve to justify their needs in making the game easier once again for the survivor. If this patch goes through as is, this game will be dead before year's end.