These New Buff And Nerfs Are Not Gonna Work Out...

You are all wanting perks and killers to be buffed or nerfed but honestly I think this isn't gonna work without the maps this game needs...
Before doing Characters I think we should do maps cause if the killers or perks are still good there then why change them...
But yeah I understand perks like up the ante is way to low to even call a perk but perks like Resilence work fine the way they do and Decisive Strike...
I don't see why most of these perks need a change I'm not saying buff sloopy butcher and Nerf slippy meat. I'm not sticking to just one side of this argument, there is always gonna be something new to fix till the game is completely fine...
For Now I say focus on maps instead of buff and Nerfs and see which direction we need to turn the most cause DC Penaltys are beginning to not work but it has something there that can last for a little while, I mean it distracts the Killer for a minute at least...
So what are the new buff and nerfs?
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I do agree that some maps need to get reworked, but I also enjoy perk changes. It insentivises playing around with new/different builds
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Shrinking the maps and looking at some window spawns would be a very good start.
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Only the devs are reworking maps while looking into perks and killers...
They’re reworking Lerys next.
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Honestly I agree. Either way no pvp game is ever balanced.
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What new buffs and nerfs?
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Shrinking maps would only benefit the killer. Big maps at least can cause problems for both. Killer has to walk longer and survivors have a harder time finding the generators
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I Can't think of all of them off the top of my head but recently hex: ruin a big perk has been nerfed to the point that the perk is pretty much unusable...
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Read the comment above for an example